View Full Version : Still alive

george wilson
08-01-2020, 2:34 PM
I haven’t been posting on any forum for nearly two years. Somehow I just seem to have lost interest. I’m still alive though !

Anuj Prateek
08-01-2020, 2:46 PM
Stay safe and stay indoors!

for anyone who does not know:

Phil Mueller
08-01-2020, 3:04 PM
Was just thinking about you hoping you were ok. Thanks for checking in and glad all is well.

Carroll Courtney
08-01-2020, 3:16 PM
Think we all go through that mode,I know I have and kinda still in that mine set. Between what's going and just every day life,plus age in my case. But I still visit little off/on,I know I have read so many of your post.On this forum and others and you have a job that I would love to do if I had the knowledge you have.

Mike Henderson
08-01-2020, 3:35 PM
Hey George. Great to hear from you. I hope you're feeling well and enjoying life. I miss your contributions.


Andrew Pitonyak
08-01-2020, 3:43 PM
Your timing is perfect George, I was thinking about you recently. I always enjoy your posts. Thanks for the update.

Frederick Skelly
08-01-2020, 4:21 PM
Hi George! I've missed reading your posts and recently did a web search to see if you'd gone elsewhere. When nothing turned up, I was concerned something had happened. Very glad you are "still alive"

Mark Rainey
08-01-2020, 4:28 PM
Thanks for checking in George. I have enjoyed my past visits to Williamsburg and hope to get back there soon. Do you stop in the shop occasionally?

Andrew Hughes
08-01-2020, 5:30 PM
Hi George good to hear from you waving back at you from the west coast.
All is good here despite what the news says.

Bruce Page
08-01-2020, 5:59 PM
Great to hear from you George. Stay safe!

Mel Fulks
08-01-2020, 6:19 PM
George, you can even craft good news. Keep it up !

Jeff Bartley
08-01-2020, 9:38 PM
Good to hear George! I miss your contributions here.

Joe Rogers
08-02-2020, 9:53 AM
Glad to hear you are well George. I also hope to read some new posts when you decide to write.

michael langman
08-02-2020, 10:49 AM
What a pleasant surprise George! I have always enjoyed your posts here, and missed you these past few years.

Glad to hear all is as well as can be expected.:)

Keith Outten
08-02-2020, 11:11 AM

It's good to know that you are doing well and hopefully continuing to enjoy your retirement.
Visit more often if you can, your expertise is always appreciated here.

John K Jordan
08-02-2020, 11:12 AM
I haven’t been posting on any forum for nearly two years. Somehow I just seem to have lost interest. I’m still alive though !

Wonderful! I hadn't seen the interview but enjoyed it greatly.


Will Blick
08-02-2020, 11:17 AM
great to hear from you George... always enjoy your posts...
seems many of us can go through these loss of interest periods...
the motivation factor is a mystery in life, why some have it so strong, some it comes and goes, some loose it forever, how to get it back, what causes it, etc.
not a ww topic, but certainly a mystery@!

Jim Tobias
08-02-2020, 11:35 AM
Glad to hear from you George! When reading your posts I always felt that I was hearing from the background/wisdom of so much "hands on experience". Always made the read much more interesting. Drop back in on occasion as we need your voice.


Von Bickley
08-02-2020, 12:03 PM
Glad to hear that you are still alive and on top of the grass. Always enjoyed reading your posts.

Bruce Page
08-02-2020, 1:46 PM
For new members who don’t know George, go to his profile page and search out some of his work. It is craftsmanship it its highest level.

Patrick McCarthy
08-02-2020, 5:00 PM
George, good to hear from you. When last here i think you were just getting ready for or over knee replacement surgery. Hope you got your dancing shoes on again. Like others here have already stated, your contributions here were always enlightening and your craftsmanship second to none.

I have missed your presence.

If you are looking for interesting threads that took place while you were gone, i think the machinist and craftsman in you will like anything by Brian Holcombe, particularly his Maka 6 restoration and the stops, fence, etc he made for it. Ditto his stuff for the Omga miter saw.

Hope you stick around. Best, Patrick

Scott T Smith
08-02-2020, 9:05 PM

It's good to know that you are doing well and hopefully continuing to enjoy your retirement.
Visit more often if you can, your expertise is always appreciated here.

What Keith said.

I ALWAYS read your posts - irrespective of the topic. Glad that you're doing well.


David Eisenhauer
08-03-2020, 4:58 AM
Great to hear from you George. I understand about the interest level rising and falling, and no push on you to jump back in if it is not the time, but I think you can see that you have many, many friends that are glad to just hear you say hello. So hello back to you and the best of wishes for you and yours.

Chris Fournier
08-03-2020, 12:06 PM
I haven’t been posting on any forum for nearly two years. Somehow I just seem to have lost interest. I’m still alive though !

I was looking into your well being a couple of weeks ago George! Great to hear that you are alive and somehow existing without a virtual presence! I hope that you are still tackling interesting projects that give you satisfaction. To add to my Nichols I now have manual and CNC Bridgeports, life is busy but good! Hope to hear more from you.

Don Orr
08-06-2020, 8:02 PM
Good to hear from you George! Glad you are doing OK. Sure would like to have you stick around. You are an incredible wealth of knowledge and I always find your posts most interesting.

Dan Hahr
08-07-2020, 1:52 PM
Glad to hear from you again. You have been a great inspiration to me and many others here. I have learned a ton reading your contributions. Stay well and thanks for all the advice over the years!

Jebediah Eckert
08-08-2020, 4:57 PM
Glad to hear George, I wondered what you were doing. I never miss your posts.

Ernie Miller
08-10-2020, 12:14 AM
George - believe it or not, whenever I get into a similar funk I watch your four videos on harpsichord and violin making. I've always found them inspiring and still do. Glad you're doing well.