View Full Version : Stanley No. 45, set up for a groove

steven c newman
06-18-2020, 4:56 PM
Lets see, dig the box out of the tool cabinet...
And open it up..
Need the Main Stock and the Short Rods, and that screwdriver..
Screwdriver to fix the rods in place...
Add the Sliding Stock....for this groove set-up, it will go right up against the Main Stock...then the fence..
in the lower holes...for this set up, I spaced the fence about a 1/4" from the edge of the #12 cutter...
Give the cutter a quick hone, and install...
Depth of cut was set at 1/4".....set the cutter for a fine cut....don't want to do the cut in one pass...
The ones in the background were too thick...the ones on the plane seemed to be about the right thickness...and a lot less work.

And that was all I needed to do, to set up to plow a few grooves...Add a bit of candle wax as you go along...:D

Blake M Williams
06-18-2020, 6:01 PM
I used mine to make some groove joints. Lots if setting and checking but I do admit, once it is setup it is comfortable to use.

James Pallas
06-18-2020, 7:15 PM
Nice little tutorial a Steven. 45s are easy to set up once done a couple of times. It looks like you store yours in pieces as I do also. It makes it easy to set up for the task at hand for me. Just add the pieces you need. 5 minutes including a light hone if needed. A little longer to set up for some of the T & G tasks.

David Eisenhauer
06-19-2020, 11:43 AM
I find on my 45 that a light lube of the rods helps quite a bit when making the width adjustment due to the close fit tolerance between the rods and the sliding fence. And I need to be careful/patient when adjusting the width of the fence setting so as to not cock the fence on the rods as I slide it to position. Waxing the skates and the fence definitely help as Steven C says. He knows that plane.