View Full Version : an expletive free glue up

Brian Runau
04-29-2020, 10:00 AM
Glued up a book case yesterday. 3 degree angle bottom to top on sides and front to back with six shelves. Kind of like Laurel & Hardy movies trying to line up all the biscuits from each shelf with both sides and getting them to stay together as we moved from bottom to top. Too tight and the next shelf would not go in, to loose and all the shelves fall out! I enlisted the help of a 2nd pair of hands, my wife. All this within the working time of Titebpnd 3. I did not have hide glue in house. All done without uttering the F bomb once. I'm so proud of myself.



Steve Jenkins
04-29-2020, 10:15 AM
Glad to hear it went well. When I glue up bookcases I lay one side across sawhorses so the shelves are standing on their own as I assemble it and leave it there to clamp.

Richard Coers
04-29-2020, 10:32 AM
I haven't asked my wife to help in the shop for the last 40 years. It did not go well way back when. Something about the tone of my voice. In the voice of George Thorogood, "I work alone....."

glenn bradley
04-29-2020, 10:50 AM
Kudos Brian. I do a full dry run for complex glue-up / clamp-ups. When I take it back apart the clamps all get set down right where I will need them when I apply glue and reverse . . . er . . . the reverse process :D. I too feel a great burden lifted from my shoulders when the clamps are on and everything checks square. Congrats.

Mark Bolton
04-29-2020, 11:58 AM
Is it an outdoor bookcase? Or TB3 for open time?

Thomas Crawford
04-29-2020, 12:34 PM
I thought the expletive free glue-up was just a myth...

Wes Grass
04-29-2020, 5:16 PM
'Video ... or didn't happen ...'

Bill Space
04-29-2020, 6:13 PM
I haven't asked my wife to help in the shop for the last 40 years. It did not go well way back when. Something about the tone of my voice. In the voice of George Thorogood, "I work alone....."

Ha, ha ,ha. I have run into that too. Something about talking to them like they were a fellow worker seems to trip their trigger!


Bill Carey
04-29-2020, 7:27 PM
I thought the expletive free glue-up was just a myth...

LOL - my thought exactly. If it weren't for glue ups I would have no where to use all the wonderful says I learned from my Grandfather while he worked on his Studebaker pickup truck.

jim sauterer
04-29-2020, 7:35 PM
I had to get some help from my wife.normally doesn’t go well but this time I was as nice as could be.being quarantined I had no choice.i could have not done it myself.she stuck with me 41 years.glue ups suck all your work comes down to 10 minutes to make sure all is right and square.glad all went well.

Brian Runau
04-30-2020, 8:09 AM
Glad to hear it went well. When I glue up bookcases I lay one side across sawhorses so the shelves are standing on their own as I assemble it and leave it there to clamp.

Steve, I had it on my 8 x 4 assembly table and still a Chinese fire drill. thanks brian

Brian Runau
04-30-2020, 8:10 AM
Is it an outdoor bookcase? Or TB3 for open time?

just open time

Brian Runau
04-30-2020, 8:10 AM
I thought the expletive free glue-up was just a myth...

thanks for the chuckle