View Full Version : A couple of questions

Randall Houghton
07-04-2020, 1:41 PM
Is there a solvent that can be used to clean equipment that sprays water based finish? I clean with warm water and soap but I would like to find a solvent that I can use occasionally to soak parts in to loosen finish in hard to reach places. I did a quick search but did not find anything useful.

On a different note for those of you using the PPS system how long do you use liners and caps before you replace them? Have you encountered any problems relating to extended use? Enquiring minds want know. Thank you for your help.

Regards Randy

Jim Becker
07-04-2020, 3:28 PM
Ammonia can be used, AFAIK, although I've never done that.

I reuse the PPS cups and lids for a LONG time before switching them out. Hot water cleans them thoroughly in my experience. The liners are very flexible. I've had my system for, oh...well over a year and am only on the second liner at this point. :) Now granted I'm not spraying with any kind of frequency, although more now with the guitar work, but again...they clean up beautifully when using waterborne finishes.

John TenEyck
07-04-2020, 5:29 PM
I soak parts in lacquer thinner when I get dried WB on the air cap, etc. 3M makes a spray solvent that works on both solvent and WB finishes: https://www.amazon.com/3M-High-Power-Spray-Cleaner/dp/B001UO7FVM/ref=sr_1_7?crid=3SAT6TXFHX5D&dchild=1&keywords=spray+gun+cleaner+solvent&qid=1593897788&sprefix=spray+gun+cleaner%2Caps%2C167&sr=8-7 Other companies likely do, too.

I have cleaned and reused PPS cups and liners dozens of times. I have never had one get a hole in it or tear while spraying. I have torn a couple after many uses while cleaning them. I got 5 lids and liners with my gun when I bought it. I used them for 2 or 3 years before I bought any new ones, and sprayed at least 15 gallons of stuff during that time.
