View Full Version : Hurricane Isaias??

Bruce Volden
08-04-2020, 7:32 PM
Saw the news tonight, looks like lots damage out that way.
Seen a clip from Bucks County---how you doing out there Jim Becker??


Bryan Lisowski
08-04-2020, 7:38 PM
We had heavy rain for a bit and a good dose of high winds in central NJ and lost power for 7 hours.

Keith Outten
08-05-2020, 8:33 AM
We are pretty busy cleaning up about 3 acres of yard and had half of one of our trees split at a crotch and landed partially on a black cherry tree and my barn roof. Got a crane coming this morning to help. Had three rows of corn laying flat on the ground so Jackie and I are working to harvest as much as we can. Got about 3 thousand black walnuts on the ground and almost as many gum balls to clean up. Pretty much a mess around here, it will take a couple more long days to get things back in order.

https://sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=438374&d=1596629884&thumb=1 (https://sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=438374&d=1596629884) https://sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=438381&d=1596630340&thumb=1 (https://sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=438381&d=1596630340)

Black Cherry turning blanks are coming soon...........

Steve Wurster
08-05-2020, 8:58 AM
I live in Bucks as well, a few miles from Jim Becker in fact. Hopefully he'll chime in on here with an update on his situation, whatever that might be.

Where I live our neighborhood lost power around 11:15 AM on Tuesday and it wasn't restored until 3:30 AM on Wednesday. We were able to transfer a bunch of refrigerated food over to my in-laws; they live in the same township and also lost power, but they have a generator while we do not. We'll be bringing that food back home today. We also got a little bit of water in the house, and I think that's due to a gutter and/or downspout being clogged with tree debris. Unfortunately that gutter is ~20 feet up and so I'm not about to attempt to clean that myself. I'll be sending out a message to my roofer to see if he can assess the situation.

My father-in-law was actually at the Doylestown Hospital in Bucks yesterday when a localized tornado touched down. Some cars were overturned and at least one building had part of the roof torn off. He was walking out of a building when it happened and the tornado broke a window in their car which was parked right out front. Thankfully nobody was in that car when it happened.

Jeff Ramsey
08-05-2020, 1:21 PM
A third of the residents in our township in Bucks don’t have power, and we probably won’t get power back until Sunday. We lost it during the storm when a tree on one of the small roads back to our house came down and snap the utility pole. Unfortunately, it’s a Verizon pole and not a PECO pole. Late last year we had another storm take two poplars down on the same road, and as they came down they took the power lines down and snapped six utility poles in a row. It took Verizon forever to replace the poles; we were out of power for four days. Even the PECO guys waiting for the poles to be replaced so they could repair the power lines were waiting in their trucks, and were very frustrated. Verizon shouldn’t own distribution poles, IMO (my gripe for today). Our generator will power my shop, and other “essentials”, but not the AC. At least it’s not 96 out.

Bruce Wrenn
08-05-2020, 4:34 PM
Here in central NC, had 3.5" of rain,and very little wind. In all of state, a total of three lost there lives, one in Wilmington, and two in a tornado in Bertie County (northeast corner of the state.) Tornado destroyed a mobile home park, only leaving a couple homes intact. As for Verizon owning poles. PECO chooses to rent space from Verizon. Had stand by generator hooked up and ready to go, but power didn't blink. As usual with any heavy rain, road flooded for a couple hours.

Jim Becker
08-05-2020, 5:22 PM
Saw the news tonight, looks like lots damage out that way.
Seen a clip from Bucks County---how you doing out there Jim Becker??

Where we are it's was just some very heavy rain for awhile with some wind and followed by a bit more wind. No power loss from the street, but we don't lose power anyway for more than about 15 seconds due to our whole house generator.

In Doylestown, however, as Steve mentioned...which is about 6 miles from our home...there was an "event". While I went to get our older daughter from her apartment to take her to work mid-afternoon. it was clear that this "whatever" packed a punch as along the highway, the tops of all the trees on either side were just "gone" and when I swing around after dropping her off, the path of the "whatever" took out the visitor bleachers on the football field at Central Bucks West HS, "redistributed" some of their track and field gear through a tree line to the other side of the street, took out a traffic light, tore part of the roof off the daycare at the hospital and aflipped a bunch of vehicles over in the hospital parking lot. Thankfully, the hospital itself wasn't damaged.

