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View Full Version : Any Woodworking Clubs Holding Remote Meeting?

Dave Bunge
04-23-2020, 1:25 PM
I know that there are a number of wood turning clubs who are meeting remotely using Zoom or other video conferencing software. I wonder if there are any "general purpose" woodworking clubs doing the same.

I'm with a woodworking club in mid-Michigan. On Tuesday we held our first remote meeting using Zoom software. About 40 of our members joined from the comfort of their own homes using their computers, tablets, or smart phones. We had a gentleman from Shaper Tools join us from his shop in California. He gave a live demo of the Shaper Origin and Shaper Workstation. Members were able to ask questions during the demo. Overall it went quite well and we got positive feedback from many club members afterwards.

Are any other clubs meeting remotely? If so, what are you doing for meeting topics? Let's share ideas and best practices.

Hope to hear from some of you soon.

Dave Bunge