View Full Version : I dithered, struggled, and procrastinated but here , finally, is the Audio Rack

bill epstein
08-02-2020, 9:13 AM
Thanks to all for the advice I received since the Covid Isolation project began.

The ugly All-Thread and sickly yellow color of the maple are replaced with clear, (almost) clean maple and high contrast walnut legs. I really like the architectural detail of the legs at 45 degrees and the Jim Koepke suggestion of dowels that helped to locate as well as strengthen the dado joints.


Phil Mueller
08-02-2020, 10:09 AM
Bill, the “dithering” paid off nicely. Great looking shelf unit. Now that you have that under your belt, is there a nice stand for the speaker on your list?

David Publicover
08-02-2020, 11:09 AM
Great looking stand and awesome stereo! I’ve not had tubes in my system but there is no denying the coolness and the systems I have heard often sound sublime. Care to share the details of your setup for those of us that split our woodworking with an audio obsession?

Derek Cohen
08-02-2020, 12:40 PM
I love to see old vinyl equipment, Bill. Thanks for the memories.

You have mentioned the amps before. What is your turntable, and what cartridge are you using?

Would love to listen to a valve system. I still hanker after Quad electrostatics, but gave up purchasing equipment 35 years ago. Still have an old Musical Fidelity amp and B&W DM 7a speakers, and my 50 year old slightly modified Thorens TD150 with Rega arm and Supex SD900 cartridge.

Regards from Perth


bill epstein
08-02-2020, 12:58 PM
Care to share the details of your setup for those of us that split our woodworking with an audio obsession?

I'll be brief so that some of the others here may, in time, forgive you for asking :D

A VPI Traveler/Zyx Bloom does analog duty, a Schiit Modi, digital. All else is homebrew: Cinemag transformers feeding the Allen Wright style phono pre, down below a line stage with 76 tube inputs and 6SN7s, out. On the front wall between the 4 Pi speakers a pair of 60 Watt KT-88 mono blocks.

David Publicover
08-02-2020, 5:22 PM
Thanks Bill! Being a relatively new member I hope my transgression is overlooked lol!
I’m sure it sounds lovely and it must be very satisfying to have built the components.438173
Here’s an older picture of mine. I built the stand. Pro-Ject table with AT cartridge, Plinius integrated amp, PSB, Moon Phono, and Chord DAC (not pictured). My dog likes it.

bill epstein
08-02-2020, 6:59 PM
Love that cabinet. Barzilay never made anything that classic and pure.

David Publicover
08-02-2020, 10:05 PM
Thanks Bill. That’s very kind of you. Cheers!

mike stenson
08-02-2020, 11:05 PM
Very nice work both of you!

I don't mind either, especially as I need to make a new credenza to house our equipment :)

Will Blick
08-03-2020, 11:36 AM
love the contrasting woods...
Great piece!
thx for sharing

bill epstein
08-03-2020, 1:06 PM
I love to see old vinyl equipment, Bill. Thanks for the memories.

You have mentioned the amps before. What is your turntable, and what cartridge are you using?


VPI Traveler table, ZYX R-50 Bloom just returned from Soundsmith with a spiffier boron cantilever and more complex shaped diamond like the more expensive offerings in the ZYX line-up have. That's why I have no Lie Neilsen :D

Jim Koepke
08-03-2020, 1:35 PM
Bill, the “dithering” paid off nicely.

Have to agree, one of my employers told me about half a century ago, "sometimes stepping back and considering the options may be the best thing to do."

It also came out very nice. Thanks for letting us all know how this concluded.


David Eisenhauer
08-03-2020, 2:05 PM
Nice stand Bill, and nice work to get there. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to the "bricko block" speaker stand replacement project. We will not forget :).

bill epstein
08-03-2020, 3:45 PM
Have to agree, one of my employers told me about half a century ago, "sometimes stepping back and considering the options may be the best thing to do."

It also came out very nice. Thanks for letting us all know how this concluded.


I lost at least a month scratching my head over the glue-up, discarding and ordering better band clamps, building a fixture to hold the shelves that wouldn't be in the way. Then, I woke up one morning last week and looked in on it before going down for coffee, and WHAP!


Andrew Pitonyak
08-03-2020, 4:02 PM
OK, I am impressed.... and it looks even better with stuff on it, that too looks very nice.

Mike Allen1010
08-03-2020, 6:51 PM
Very nice Bill! I love the robust design/proportions and the contrasting wood and Dowel joinery. – Lots of airflow to keep those gorgeous tubes cool! Thanks also for explanation of your equipment. I have to imagine satisfaction of building your own electronics must be similar to that of woodworking?

Your post motivated me to put on the live version of "Hotel California" at window shaking levels – love the air and "audio soundstage" spacing of the instruments on that recording! P.m. to follow seeking your advice on turntable.

Best, Mike

Richard Hutchings
08-03-2020, 7:13 PM
You knocked it out of the park. I love the way you attached the walnut.