View Full Version : Dewalt Mobile Planer stand and blade question

tim walker
05-10-2020, 11:39 AM
Hi all and hope you all are enjoying a wonderful Mother's Day despite the worlds current situation. Anyhow, my question involves the Dewalt planer mobile base. I got mine as a freebie with my 735 a few years back but am just now assembling it as my shop now has room for it. The assembly instructions (very poor BTW) state the lift wheel kit can be installed inboard or outboard. The drawback I see to outboard is it is a tripping hazard but seems much easier to access. Most pics I see have it mounted inboard but seems almost impossible ti get at for your feet. Any recommendations from anyone familiar?

And for the blades, I know most love their helical blades, but I have seen some carbide tipped regular blase for the 735 also, anyone have experience with those? I find them around $150 so not sure expense is worth it vs the Byrd at $400.

TIA all.

Dave Mills
05-10-2020, 11:53 AM
I mounted mine inboard, for the reasons you mention, but have to lift and lower it by hand. No way can I get my foot in there to work it.

tim walker
05-10-2020, 12:18 PM
Thanks Dave, Is it cumbersome to do that? Or just a PIA? I really wouldn't expect to have to move it that often.

Dave Mills
05-10-2020, 12:23 PM
It's surprisingly easy to lift. I thought it would be like I had to lift half the weight of the planer and stand, but no, for whatever reason the leverage is in your favor. So just a slight annoyance of having to bend down there and lift it. I move mine fairly often and haven't ended up swearing at it yet :)

Andrew Hughes
05-10-2020, 1:15 PM
I have recommended the carbide tipped blades for the Dewalt many times. It’s my opinion that it’s a better choice for the Dewalt. I used to have one with infinity’s carbide blades and it cut perfectly. Small thin panels for my boxes always went through that planer . My bigger planer with a hh Head would just chew up thin panels.
the carbide blades can be sharpened. Message me someday if you need to see it the fixture for sharpening the blades.

Good Luck

tim walker
05-10-2020, 3:12 PM
Thanks Andrew, just trying to justify the cost of the Infinity at $229 vs the $400 ish for the Byrd. When you say hh head are you meaning the spiral like the helix?

Bill Carey
05-10-2020, 3:57 PM
I mounted mine inboard and have no problem reaching it with the toe of my shoe and raising or lowering it. Took some getting used to and was a PIA. But now it's a learned, muscle memory thing so no problem.

Steve Lindsey
05-10-2020, 4:07 PM
I second Andrew on the Infinity carbide blades. I’ve had them for a couple of years and they still cut like new. I would have used two or three sets of DeWalt blades by now.

Andrew Hughes
05-10-2020, 4:30 PM
Yes . I have a powermatic hh 15. The Dewalt was designed to run with knives that index on the cutter head. Since there’s no setting them it’s there’s no reason to put a insert head in. Plus inserts heads like bryd take more power to cut wood due to the 30 degree facebevel on the insert.
Even though infinitys carbide doesn’t get as sharp as hhs. When you get all the knives cutting the same it’s a fair trade.

Good Luck

Stan Brown
05-10-2020, 6:50 PM
I just built two of the stands and I put them both inboard. Push with your toe and lift with your hands a little, so far very easy to do.