View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
05-25-2020, 8:28 PM
25 May 2020

Today is Memorial Day. My family and I have paused to remember all those that gave "all" for our freedom. We also paused to pay honor and respect to all the families that also struggle, even today, with the loss of their loved one for our country.
I've been working on a couple of shop projects but working more diligently on project around the house that The LOML and I have been needing to get done for some time now. With all the rain and storms, makes it very hard for the lawn to dry out enough for us to get out there and mow the lawn. We are hoping that we can have a week or two without rain so we can all dry out for a while.
Spent some time researching options for The LOML's new pantry that she wants built and installed. We are going through what all she wants to use it for so I can draw it up in Sketchup so she can better decide on how she wants it. Time and discussions are under way.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Becker
05-25-2020, 8:45 PM
I feel for you around that rain, Dennis...it's got to be frustrating!

What did I do last week. LOL The weeks are running together even more at this point! Oh, I finished up guitar "build number three", cleaned my shop, did some landscaping maintenance, sorted and divided a bunch of household kitchen stuff that I have put away for our girls for when they each move out for the first time, got my vehicle's state inspection done and did some sorting/cataloging of charity donations that "need to leave the building" real soon now. I also (finally) made a zero clearance insert for my slider today, something I've been meaning to do "like forever" but never got around to. It was a good thing to work on while I was spraying finish on yet another guitar build in another area of the shop. (after "dry to the touch" while waiting for enough settling down for a next coat)

This week will likely be "more of the same"...there's a lot of "same" these days! But I do have some home repairs on the list that I need to start doing soon, including some plaster repair in the stone portion of our home. They will require Professor Dr. SWMBO to move her office to a different room, but that will actually result in a nicer office for her that will have much better lighting for teaching from home. The floor in her current office space needs replaced, too...the only one left that hasn't been taken care of.

Bruce Wrenn
05-25-2020, 9:18 PM
Week before last, we went eight days without rain. Got the shed roof on back of shop (10 X 30) rebuilt. Monday afternoon, around 2:00 PM got "Weather Watch" installed over plywood. Rain started around 3:00 PM and lasted till Friday morning. Got a mower that's been giving me problems fixed. Cut the grass Friday afternoon. Hauled off old plywood, rafters and shingles Wednesday and Thursday. During all that rain, got new tenants in one of my Bluebird boxes. As of yesterday, she had laid five eggs. Remember they moved in during all that rain. Saturday, cooked a turkey, which I shared with the widows on Sunday morning. along with the usual biscuits. Fixed a couple food processors for use with Camper on Mission ministry at State Fair.. Got some tomatoes into the garden.

Bob Jones 5443
05-25-2020, 10:51 PM
No rain in Northern California, probably until November. Today it was 98° in the shade with not a cloud overhead. We’ve been luxuriating with our grilled fish and veggie al fresco dinners on the patio under the umbrella. Going back to a real restaurant might actually be a letdown.

In the shop I cross-cut a 4x8 sheet of really nice solid 3/4 plywood I picked up off Craigslist recently, and cleaned out and sorted my sheet goods rack. The new sheet is of better quality than the Baltic birch I’ve been getting from the national woodworking store. I’m ready for Jigs Unlimited. I wish I had more room: the seller had four more sheets @$45 each.

I gilded the lily by cementing some dark gray Italian laminate (left over from a recent router table build) onto my band saw circle-cutting jig. I also recently upgraded the jig by replacing the nail-in-a-hole centering thingy with a dadoed T-track, so now setting the radius is highly precise. The nearly black matte laminate looks swanky with the shiny bright blue track in it. Time is clearly on my hands.

I laid out and began cutting dovetails for a (very) tiny box to hold my six honing-angle gauges. Then I discovered that I need a 1/8” chisel, so the waste clearing is on hold until the Stanley 750 arrives from Lee Valley.

I ordered Lee Valley’s set of router-plane irons, 1/16”, 3/32”, 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, for the stopped grooves I’ll need for boxes. These sizes should match my slot-cutting router bit set.

Every iron and blade In the shop is newly sharp.

And that’s the news...

Paul F Franklin
05-25-2020, 11:40 PM
Had a couple of glorious days in NE Ohio after a good deal of rain, and the temps got into 80's today. Seems like only a couple weeks ago it was snowing. Oh wait, it was only a couple weeks ago. Anyway, finished loading the last two elevated beds in the garden with soil so SWMBO could plant the tomatoes and pepper plants that she started in the garage a month or so ago. She was able to harvest enough lettuce and spinach and radishes from the other beds to make the first home grown salad of the season, always a treat. Cut most of the grass, some areas are still too soggy, did a bunch of trimming and got the deck furniture out of storage and cleaned up so we can start eating out on the deck. And most important, set up the hammock and kiddie (doggie) pool so Mary can take her afternoon naps outside while the dog splashes around in the pool.

Shopwise, I finished edge banding all the carcass pieces for the office cabinets, and got the banding flushed and all the panels trimmed to final size. Next up will be boring all the shelf pin holes and then sanding in preparation for spraying a coat or two of shellac. Hopefully the weather will cooperate for that. I sent a quote request to my rough lumber supplier for the solid cherry I'll need for the doors and drawers, but got no reply. I'm pretty sure they are up and running, so I'll have to give them a call and see what's up. I also need to prep the area where the cabinets will be going. Need to pull up the flooring, install level bases, and run wiring for new receptacles to serve the worktop areas, the under-cabinet lighting, and the above cabinet lighting. I want to get that done before the cabinet boxes are finished and assembled so I can just install them as I assemble them rather than have to store them somewhere. The drawers and doors will come later, but at least the boxes will be in place. Of course the wall will need to painted first also, and we haven't settled on a color yet, so lots of details to attend to.

Thomas Crawford
05-26-2020, 3:33 PM
Got my desk base(s) glued up. Table tops are just sitting on top. These are Christian Becksvoort design from FW 1990.

I'm thinking blonde shellac and minwax wipe-on poly for the maple one. For the cherry I'm thinking maybe doing garnett shellac and then the wipe-on. I've never done shellac before but just got some flakes from lee valley. Definitely doing some test pieces first :)