View Full Version : This week's wildlife

Paul F Franklin
06-05-2020, 9:43 AM
Last week it was turtles on the raft. This week we have a fawn having a snack while mom keeps watch:


And a wild turkey that seems to have adopted us. We see rafter's of turkeys (there's your woodworking connection!) often, but this loner has been hanging out in the yard for the last week or so. It's gotten used to us working in the yard or eating out on the deck and the only thing that makes it move away is when the dog is out with us.


Dave Anderson NH
06-06-2020, 8:34 AM
We have a lot of turkeys around here. It is a rare early morning drive when we don't have to stop on one of the back roads to let the turkeys cross. The pix was taken one morning through the bathroom window and screen. They just meandered around and finally walked single file back into the woods.

Peter Kelly
06-06-2020, 10:46 AM
Mother and three bears looking at me as I pulled up to the sandwich shop on Thursday. They were surprisingly casual standing there looking at me but I wasn’t quite fast enough with the phone to get a better pic. Taken near Palenville NY.
