View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
05-11-2020, 12:45 AM
11 May 2020

Spent 2 days putting new brake calipers and brakes on my old GMC Sonoma truck. Most of the time was spent tracking down and picking up parts. Got some cleaning and organizing done in one of my shop bays. Spent Mother’s Day with the LOML and my MIL and called and talked with my mom for a bit. I start oncall duty in a few hours, I am hoping for a good quiet week.

That’s it for me, so what did you do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Lisa Starr
05-11-2020, 4:56 AM
Dennis-glad to hear you got some shop time! Nothing to work on at our son's home this weekend, as he has other more pressing issues to attend to, so I got in my shop and milled up the trim for the 2nd floor of our home. Since I only have the crown in the entry of the fist floor left to finish on the main floor, needed to get going on that. We've been working on this home since 2010 and living in it, unfinished, since 2015. Except for the break for 2 years while I fought Lymphoma, we've been chugging away on it. Built in 1838 and it had to have a gut job with all new mechanicals. Since I have a habit of making, rather than purchasing materials, everything takes more time. I enjoy every minute though. Hope all had a great weekend.

Charles Taylor
05-11-2020, 8:21 AM
I got the new applied muntins painted and installed on my father-in-law's French door, and now I'm in the process of filling and sanding other parts of the door that suffered damage from his dog. That involves repairing or rebuilding an inch or three here and there of bead detail with wood putty, which isn't something I do often, so it takes more than one attempt for me to get it right.

Saturday morning picked up a batch of lumber in anticipation of the next project. Before another one begins, though, the workshop is overrun with scrap from the previous few projects. A big clean-out is next on the agenda.

Jim Becker
05-11-2020, 9:42 AM
I'm also wishing you a quiet and productive week, Dennis.

The weather wasn't great last week but I did (finally) get all of the down trees cleared from one area of our property and got the lawn mowed. Otherwise, I spent quite a bit of time in the shop cutting chair seats for a client, working on two guitar projects that are in progress and starting on a complicated natural edge picture frame project for another client. I also did some planning for a small "home improvement" task to eliminate what was originally a front door on the stone portion of our home because it's not used and has deteriorated physically to the point that it needs to be addressed. It's being replaced with a wall but will still look like a door from the road so that the appearance of the structure is maintained. That will eliminate a huge amount of draft in that area of our home.

More chair seats today and more work on the other things, too. It's raining. :)

Paul F Franklin
05-11-2020, 12:49 PM
Got the sawstop all tuned up and hooked into dust collection and power. Plywood for office remodel arrives tomorrow so the saw will get a workout sizing cabinet parts. I'm about halfway through milling all the v groove cherry edge banding for the plywood. Have to be quiet today since SWMBO is in virtual meetings all day, so I'll finish the edge banding later in the week, after the plywood is broken down and moved into the shop. Spent an afternoon putting away all the tools and instruments from working on the saw, and breaking down the 200 (seemed like, anyway) boxes the saw and add-ons came in. Took all the cardboard for recycling.

We had a couple of decent afternoons so I got some grass cut and did some other yard work. I made our every-other-week big grocery trip during fogy hours this morning; stock levels on most things seem to be back close to normal, even TP and paper towels. Still no disinfectant wipes, and meat section is a little thin, but everything else seemed pretty good. Thats about it from here.

Bryan Lisowski
05-11-2020, 4:50 PM
I have been ordered by my doctor to get in better shape, so I started working out and needed a bench for lifting weights (Dumbbells). So after checking around and not seeing anything I liked available or local in my price range, I fired up Sketchup and started designing a few things. Once that was done, I decided scrap wood challenge here I come. So yesterday, I built the entire bench, now I just need to sand my creation. Overall I am happy with what I built, now I just have to actually put it to use.

Aaron Rosenthal
05-11-2020, 8:48 PM
Dennis, I also hope you have a quiet week. Stay safe!
We've had a stretch of hot weather (for Vancouver) and yesterday hit about 22 deg., really unusual for mid-May.
I've been working on the yards, working around the gargantuan ramp erected for my daughter's use since she's temporarily confined to a wheelchair after her workplace accident.
My workshop time has been spent on my new podium project: machining the frame struts (laminated Oak with quartersawn faces) getting the angels and cutting the channels in the legs.
I discovered I could ALMOST saw straight to a line, with a little help with a chisel, and too enthusiastic chisel work taught me how to shim with thickish shavings and glue, to tighten the gap.
I finally learned how to get a card scraper to work, and smoothed the top and base to where I can sand with 320 and be finished.
Nice week, so far.