View Full Version : Working On My Photos - Some Small Turnings

Bill Stevener
12-29-2005, 11:59 PM
Played with the photo thing again today, just goofing around. I think the light reflection on the subject is about mastered, well for the most part anyway.

Took a look on the net and was surprised at the prices for the small turnings. Sure is a large gathering of folks that collect the 1/2 scale.
The cost return per board ft. is unbeliveable, and when your finished with a piece there's hardly any chips.

Just thought I would put these up and see what they look like.


Keith Burns
12-30-2005, 8:04 AM
They look great Bill:) Ya getting ready for the next contest or what?:D

Corey Hallagan
12-30-2005, 1:56 PM
Very cool! I love that little stuff!


Gary DeWitt
12-30-2005, 1:57 PM
Hey, Bill, nice pics. The one on the left appears to float, was it photographed on a piece of plex or glass?
One on the right is a bit dark, but I like the interesting light effect. Was that done in camera (four lights) or in your image program?

John Hart
12-30-2005, 3:25 PM
Great turnings - Great Pics Bill. You're really exercising your new toy! The usage of light has me impressed the most. Lots of ideas are being generated because of these two pics. Raising the bar. :)

Jim Becker
12-30-2005, 3:30 PM
It's always a good time to experiement with photo retouching and shooting...there is a lot to learn. Of the two shots, I would prefer the first because it clearly shows the piece and keeps the focus on the turning. That would be very important if your intention is to sell your work. Keep their eye on the art!

In the mean time...there are some very interesting effects and capablities to play with in just about any software package you might use. One of the things I want to learn is more detailed retouching to deal with hot spots and other things that for some reason can't be made to "go away" during the photographic process. I have a lot of respect for folks who really know what they are doing with this software!

Oh, on the small turning things, there are a lot of folks who actually prefer to collect smaller works, especially when they want work from well-known artists "affordably". There is a member of our local AAW chapter named Joe Seltzer who collects small work exclusively. (He generally turns small stuff, too) His collection is incredible...some things are as tiny as a small button or smaller up to a few inches. In addition to the "names" he tracks down, he's bought some really kewel work from a few folks on "that auction site".

Bill Stevener
12-30-2005, 4:03 PM
If one could only have a chip or a card like the one in the camera implanted, all of this computer and photo stuff would be a snap. Just so much to remember, but I guess like anything else, it all comes together in time. A lot of experimentation.

Both photos were taken on 1/4" plate glass, placed over the background material in a photo tent, using 3, 11" reflectors containing 1, 30w = 100w fluorescent bulb of 5000k ea.
With the aid of the imaging program I set the items in a 3D mode. The photo on the right came out darker when I added the 4 lights effect. I would have changed the lightning in photo, however the layer for the 3D was locked in. Something to remember for another time.

I have found, the hardest thing to accomplish, is to eliminate the highlights on the item being photographed, even though it's in a tent. The positioning of the lights very critical.

I kinda like the floting efect, lets the subject stand on it's own.


Bernie Weishapl
12-30-2005, 4:40 PM
Love the projects Bill. Photo's look excellent. I have a Kodak Digital that I take out the memory card insert it in the front of my computer and there they are. I can read 8 different cards. My computer has slots for them in front. They automatically download to my Kodak software.

Ernie Nyvall
12-30-2005, 5:28 PM
They look good Bill... pics and pots.


Mike Ramsey
12-30-2005, 8:01 PM
Yep, I concur with everyone! Good looking work & pics.