View Full Version : Looking for a master to craft an ocarina

Thomas Zamora
07-20-2020, 1:12 PM
Looking for someone who could make an ocarina, That's gonna be a present for a friend of mine, so, I am wondering how much could it be for this piece of work. That's not a guitar. The most diffucult part of the job probably is understanding of principles how the sound is produced

Thomas Zamora
07-26-2020, 11:55 AM
If someone has a fellow carpenter, send me a PM. I'll get an e-mail notification. And we'll have a discussion. I need a custom ocarian, like one in the list (https://primesound.org/best-ocarina/) but with a specific design and initials

Jim Becker
07-26-2020, 12:05 PM
For folks wondering what this instrument is...as I was...here's a helpful link:

https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk003jo5L2ZXVw9JOTM2N5VxQNDIgFQ%3A 1595779388500&ei=PKkdX56MHpWLytMP2f-T0Ao&q=ocarina+instrument&oq=ocarian+instrum&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgAMggIABAWEAoQHjIICAAQCBANEB4 yCAgAEAgQDRAeOgcIABBHELADOgQIABAKOgQILhAKOgUIIRCgA ToECAAQDToGCAAQDRAeUKCmAVigzQFghuQBaABwAHgAgAFgiAG sBZIBATmYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6wAEB&sclient=psy-ab

roger wiegand
07-26-2020, 1:11 PM
Most ocarinas are ceramic, here's a shop that has pretty serious looking ones https://pureocarinas.com/shop

Were you after a wooden one? Here's a fellow who makes nice looking wooden ones http://hindocarina.com/ocarinas/index.php?l=product_list&c=2

There's a bit of art to it if you want one that plays in tune, you probably want to go to someone who gas made them before.

Bruce Page
07-26-2020, 2:35 PM
Most ocarinas are ceramic, here's a shop that has pretty serious looking ones https://pureocarinas.com/shop

Were you after a wooden one? Here's a fellow who makes nice looking wooden ones http://hindocarina.com/ocarinas/index.php?l=product_list&c=2

There's a bit of art to it if you want one that plays in tune, you probably want to go to someone who gas made them before.

I agree. Looking at the hindocarinas website, it appears that he has a cnc so name personalization, dates, etc. should not be an issue for him.

Doug Garson
02-25-2021, 11:24 PM
Can't offer to help you out but I'm in the process of trying to make one based on this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEeN6-kFm4g&t=682s. It looks easier than it is to get the sound right. As I said, I'm in the process but so far I'm not happy with the sound. Agree most of them are ceramic but there are quite a few wooden ocarina builders out there. My next attempt will be based on this link, https://www.instructables.com/Make-an-ocarina-out-of-stock-sheet-wood/(haven't given up on the first design yet). Hoping to make a dozen or so for Christmas toy drives. Here's an instructional website based on ceramic ones that explains some of the design principles, so far it hasn't help me but might help others especially if you want to make a clay one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_hM6j2P27U The Hindocarinas website looks interesting