View Full Version : my TV has developed a bright spot.

Lee Schierer
06-26-2020, 7:57 AM
Out of the blue overnight my Samsung tv has developed a bright spot on the screen.
Apparently one of the led diffuser lenses has come loose, this is a fairly common problem with led TV's. I've found several videos of people doing the repair (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv5s0KttNX0). I don't know if any "professional" technicians do this type of work. It seems like the kind of job that has a high potential for failure for even a competent inexperienced person. Have any of you done this procedure?

Frank Pratt
06-26-2020, 9:44 AM
Sorry, no help here. That's a stinky deal. I'd try the repair because it would drive me insane watching that. But ya, high risk of failure I suspect.

Bill Dufour
06-26-2020, 10:49 AM
And while you are in there it may be a good idea to reglue them all if they are not too hard to get too after it is opened up.
Bil lD

Lee DeRaud
06-26-2020, 11:04 AM
How big a TV? I might try it on a 40" or smaller, but the logistics could get out of hand quickly on a really big one.

Doug Dawson
06-26-2020, 12:25 PM
Out of the blue overnight my Samsung tv has developed a bright spot on the screen.
Apparently one of the led diffuser lenses has come loose, this is a fairly common problem with led TV's. I've found several videos of people doing the repair (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv5s0KttNX0). I don't know if any "professional" technicians do this type of work. It seems like the kind of job that has a high potential for failure for even a competent inexperienced person. Have any of you done this procedure?

You might try gently massaging the screen area around the bright spot, with content on the screen showing clearly where it is.