View Full Version : Post your photos right-side-up in SMC

Bob Jones 5443
07-20-2020, 12:46 AM
1. Save your photo on your computer as a .jpg with a recognizable name in a folder you can easily locate.
2. Open the photo file.
3. Rotate the image 90º at least once, and then as many times as needed to make it land right-side-up.
4. Save the file as its normal name.
5. Close the file.
6. Start your post in SawMill Creek.
7. When you want to attach the photo use the “Insert image” icon and “From computer.”
8. The photo will go into SawMill Creek right-side-up.

Rob Luter
07-20-2020, 5:58 AM
Since I've been using this process I've yet to have an issue. The problem pops up for me when I try to post photos from a tablet or phone, no matter how many times I rotate and save.

Hilton Ralphs
07-20-2020, 6:52 AM
The problem pops up for me when I try to post photos from a tablet or phone, no matter how many times I rotate and save.

Which is why I always copy photos to my PC first then upload (to any site). I can crop easily and fix other issues. Much easier on a PC than on a smartphone.

Frederick Skelly
07-20-2020, 7:14 AM
Good info. I've bookmarked it. Thanks Bob.

Bob Jones 5443
07-20-2020, 2:14 PM
Good info. I've bookmarked it. Thanks Bob.

You're welcome. I'd say once a week someone cries out wanting to know how to do this. I drove the moderators nuts yesterday by posting it in three places. Sorry, mods!

A big takeaway, I think, is to not try to post directly from a phone.

Lee Schierer
07-20-2020, 7:38 PM
A big takeaway, I think, is to not try to post directly from a phone.

Bob's procedure will work but you can also use your phone or tablet. You just need to determine what your device knows as UP. I-phones and other apple products will auto rotate your photos so they appear upright no matter how you view them on your phone. Unfortunately, that doesn't work so well with the forum software. For android and google devices refer to this post Why your photos show up sideways (https://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?258495-Why-your-photos-show-up-sideways-on-SMC)