View Full Version : What could be easier? (pics)

Dale Thompson
12-30-2005, 10:27 PM
Hi Folks,
I just thought that I would share a little Christmas cheer with you all in the civilized world. :) I was REALLY under the gun to finish this Lego/Duplo block table for Christmas! :eek: Instead of cutting my usual ten 2"x2" blanks for the turned legs, I cut only four! As luck would have it, I turned all four and never had even ONE "catch"! :eek: :) For me, that is like winning the lottery four times in a row! :D The credit goes to Santa! WHEW! He is GREAT!! ;) Even the threads on the legs turned out pretty good - at least for OAK.

My intent was to get some great pictures of my incredible skill but, unfortunately, there were some rugrats and a daughter who sort of got in the way of my plans. :) If I could have gotten those alien beings away from my "masterpiece" for just a few seconds, you would see the real quality of work that comprises the table. :( It's a "bummer" that I spent all that time and can't get a decent picture! :) ;)


Dale T.

Don Baer
12-30-2005, 10:31 PM
Cute kids. Too bad the've got such a crusty Crumegin for a Grampa...:D

Kwel Table too.

Bill Simmeth
12-30-2005, 10:37 PM
The 4th pic clearly shows how well your handiwork turned out and the fruits thereof! HTH,

Matt Crew
12-30-2005, 10:41 PM
Thats a neat table.
Was that your own design?
Big question is, does it help keep the legos from finding there way under bare feet? ;)

Dale Thompson
12-30-2005, 11:13 PM
Thats a neat table.
Was that your own design?
Big question is, does it help keep the legos from finding there way under bare feet? ;)

The table was pretty much my own design except that the top surface had to be made to accept two standard "mats". The mats are NOT cheap at about $25/mat. :( The dimensions of the mats are 32"x11.9". They have two real advantages, however:
-They are semi-rigid and allow you to "lock-in" the base blocks and build REALLY high towers that would not be possible if you were operating off of carpeting or even plywood.
-They are reversible and allow you to use either Legos or Duplo Blocks.

Sorry, Matt, they do NOT protect bare feet from Legos or other miscellaneous penetrators of "tender" feet. On the positive side, however, I am working with the Illinois Legislature to try to require Illinois folks to wear socks and, eventually, shoes. ;) :) I know that it will be a tough battle but I am one benevolent "Cheesehead"! :) :D


Dale T.

Karl Laustrup
12-31-2005, 7:42 AM
Well Pesh, I see the real boss seems to think you done good. :cool: :D

I'm, of course, referring to the one in pink, bellied up to the table. :D

Nice work, as we have come to expect from such a talent as yourself. :cool: :D

Happy New Year.

Of course that's presuming that you do get the new year up there. ;) :D


Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
12-31-2005, 8:41 AM
Looks like your masterpiece has passed the test of fire and will now be accepted by the tribe!!


Also cngrats on your 1000th post!

Do you win a prize or anything? :D

Cheers and Happy New Years!!

Peter Stahl
12-31-2005, 8:47 AM

Good looking table. Grand kids are cute, looks like you had a great Christmas. That's what it's all about family!

Dave Richards
12-31-2005, 8:51 AM
Very nice work there, Pesh. I'd better not let my bride see that. She'll be ordering me to make one. I'd rather let her think it was my idea. ;)

Shoes and sock in the Illinois legislature? Now there's an idea. Hmmm. if it works out we could do a movie. Pesh Goes to Springfield. It could work. :D

Jim Becker
12-31-2005, 11:31 AM
Dale, it looks like that table is a hit with the kids!! Wonderful work.

Frank Chaffee
12-31-2005, 2:41 PM
That is one beautiful table! The threaded legs are a really nice and unusual feature. Good work.

Those kids are very fortunate in many ways.


Dale Thompson
12-31-2005, 8:03 PM
Pesh Goes to Springfield. It could work. :D

I've already spent enough time in San Quentin. :o The were going to transfer me to Alcatraz but they closed it down because they KNEW that I would escape. :cool: Springfield would be a welcome change. :) :D

I would be RIGHT in my element! There are more crooks in our state capitols than ANY prison could ever hold - and they walk around free to spend their time picking our pockets. :mad:

Dave, with your help, Springfield HERE I COME!!! :) ;) :D By the way, I was a good friend and admirer of Mr. Lincoln - still am!

Dale T.

Dale Thompson
12-31-2005, 8:12 PM
Looks like your masterpiece has passed the test of fire and will now be accepted by the tribe!!


Also cngrats on your 1000th post!

Do you win a prize or anything? :D

Cheers and Happy New Years!!

Thank you and returns on the HAPPY NEW YEAR! :)

I didn't realize that I had hit the 1000 mark on posts. I heard from one of our "regional" mods that HE got a gold watch and a set of matching earrings! :) I hope that my watch arrives first! I just HATE to go out in public wearing dangling gold earrings without a matching watch! ;) :cool: :eek:

Dale T.

Matt Crew
12-31-2005, 8:32 PM
Sorry Dale, but after Ryan got done in in Springfield we can't afford shoes.
If you try to get that law passed Blagoiavich will find away to double tax our socks.

James Ayars
12-31-2005, 8:51 PM
A+ work, but it's sad that you don't like your grandkids.;)

Dale Thompson
12-31-2005, 9:03 PM
Happy New Year.

Of course that's presuming that you do get the new year up there. ;) :D


Thank you for all of your kind words and returns on the HAPPY NEW YEAR! :) I'm sure glad that you don't shop at Oak Express or my "secret" would be exposed. :eek:

We DO get the New Year up here but it is always a bit late. We are always busy "gathering" food and firewood (from my shop) so that we can survive the long Winter. :( We don't have the luxury of spending the entire year skimming down water slides and racing go-carts like SOME folks in our state.:) :D

Whatever, we hear that a New Year is about to dawn. As soon as that happens, we know that we will have to start preparing to enter the excitement of the 1920s! In about eight years, I will have some stock that I would be willing to sell you at a VERY low margin! :) ;)

Dale T.

Dale Thompson
12-31-2005, 9:23 PM
My WHOLE point of this post was to brag about the fact that I had turned FOUR spindles in a row without ending up in the emergency room. :D But NOOOO! You had to focus on the rugrats. :(

In my well-researched opinion, rugrats are good for only TWO things:

1) They get a LOT of toys during holidays and birthdays. :) I don't! :(
2) They go to bed early so I have time to play with the toys without their interference. :D

Item 2) is important! For example, the 2 1/2 year old got a plastic thing that uses lights and sound to teach you the alphabet and numbers!! :cool: After I sent him to bed early, I actually learned the entire alphabet up to the letter "G" and, if I didn't keep forgetting the number "7", I would have MASTERED "1" through "9". :cool: HEY MENSA!! Bring on that test of yours!! ;) :D


Dale T.