View Full Version : What Company made the Sears Craftsman Turning tool sets

Clarence Martinn
06-15-2020, 1:18 AM
Years ago, I got some of the Sears Craftsman HSS Wood Turning tools. Anyone know who made those turning tools?

Peter Blair
06-15-2020, 9:33 AM
Sorry can't help you but these were my first set and I still have a few of them today. Bought in Missoula Mt on a trip there in the 70's.

John K Jordan
06-15-2020, 9:54 AM
Years ago, I got some of the Sears Craftsman HSS Wood Turning tools. Anyone know who made those turning tools?

I can't guess. (But I'm still using some of the Craftsman HSS turning tools I bought maybe 20 years ago)

This web page might give you an idea of the variety of companies who made tools for Sears: http://vintagemachinery.org/mfgindex/detail.aspx?id=222
Maybe dig further into their web site or ask on their discussion forum.


David Bassett
06-15-2020, 1:20 PM
I don't know, but I've seen enough variation in similar sets (and know a little of Sears procurement) and I'd bet the supplier changed regularly as contracts were filled and reissued / renegotiated. I hope JKJ's site helps, if not look to the midsized tool companies of that era, ones big enough to mass produce sets and small enough to take random jobs.

Heck, who make turning tools back in the 50's? Often Sears products came, with altered look & feel, from a significant supplier setting up another production line to churn out the Sears models. My FIL worked at a motor company which had a Sears contract. They had an identical line, with different paint & labels and unmanned QC stations, for the Sears electric motors. The Sears model was 1/3 the price and probably as good as their main product line. If you got a complete dud the Sears replacement policy fixed you up and if you got a slightly subpar one you probably were OK because you were running it less than full load.

Richard Coers
06-15-2020, 1:41 PM
If the set is just years ago, it's certainly whoever was the cheapest and they would be import. If they are 40-50 years old, probably some place like Buck Brothers.

John K Jordan
06-15-2020, 5:16 PM
If the set is just years ago, it's certainly whoever was the cheapest and they would be import. If they are 40-50 years old, probably some place like Buck Brothers.

The set I bought about 20 years ago from the local Sears store was excellent and still is, high quality HSS and good handles. I use some almost every time I turn. The parting tool is my favorite for lots of tasks. The two gouges are continental style making me wonder if they were imported from across the Atlantic. I’ve never bought a Buck Brothers tool but the used ones I’ve collected appear and feel lower quality.

But your guesses are probably as good as any.

Clarence Martinn
06-15-2020, 6:48 PM
It is the Complete set # 28553 . It says they are made in the USA

Dan Hunkele
06-16-2020, 9:19 AM
I have a couple sets of those same tools but have never seen a makers mark on them. I have had them for over 25 years and like them. I especially like the small gouge. Sharpened correctly they can get into some tight cuts. The shallowness of the gouges is good feature.