I'm guessing micro-burst, small 'nado or something similar. The scary thing about his is that we do not normally get tornado type things in our general area.

George Gibson
08-05-2020, 8:23 PM
It's was just light rain, nothing else.

Tom M King
08-05-2020, 8:27 PM
my response copied, and pasted from yesterday morning:

We took a direct hit, but got Very lucky. Our place is the highest hill around, and surrounded on three sides by water that any wind has a long fetch across. When it blows from those directions, the wind speed gets increased as it gets pushed up the terrain rise. Last night, the storm passed just to the East of us, so the wind was out of the North. That's the one direction we have protection from. We lost some trees in the stand of timber to the North of the house, but none to amount to anything. We don't even have limbs to pick up in the yard.

The point has been waiting for water, since I got finished planting grass. It's had a few small rains, but not enough to let it do much more than sprout. One good thing about Bermuda, it will wait for the water. The point is looking greener than it ever has. We had not quite 4 inches. There was some washing, but not really much.

Our electricity never blinked. Internet was out for a while, but is back now.

Conditions were pretty sporty at 5 A.M., but nothing like Fran, Floyd, and Isabel.

Brian Holcombe
08-06-2020, 8:03 AM
A lot of trees came down near me, causing power failures. We were down for about 24hrs. Gave me the much needed encouragement to finally clean the carb in the generator and get that back up and running. Only trouble eith having a generator is that if they do not get run often then they start to have issues. Running it for a day after cleaning the carb really brought it back into good order.

Jim Becker
08-06-2020, 9:51 AM
Brian, I think that's a major reason why our whole house generator runs weekly for 5 minutes on Wednesday afternoons...to insure it gets run regularly. I remember the portable I had previously was hard to start if it had been sitting for sure.

dennis thompson
08-06-2020, 11:15 AM
I live in Spring Lake NJ and most of the town is without power. JCP&L says power will be restored by AUG 11:mad:
I have a whole house generator , so we are not suffering, best $$$$ I ever spent.

Brian Holcombe
08-06-2020, 1:56 PM
Brian, I think that's a major reason why our whole house generator runs weekly for 5 minutes on Wednesday afternoons...to insure it gets run regularly. I remember the portable I had previously was hard to start if it had been sitting for sure.

I used to be really good about running mine often, but I've gotten pretty lazy about it. So, back to the regular scheduled maintenance.

Jim Becker
08-06-2020, 7:51 PM
Yea, I resemble that remark. I pretty much "never" ran the portable unit other than during two nearly week long hurricane events a number of years ago. I'm thankful that the permanently hooked up one has a mind of its own and exercises itself. :) Of course, it's also just sent me a reminder that it needs to be serviced. (oil change and new plugs) LOL

Bruce Wrenn
08-06-2020, 9:02 PM
A lot of trees came down near me, causing power failures. We were down for about 24hrs. Gave me the much needed encouragement to finally clean the carb in the generator and get that back up and running. Only trouble eith having a generator is that if they do not get run often then they start to have issues. Running it for a day after cleaning the carb really brought it back into good order.

Mechanic in a Bottle! Best "snake oil" out there. I've rescued small engines from dumpsters that would only run with choke on. Add Mechanic in a Bottle to gas as per directions, start engine in about five minutes have to back off choke. Helps soften needle seats, preventing leaks. With new carburetors costing less than $20 on Ebay, it's hard to justify cleaning an old one. Though we didn't need generator for this storm, first Sunday of the month is always generator test day. For some reason, unknown to me, Lincoln welder wouldn't put out 110 Sunday during test. Have to check that out next week. Our generators are the only small engines we run ethanol fuel in. Every three months, old fuel is drained, and run in truck. Fresh fuel with stabilizer is used to refill generator. I added quick connects from Bay Area Power Sports to fuel lines. Generators have pulse fuel pumps, which means via quick connect, I can drop a fuel pickup hose directly into gas can. No waiting for generator to cool down before refueling.

Brian Holcombe
08-07-2020, 11:48 AM
I like seafoam for that same purpose, but I may give that a try as well.