View Full Version : Weekend doin's?

Bob Lasley
07-11-2003, 8:57 AM
Good Friday Morning All,

Looks like another hot weekend here in Okieland. Won't be spending any time in my shop this weekend, though I do get to spend Saturday in the air conditioned comfort of the "toy store's" classroom/shop teaching a class. We are having dinner guests Saturday evening. Sunday, we are going to the Oklahoma City area to visit my oldest sister and pickup a load of red oak, walnut and aromatic cedar that my dad bought and started air drying in the mid-seventies. My brother-in-law was threatning to sell the lumber in a garage sale if I didn't come and get it!

So what's going on in your world this weekend?

Stay cool, if you can, and have a great weekend,

Scott Coffelt
07-11-2003, 9:20 AM
Saturday Morning - Annual Golf Tourny with my dad and brother, seems to be one of the few times anymore we can get together for a round. I sure charish it.

Saturday Afternoon - Playing with the boy, hopefully starting the cut out process for a custom in-wall entertainment center project for a client. Other honey do's I am sure.

Sunday Morning - Delivering the old Delta DC to its new owner. Sure will love to have it out of the basement shop freeing up some space.

Sunday Afternoon - Taking the eldest kid out for her to do some driving. She got her learner's permit this week and is in an all day class on Saturday. Spending more time int he shop working on the entertainment center.

Sunday Night - Rest before a long week.

Terry Hatfield
07-11-2003, 9:31 AM

We are going down to Conway, AR to visit the Peacocks!!! Yeeehaaawww!! :D :D :D

Looking forward to getting out of town for a bit. Only problem is....I'm sure my belly will be sore from laughing by the time Cheryl and I leave Conway. It seems that Dennis and I always a really big time when we are together. :D

Everyone have a safe one,


Byron Trantham
07-11-2003, 9:57 AM
I will be finishing up the last of the spice cabinet. I just applied the last coat of 2# shellac and am waiting "for the paint to dry" ;)

I have yet another cabinet right behind this one. Once I finish the spice cabinet, I'll post some pics.

Mark Valsi
07-11-2003, 10:20 AM
of a display box I made from cherry.

I hope to post a pic or two of it when it's completed.

Dr. Zack Jennings
07-11-2003, 12:50 PM
Family Thing
I missed the last 3 weekends on my trip to Gatlinburg and I've been called to Helena to meet family coming over from Alabama. I have a new Great Nephew to check out. I was in B'ham when he was born but he's 6 monthes old now. I also have an Uncle in his 80's that I need to spend some quality time with before it's too late.

My shop is Hot I may spend some time on the road this Summer. I need to go visit Peacock, Terry Hatfield & Bobby Hatfield. Since I have good heat in the shop [and no AC], I can work from Fall right through to late Spring in comfort.

Dan Bussiere
07-11-2003, 2:04 PM
Nothing special this weekend, too hot. Maybe a good time to do some saw maintenance.

Scott - Hope you enjoy your golf game and glad to hear you appreciate the quality time!

Terry - Laughter is always the best medicine, so you should come back feeling fine.


Bruce Page
07-11-2003, 3:03 PM
I haven’t been in the shop since last weekend when I finished up the cradle for my granddaughter. I guess it’s time to clean up.

This is just the mess from making the brass knobs :(

Doug Littlejohn
07-11-2003, 4:11 PM
Well, it's gonna be pretty hot here also, around 105. :( :(

But, we're off for a weeks vacation at one of our local lakes !! :D :D

Gonna go boating, fishing, resting, resting, resting, and oh, did I say fishing??

See y'all in a week or so.

Brad Hammond
07-11-2003, 4:33 PM
Sweating in the shop and building a shelf for my parents new camper.


