View Full Version : A complaining post

lowell holmes
05-06-2020, 7:57 PM
I have a Photosmart printer and need ink cartridges. A local store has it, but I can't go in the store.
They say I can stay in my car and they will bring it to me. I am tired of waiting on a response, so If they don't
do something tomorrow, I will order it on line.

I can't go to the barbershop either. I think SWMBO is going to have cut my air.

But I have a shop full of tools, wood, and I can entertain myself. I have a workbench drawer project underway. I made the drawer too long, so I will shorten it tomorrow.

Just saying . . . .

I am not hungry, hurting, or sick - so things are really OK.

Bruce Wrenn
05-06-2020, 8:49 PM
Here Office Supply stores are allowed to be open. Grand daughters sweetie manages a Micheal's (which aren't allowed to be open,) except his has a FedEx store in it, so he is open. Liquior stores and gun shops are allowed to be open. Means you can buy a gun, get drunk, and shoot the guy who bought last roll of TP. What creative minds at work. Hardest thing for me is remembering what day of the week it is. We used to Friday night date with dinner out, get up on Saturday morning, make and take biscuits to daughter, grandson, along with the widows in our SS group. Go to church on Sunday, and pick up newspaper (Sunday only) With delivery problems at house, we pick up paper at daughter's house on way to or from church. Everything is changed now. No Friday nite dates, and biscuits are made and delivered on Sunday instead of Saturday. No church on Sunday. Our church live streams Sunday worship service, but with blazing internet speeds of 0.69 MB (on good days,) watching isn't possible. So each day, I have to remind myself of what day this is. If today is Wednesday, then I guess tomorrow will be Thursday.

Edwin Santos
05-06-2020, 9:43 PM
Based on the title, I was predicting the thread to be about woodworking magazines.

But I called it wrong, and it ended on an uplifting note, so good on you Lowell!

Jim Koepke
05-07-2020, 1:20 AM
Being somewhat of a hermit, things aren't much different.

It is kind of a pain when the urge to go into town to purchase some lumber or anything else makes one worry.

Biggest difference is when talking to the neighbor across the road. We stay on our own side now when we chat. We talked for about a half hour the other day. Both cars that came by slowed down. No telling what they were thinking about us.


Doug Dawson
05-07-2020, 5:00 AM
I have a Photosmart printer and need ink cartridges. A local store has it, but I can't go in the store.
They say I can stay in my car and they will bring it to me. I am tired of waiting on a response, so If they don't
do something tomorrow, I will order it on line.

I can't go to the barbershop either. I think SWMBO is going to have cut my air.

But I have a shop full of tools, wood, and I can entertain myself. I have a workbench drawer project underway. I made the drawer too long, so I will shorten it tomorrow.

Just saying . . . .

I am not hungry, hurting, or sick - so things are really OK.

I will complain too. My computer died, and my trusted repair shop was shuttered. So eventually I just had to buy another one. There’s isolation, and then there’s isolation.

The harder we hunker down, the sooner this war will be over. Kilgore lives!

Beatings will continue until health improves.

Stan Calow
05-07-2020, 9:03 AM
In our city, office supply places are considered essential since they help people work from home, so they've been open from the beginning. Curbside and walk-in. As of yesterday, barbershops can open, by appointment only. Lots of people not ready to go out yet. I think people were abusing the loopholes that let a whole business open if part of their business was "essential". News reports showed places in some parts of town like beauty salons were adding a rack of candy and snacks and calling themselves an essential grocery. I was in a real grocery yesterday, and I'd say 20% of customers wearing masks, and a lot of moms with small kids not wearing any or having any awareness of social distance.

Rod Sheridan
05-07-2020, 9:10 AM
Hi Lowell, sounds pretty typical.

Whenever I think I’m tired of this, like you I remind myself that I have lots of wood and many projects that need to be made.

I also remind myself that a few months at home pales in comparison with my parents who were adults during the depression and then dad had an all expense paid overseas excursion, leaving a wife and child behind...Rod

Matt Day
05-07-2020, 2:54 PM
Based on the title, I was predicting the thread to be about woodworking magazines.

