View Full Version : Thoughts on Supermax 19-38 Sander?

Thomas Colson
08-10-2020, 3:49 PM
I can't really find anything bad in any WW forum about the Supermax 19-38 Drum Sander, but when I look into more details about shipping cost, customer service, this is where things fall apart. At least in the last 6 months, two major online retailers include mostly very negative reviews that 100% relate to poor packaging of a 200 lb machine and even worse shipping damage, and poor customer service, which coincides with the 1000000000000% increase in online shopping and shipping in last 6 months. Local Woodcraft does NOT stock drum sanders. Anyone get a Supermax in last 6 months and it arrived in one piece?

Zachary Hoyt
08-10-2020, 3:57 PM
I got mine two years ago with no problems. It was truck shipped, i haven't heard if that industry is as overwhelmed as the parcel delivery people are in the current situation.

Andrew Seemann
08-10-2020, 4:19 PM
I got mine from Acme a few months ago. No complaints, everything was in good shape when it arrived. It is a nice sander. The head is heavy, you will need two people to mount it to the stand. Acme has free shipping on it, although it is out of stock. My guess is they are out of it at the factory or backed up in shipping, as Woodcraft and Rockler are backordered as well.

glenn bradley
08-10-2020, 6:38 PM
Thank goodness Andrew just got his recently. So often these requests get replies from folks like me that have had their machine much longer. I do not know why Laguna might change the packaging. Shipping damage is out of their hands and seems to vary widely by location. I live near the California coast so even things from the great beyond often arrive on the same truck that picked it up in my state.

Here's how mine came packed. Maybe Andrew could compare it to how his came . . .

438779 . 438778

Despite the knocked corner and a couple of small tears in the plastic everything inside was still well away from danger. Maybe it was good self defense to order the tables ;-)

Jim Becker
08-10-2020, 7:48 PM
I bought a very lightly used one last year and it's a very good machine. I'm totally pleased with it. (I did add the DRO since I primarily work in metric but need to switch back and forth, depending on certain client preferences) I can't comment on any shipping issues because the unit I bought pre-owned was already assembled.

Steve Wurster
08-10-2020, 9:56 PM
I bought one back in April from Acme tools (although I bought the extension tables from somewhere else due to them being cheaper and in stock). It was shipped in a similar style to Glenn's pictures, although it was just 3 boxes (since no tables). There was minor denting to the cardboard boxes in a few spots, but otherwise everything was fine. I'm very pleased with the unit, the stand, and the extension tables. Be warned: it is heavy!

Andrew Seemann
08-10-2020, 11:25 PM
Unfortunately I don't remember how it was on the truck, mostly because the first thing we did was to separate it into individual boxes so I could roll it up the driveway with a cart. I'm pretty sure it was secured to a pallet in some manner. I got smart with the 8" jointer I ordered after that, we slid it off the lift gate and on to the back of my pickup, so I could drive it up my steep driveway. I'm not sure if Acme ships it from there warehouse or if it ships direct from Supermax. They are both local to me, so it probably didn't make a difference in my case.

Acme offers free lift gate service with their free shipping. It is enough of a difference that it makes them competitive with Grizzly for Jet, Supermax, etc. for me.

Tom Willoughby
08-11-2020, 10:21 AM
I purchased the SuperMax 19-38 from Woodcraft in Omaha a few months ago to complete a kitchen cabinet remodel project. The packaging was good. The head is very heavy however.


Thomas Colson
08-11-2020, 10:28 AM
The thread I'm seeing here is order from Acme to get the LG service. Thanks!

Cliff Polubinsky
08-11-2020, 10:33 AM
By the way, if anyone needs tables (non folding) for the 19-38, I have a pair you can have for shipping cost.


ChrisA Edwards
08-11-2020, 12:01 PM
I bought my 19-38 about 5 years ago, picked it up directly at a Woodcraft. From what I can remember, is was well packaged.

I took delivery, about 8 months ago, via freight truck, of a Laguna 24-46 lathe and bed extension. Both were extremely well packaged.

I have been very satisfied with the performance of the 19-38. The only thing that didn't work well for me was the stand, it just didn't roll easily, well I should say it was tough to steer. It also didn't utilize the space to my satisfaction, so I fixed both problems by making my own stand.