Dennis Peacock
07-11-2003, 5:11 PM
weekend.....lot's of company and that was non-stop from Thursday to Monday morning. Maybe I can get an A/C unit for my shop over the weekend. Gotta find a way to drop the temp and humidity in the shop or else it will remain closed until late September. :)

Kevin Gerstenecker
07-11-2003, 5:23 PM
Probably get in a little Golf, some yard work, Fish Pond Maintenance, and finishing a small box I am making for a Relative who would really like to have one. Most likely will make 2 while I am at it. I have been AWOL from the Woodshop for a couple of weeks, and can't wait to get back at it. I am refreshed and ready to go! Boxes will be Yellowheart and Walnut...........should be an interesting contrast. I will post some pictures when I get them done. Have a great weekend all! :cool:

Scott Coffelt
07-11-2003, 5:26 PM
you better get some A/C in there for sure. Also, I hear he loves jerky.

Bobby Hatfield
07-11-2003, 7:28 PM
I haven’t been in the shop since last weekend when I finished up the cradle for my granddaughter. I guess it’s time to clean up.

This is just the mess from making the brass knobs :(

Lookee there, Bruce has handwheels on his gouges, them's my kind of turnin tools. Nice Logan Bruce, what size, 14"X40, ?

Jim Becker
07-11-2003, 8:40 PM
More of the same (http://sawsndust.com/p_kit-demo.htm) that I've been doing all week...kitchen renovation. So far this week, I've been a carpenter, plumber, mason, electrician and grunt cleaner-upper. This weekend I hope to finish the electrical and rough frame for the window. Then it's back to "work" on Monday so I can pay for all this with two more weeks (of last year's carryover) vacation the last week of the month and the first of the next. It will hopefully be back to making and finishing cabinets by next weekend, too.

Bruce Page
07-11-2003, 9:32 PM
Lookee there, Bruce has handwheels on his gouges, them's my kind of turnin tools. Nice Logan Bruce, what size, 14"X40, ?

Bobby, you hit it exactly, although it’ll actually swing 15”. I wouldn’t want to make a living on it but it’s good for a garage shop.

Don’t worry about people stealing an idea. If it’s original, you will have to ram it down their throats. -- Howard Aiken

Bobby Hatfield
07-11-2003, 10:26 PM
Bobby, you hit it exactly, although it’ll actually swing 15”. I wouldn’t want to make a living on it but it’s good for a garage shop.

Don’t worry about people stealing an idea. If it’s original, you will have to ram it down their throats. -- Howard Aiken

Bruce, its much better than the Atlas 12x36 in my garage, do you have a Bridgeport to go with it ?

John Miliunas
07-11-2003, 10:31 PM
After 10 straight days of that wet stuff coming down, we're supposed to see that big, bright round thing in the sky this weekend! So, mow grass, start work on a small retaining wall, BIG art fair Sunday, pool party for my daughter & friends and maybe, just maybe, start on a housing for a couple drawers for my buddy's RV. Have a great weekend, all! :cool:

Von Bickley
07-11-2003, 10:53 PM
I'll be back on the "Habitat House" in the morning. If we have a good turn-out, we should be able to set the trusses, put on the sheathing, build the front porch and have everything in the dry. Ya'll have a good week-end.

Bruce Page
07-11-2003, 11:42 PM
Bruce, its much better than the Atlas 12x36 in my garage, do you have a Bridgeport to go with it ?

Bobby, I don't know if it's any better - the Atlas is a sweet machine. A friend of mine has a 10” Atlas in mint condition that I think is a work of art. I do think the Logan is a bit more heavy duty and can take a heavier cut. The Logan is a 5hp variable speed, I’ve never been able to stall it, not even while turning .200 per side off of 4130 at a pretty good feed rate (enough to break the chip). I also have a 3hp VS Lagun turret mill.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. — Herm Albright

Tom Sweeney
07-12-2003, 12:24 AM
In about 9 hours me & 17 other folks from my Church , young & old, will be heading out to Man W. Virginia (actually stopping tomorrow night in Charleston) for a week long mission trip. We will be doing repairs & renovations on some homes down there - with the Appalachia Service Project. It's usually a real good time for me & this year my 15 year old daughter will be going with us. Hopefully I won't come home hurt like I usually do :(

So that's it - on the road all weekend then a week of working on homes then a straight through ride back home next Saturday, about 14 hours probably.

Everyone have fun makin sawdust while I'm away.