View Full Version : Segmented Bowl Article

Ken Salisbury
07-11-2003, 5:42 AM
I have completed a draft of the article I promised on the segmented bowl. I have published it to my web site where it can be reviewed. I would like to get this article as precise as I can before officially publishing it to the SMC Articles Section. I would like any inputs as to what I may have left out and any questions the article does not address. I can't promise I will accommodate all the suggestions but I will give it my best shot. I only want to have to do this once :D

Please remember this is a draft version. I hope to correct any spelling and grammar errors as I find them so kinda ignore those. Since I basically wrote this at 2am this morning there may be more of them in there than I realize :D and I will purge that myself

Please respond via e-mail (klsalis@mindspring.com)with any suggestions you may have.<p>

Segment Bowl Article by Ken Salisbury (http://www.kenswoodcentral.com/article1.htm)

Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
07-11-2003, 7:36 AM
Please remember this is a draft version.

I really like the article, and the pictures are great. I want to do one of these when time allows. Thanks for the effort. You continue to be an inspiration.



Mark Patoka
07-11-2003, 7:54 AM
The article is great and the pictures show the process step-by-step very well. I've been wanting to try a segmented piece for quite some time now and this will definitely help me push this higher on my Projects To Build list. Did you use any particular software program to determine the segment sizes or work it out long-hand?

Lars Thomas
07-11-2003, 9:34 AM
Ken, great article. I'm sure adding the captions on the pixs took a lot of time, but they really add to the article. Especially helpful was the last pix describing the wood in each layer. Thanks for taking the time to put it together. Lars

Richard Allen
07-11-2003, 12:05 PM
Hi Ken

Nicely done! You have taken all the mystery out of the process. I am sure we all see a LOT more Ken Salisbury inspired segmented bowls very soon.
