View Full Version : A good dose of patience

Phil Mueller
05-16-2020, 8:05 AM
Sometimes I get into a project and wonder, what was I thinking? While holed up at home, I decided to make my son a chess board using whatever I already had on hand. I found some redwood and elm burl veneer and thought, what the heck.

How hard could it be? Cut out 2 1/4” strips, tape them together, then cut 2 1/4” strips cross wise, flip end for end and tape them together. Well as it would turn out, something went awry. When I flipped the strips to make the checker pattern, the corners did not match up. My bad. So ended up removing all the tape, and assembling it square by square. Cut a square, sand it to fit, tape it down. Do a row, take a break. At the moment, 60 down, 4 more to go. And did I mention, burl veneer loves to crack and chip? And yes, there is a little light showing through a few seams that will need some attention.

In the end, it will get glued down to MDF, with a cherry border and probably some inlay stringing. One of those projects that could turn out nice, or a hang on the wall as a reminder of what not to do. If nothing else, a nice distraction for the last week or so.

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Jim Koepke
05-16-2020, 11:26 AM
That looked like one wild chessboard until my brain kicked in and saw the masking tape for what it was.

Guess it is time for my coffee.


Mel Fulks
05-16-2020, 12:34 PM
Took me a minute to dial that in! I look forward to seeing it without the tape.

Tom Bender
05-20-2020, 6:59 PM
Good start on a Ruhlmann gaming table. You should be done by Christmas.

Mark Rainey
05-20-2020, 10:27 PM
Looks like a fun project Phil, I am sure your son will like it. Make sure you play some chess matches with him when it is finished!