View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
06-15-2020, 9:25 AM
15 Jun 2020

Back at the day job from taking a few days off. Spent some time in the shop working on a new pantry for The LOML. If my back holds out, I should have it done this week. Been working on making new boards for an antique truck wooden bed that is in a restoration project. Also started working on a couple of dining table benches that a friend wanted. Been working on the yard and organizing the garage as well as cleaning up my shop space a bit.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Dave Mount
06-15-2020, 1:02 PM
Kind of a chaotic week, not sure where it went. Some (eternal) mowing, some gardening, the last of the cleanup/putaway from maple season (yes, I know it's June). Did the annual maintenance on the deck -- washing, scuff sanding, and recoat. Twenty+ years ago when I built this deck I couldn't imagine having any decking but clear finished wood. Now, every year when I have to do the required maintenance, I curse that decision. Still have to get the railings back on the octagon.

One evening I decided I better do some cleaning/organizing in the shop. About 5 minutes in I picked up a bag that I didn't immediately recognize and found some small maple burls I'd cut off some firewood chunks 2 or 3 winters ago. Decided to just make them into something instead of finding a place to put them. This is typically how my "cleaning" goes, I "clean" the shop by doing something that yields a net increase in shop entropy. Roughed out a couple spheres, bigger one is a little over 4", smaller about 2.5". Just roughed out (hence the toolmarks and pencil lines), they need to have several voids/bark pockets filled/stabilized before finishing -- they have their more complete faces to the camera. Jackson (and cat) for scale.

Stay safe everyone!



matt romanowski
06-15-2020, 1:43 PM
I finished up my trestle table. I had it done, but the finish was 2 coats of Waterlox sealer, and 2 coats of Waterlox Marine. Having to do the top 1 side at a time and 24 hours between coats means it took 4 days total to do the finishing, but it was worth it. It looks awesome. I can't wait for dinner on the new table tonight. I built the patio under the table to put it on as well. Once we are happy with the umbrella position, I'll put a concrete base in the ground and mount it permanently.

Jim Becker
06-15-2020, 5:46 PM
'Glad you're getting some shop time, Dennis!

My week was similar to the previous...more pre-planning for our older daughter's move-out at the end of the month, work on my window project and some weeding/landscaping stuff. This week will be the same and the weather is "glorious"...open shop doors every day rather than having to run the HVAC. I even moved some of the window component painting work outside today to gain additional workspace.

Dave Mount
06-15-2020, 6:44 PM
Pretty tabletop Matt. . .is that mahogany? Sapele?

matt romanowski
06-15-2020, 7:09 PM
Pretty tabletop Matt. . .is that mahogany? Sapele?

Thanks! I bought it as African Mahogany, but I think the center board was something different.

Paul F Franklin
06-15-2020, 8:35 PM
I got another batch of cabinet box parts spray finished. After I sprayed the garnet shellac I noticed some streaking on one piece, from uneven spraying. Not sure if I was getting tired or if I lost focus, but..... It wasn't that bad, but of course it turns out that panel is the side of a tall cabinet that will be visible after installation. After hemming and hawing a bit, I removed the shellac and resprayed it. Wasted an hour or two, but much happier with the result. I have one more batch of 4 cabinets to spray and will try to do that later this week if the good weather holds. That was about it for shop stuff.

Did a bunch of outdoor chores during which I managed to take a wasp sting on my right index finger. Put a paste of adolf's meat tenderizer on it and that takes the pain away almost like magic. Still a bit swollen though. Sunday I smoked a couple of racks of ribs. We had worked our way through the three racks I smoked and froze last fall, so it was time. Turned out yumm.

We've been having intermittent internet connection issues the last week or two. Spectrum ended up replacing the coax from the street to the house and all is well now. Well, the line is still running across the lawn, and on the ground through the woods up to the street. Someone will be by to bury it this week some time. Will be a bit of trick as there are a lot of downed ash trees in that part of the woods, but I'm sure they'll manage.