My guess was it was about Chrome or Edge, lol.

Things really aren’t that bad for most of us on this forum. I’d hazard a guess that most people here have the extra funds to spend on expensive woodworking tools, they can ride this out.

Good to hear you aren’t going to church Bruce. I know it’s very important to a lot of people, but it’s also a CV19 breeding ground. And those crazy preachers who are saying services must open just mean that their wallets are light. Sorry, a little rant there. I went to my church today, lots of single track and trees. No stale bread either! Lol, sorry again.

Lisa Starr
05-07-2020, 3:16 PM
Lowell, I get the frustration. DH and I have a certain amount of it too. Of course, I have to go to work each day, so I'm out far more than I'd like to be. I saw a sign at a local GC's office that says:
"Times are tough. The tough survive. Be smart, be careful, be safe. Better times will come." I like that sentiment.

Andrew Joiner
05-07-2020, 4:08 PM
I'm doing this one day at a time.

I'm grateful for:
Zoom 12 step meetings online.
My daily walks in an area with few people.
Electric power and essential stores open ( imagine an extended power outage now:eek:)
My family is all healthy.
Parks and water access will be open soon.
Internet access!

I know I'm off topic. Usually complaining does me no good :)

lowell holmes
05-07-2020, 6:18 PM
I found ink at a different store today and I printed the picture.

Bruce Wrenn
05-07-2020, 8:35 PM
One thing here that ticks me off is Verizon cell phone stores are closed. i would think cell phones would be considered essential. Maybe it's a good thing they are closed. Last time I went in with a problem, all they wanted to do was sell me a new phone and contract. Told me what I wanted couldn't be done. Called customer service, and they magically made it happen, right over the phone.

Patrick Walsh
05-07-2020, 8:41 PM
Stub tenon, dominoes, dowels, end grain when it can otherwise be hidden. Glue as joinery, conversion varnish, all modern finishes really. Good enough not everything has to be perfect as a moral standard regarding well anything not just Woodworking but often Woodworking. It’s on the back nobody will see it. It’s good enough for Wood regarding tools and equipment. I can go on and on and on. And this week panels that 100% should be captured screwed to the back of a damb panel instead of captured. I have never ever seen such a thing but whatever..

You said I could complain. Oh and half the population being more concerned with themself then the rest of the world.

On a positive note I started watching that National Geographic show with Jane Goodall. What a woman now that’s a good use of ones life. I knew she was good man but she was exceptional. Is exceptional!

Biscuits how could I forget those damb things lol..

But in all seriousness I am just thankful to be alive, nobody I love sick or suffering and to have a job so even I can’t just complain at a time like this. But I’m pretty sure as soon as I go back out into public I’m gonna loose my freaking mind about people carrying on like nothings up and or they don’t think they should care.

Kev Williams
05-07-2020, 11:47 PM
I have a mansion, forget the price-
Ain't never been there, they tell me it's nice.
I live in hotels, tear out the walls,
I have accountants pay for it all...
My Maseratti does one-eighty-five
I lost my license, now I don't drive...
Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through
I can't complain but sometimes I still do,
Life's been good to me so far!

-- except for the mansion, hotels, accountants and the Maseratti part, that pretty much hits home ;)

Ole Anderson
05-08-2020, 8:24 AM
Check out HP online for their auto resupply by mail, they monitor your ink levels and send out cartridges as needed for a small monthly fee. hpinstantink.com

Todd Trebuna
05-08-2020, 2:41 PM
I have to constantly remind myself each day how good I have it. I work at a Hospital, so I've been working every day (except most weekends) since the Pandemic started. We've been wearing masks every day (all day, unless in an office by yourself). In the beginning I was pretty jealous of those made to stay home. After the second week, I was thankful I still habe a job that requires my attendance, although I have a much higher risk of being infected and since I'm an asthmatic, that could be a real problem for me. And I'm only woodworking on the weekends I don't work, which has me a little depressed.