View Full Version : Full Sized Articulated Hollowing System recommendations, please.

Greg Muller
06-10-2020, 2:20 AM
I've been using the Mini Monster Hollowing System for years with my smaller lathe and love it. Now, I need a full sized system for my big General 26020 lathe.

Monster is no longer in business, so finding one of their full sized systems is probably not gonna happen.

I'd really like something similar to it in design, but beefier, obviously.

I've also used the Gizmo System, but JT Wood Tools is also out of business.

Please recommend a similar articulated system for me.

Thanks in advance!

roger wiegand
06-10-2020, 7:19 AM
Just went through the buying process on this, bought the Trent Bosch 3/4" system as I already had 3/4" tools available. Have since bought a set of 5/8.

I think your choices at this point are Bosch and Elbo, I didn't find others that seemed to be active. The primary difference seems to be that in the Bosch system you use a long traditional tool handle to guide the tool, while with the Elbo you manipulate the tool from in front of the articulated arm. The Elbo clamps to your tailstock, the Bosch rests in the toolrest. If you have a short bed lathe or a sliding headstock the Bosch works well, if not you might prefer the Elbo.

I just received mine late last week, and have futzed with setting up a video system and have had other projects in the way; I hope to actually use it today, so can't give you a real report yet. Construction and machining on the Bosch system is perfect, so I'm looking forward to it. I also bought his laser support system, which is well designed, but added my own camera for a small fraction of the price of his Visualizer.

Jason Edwards
06-10-2020, 7:55 AM
Agree Bosch and Elbo are both good systems. Well made with excellent customer support. Check out their websites and videos and see which one you like best.

tom lucas
06-10-2020, 8:07 AM
There's also Lyle Jamieson, Carter, OneWay, Clark, and Simple Tools hollowing systems.

Don Frank
06-10-2020, 10:06 PM
Check out a Clark. its a very nice piece of equipment.

roger wiegand
06-11-2020, 6:53 AM
There's also Lyle Jamieson, Carter, OneWay, Clark, and Simple Tools hollowing systems.

Aren't those all captured bar systems rather than articulated?

Greg McClurg
06-11-2020, 8:26 PM
I had the full size monster system and it worked well. I sold it and purchased the Trent Bosch system and like it better. Just my experience.

Steve Nix
06-11-2020, 9:28 PM
I also started with the Monster and switched to Trent Bosch’s system with John Jordan’s hollowing tools equipped with Ron Campbell AZ 6mm carbide cutter.

Tom Giacomo
06-12-2020, 2:18 AM
I also started with the Monster and switched to Trent Bosch’s system with John Jordan’s hollowing tools equipped with Ron Campbell AZ 6mm carbide cutter.

How about a DIY system.434870

Greg Muller
06-12-2020, 7:05 PM

Got a design you can share?

allen thunem
06-13-2020, 12:38 PM
if you really have no budget get a kobra, if they are still in business

Richard Madden
06-14-2020, 1:52 PM
Here is a link showing the one I made.Elbo tool or homemade equivalent (https://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?144794-Elbo-tool-or-homemade-equivalent)

Greg Muller
06-15-2020, 11:48 PM
Thats cool. If you have the built info and are willing to share, I may give that a try. I can do some fab.