View Full Version : Fun activity today

John K Jordan
05-21-2020, 9:41 PM
Standing in the back of my little 4wd Kubota truck in our little orchard picking cherries before the birds get all of them.

The first cherry cobbler of the year cooked the same day as picking! Zounds, it smells good. I feel a snack with a little vanilla ice cream about to happen.


Black raspberries are right behind them, followed by red raspberries, cultivated blackberries and blueberries not far off. I think my new diet plan is to gain some weight...


Dimitrios Fradelakis
05-21-2020, 9:44 PM
Looks delicious! :)

Lisa Starr
05-21-2020, 9:56 PM
Looks wonderful. Fresh picked wild Blackberries in a pie is a favorite of mine.

John K Jordan
05-21-2020, 11:56 PM
Looks wonderful. Fresh picked wild Blackberries in a pie is a favorite of mine.

My Lovely Bride of 50 years is a big fan of blackberries so she will definitely make something when they come in. I don't like them much myself but I grow them for her. I put in thornless blackberries on trellises some years ago which are great to deal with. I also have the pleasure of battling the ticks, thorns, and yellowjackets to pick the wild ones for her. :)

We also have apples, peaches, and pears. Pear bread is one of my favorites - our supply of frozen from last year is gone! Another favorite is peach/blueberry, a combination she devised some years ago when we didn't have enough of either for separate pies or cobblers.


Lee Schierer
05-22-2020, 8:33 AM
Wow, John, Our cherry tree is just now blooming. Oh, and I'll take one of each when they're ready.

jared herbert
05-22-2020, 10:02 AM
I made a batch of fresh wild pickled asparagus a couple days ago. I have collected enough for another two pints too. Rhubarb is finally starting to grow do I am going to pick some today. The cool spring here in nw Iowa has slowed everything down. Nice to get some fresh stuff to eat

John K Jordan
05-22-2020, 10:08 AM
I made a batch of fresh wild pickled asparagus a couple days ago. I have collected enough for another two pints too. Rhubarb is finally starting to grow do I am going to pick some today. The cool spring here in nw Iowa has slowed everything down. Nice to get some fresh stuff to eat

I'm coming to your house for rhubarb! Somehow I lost all my years-long stand of rhubarb two years ago and lost the new plants last year I started in tubs. Trying again this year but you're not supposed to pick until the second year. :(

We are picking quantities of onions, lettuce, and other greens now. It's been cool and wet here but those things love it! Just now put in tomatoes and peppers, beans, okra, corn, and cushaw are next, as soon as the ground is dry enough to walk on - I measured 5" of rain here a few days ago!


Jim Becker
05-22-2020, 4:39 PM
I think my new diet plan is to gain some weight...

I hear you can blame it on the pandemic so you're good!

Ole Anderson
05-23-2020, 8:28 AM
Can't wait to get up to Traverse City for some black cherries early July, the best! My favorite pit spitting fruit. Some great cherry pie making skills up there too. Sutton's Bay has a bakery that has the best ones. Cherry Republic in Glen Arbor is a close second. For everyday pies it is the Cherry Hut in Beulah. TC is the tart cherry capital, PNW seems to crank out the most black (bing) cherries, even TC imports them for the July 4th cherry festival is it is a late season. Love them all. When I googled black cherry capital, Kane PA popped up, never has PA black cherries.

John K Jordan
05-30-2020, 7:25 PM
Another picking, this one in my little orchard in the rain, standing on the roof of my little Kubota truck in my bare feet so I wouldn't slide off, the result of an hour or so of picking. Then like magic, a hot pie appears in the kitchen.


Life doesn't get much better than this!


Mel Fulks
05-30-2020, 10:25 PM
I think the last time I heard ,or read, "rhubarb " ,it was on the record of "Stop The World I Wanna Get Off". The phrase was "mumbo jumbo rhubarb rhubarb". 1960s . Gonna have to try it.

Jim Becker
05-31-2020, 9:35 AM
My mother made strawberry rhubarb pie every year when I was growing up.

John K Jordan
06-01-2020, 8:37 PM
My mother made strawberry rhubarb pie every year when I was growing up.

We have straberry-rhubarb pie too, when we have rhubarb. We also make rhubarb squares, eaten like cookies. Unfortunately, we lost all our plants last year.

Someone told me strangest way I've heard about eating rhubarb: her favorite way is to pick a stock and eat it raw in the garden. She said it was "tart." I couldn't live like that, mine has to be cooked in sugar.