View Full Version : Next year's ornaments

Gary DeWitt
12-29-2005, 9:16 PM
Some of you are probably wondering if I would ever get around to turning something and getting a pic or two up here. Well, here they are.

Andy, you'll recognize the "segmented" one. It's about 7" long, paduk and cherry body with walnut finial. There is a piece of purpleheart in the center as well, hard to see.

The other one was turned wet from a friends' olive wood, I got most of the tree. Also about 7" long, finials are of an unknown but very hard, dark reddish brown wood. The little lidless "box" was a leftover scrap from the ornament, I just didn't want to toss it. I also wanted to see how a box would turn from green wood. Like butter! Of course, my basement smells like Italian food, perhaps olive oil, heh heh.

Both ornaments bodies were hollowed to lighten them up, the top finials have a tennon, but the bottom pieces have a mortise to recieve the tennon on the body.

Ernie Nyvall
12-29-2005, 9:41 PM
Very nice Gary. I really like the olive wood one.


John Hart
12-29-2005, 9:47 PM
Beautiful Pieces! I was wondering when you would start posting pics....I guess you decided to do it with a bang. Nice work. Yes...That olive wood is gorgeous!!

Pat Salter
12-29-2005, 10:57 PM
Nice! both of them, and the little box too. (you can keep you earnings from turning in that)

All the ornaments I had made and didn't sell are now "Nest year's ornaments"!

Any idea what you're going to sell them for?

Bernie Weishapl
12-29-2005, 11:19 PM
Nice pieces Gary. Love the olive one.

Andy Hoyt
12-30-2005, 12:26 AM
Gary - Nice! And yes, it does look familiar. Please PM my royalty fee asap:D

Interesting attachment technique. On mine I typically drill through the entire body, hollow it if I feel like it, and then turn tenons on the finial and icicle. Body gets attached to a glue block so I just drill away. And if I turn the atachment away prematurely I just stick it on a tenoned jam chuck thingermadoodle

Bill Stevener
12-30-2005, 12:48 AM
Very nice looking ornaments Gary. The finals on the one with the olive wood look like ebony.
The little box is Nert, now you have to turn a top.

Gary DeWitt
12-30-2005, 2:56 AM
Thanks all for the kind words.
Pat: yeah, in high quality diamonds. If I ever get around to starting to procede to begin to sell my stuff, probably $19 or so, whatever the market will bear. The olive one goes to the guy who donated the tree!
Andy:Shows there's always another way to skin the cat. I turned the blank between centers, made a tennon on the bottom, gripped that in a chuck to drill and hollow, sanded and finished. Turned finials between chuck and TS, finished and assembled. Finished some more, using Johns formula. Waxed.

Keith Burns
12-30-2005, 8:07 AM
Great ornaments Gary. I like both of them :) :)

Dick Parr
12-30-2005, 8:30 AM
Very nice Gary, they look great

Bob Noles
12-30-2005, 11:11 AM

I really like those. You know your stuff Pal :D

Mike Ramsey
12-30-2005, 8:05 PM
Beautiful ornaments Gary! Another thing on my list to try before
next Christmas,