View Full Version : Pricing Guide Website

tim walker
06-03-2020, 4:27 PM
I used to have a bookmark for power tools that would scour several websites and come back with the best price. I cannot find that site any longer. Anyone know of something similar? It compared prices at different companies.


Matt Day
06-03-2020, 8:01 PM
I mean, if you type the tools product name into google and click shopping you’ll get many results.

tim walker
06-03-2020, 8:28 PM
Thanks, Yes, aware of that but this was dedicated strictly to woodworking tools. It was really cool. Maybe Google shopping is why it is not around any more, but that website typically stuck with Tool Crib, Woodcraft and other companies dedicated strictly to woodworking tools. That site I mentioned also gave links to reviews of tools, so it was far more woodworking specific than G is.