View Full Version : OOPS, forgot my anniversary ...again.

Rick Potter
04-22-2020, 11:29 AM
For the last 30 years or so, either my wife or I forget our anniversary. This year I remembered first, a week late. Mea culpas, were followed by a promise to take her out to dinner.

Right now, OUT means out in the backyard, since we are playing the sequester game here.

She graciously accepted. Had to, after all she forgot too. It's a little game we play each year.

Number 56, this year.

Lee Schierer
04-22-2020, 11:56 AM
Congratulations, not many folks get to celebrate 56. We planned a family cruise for our 50th but that trip will most likely be a covid victim.

Bill Carey
04-22-2020, 12:47 PM
Congrats Rick and Mrs Rick. I made the mistake of sending flowers 2 weeks early one time. She said I was a moron - but a cute moron. We are going on 42 years. Met on a Tuesday night and she moved in with me on Wed. Never a doubt.

glenn bradley
04-22-2020, 12:56 PM
We planned ahead. We got married in a national holiday. We never forget.

Doug Garson
04-22-2020, 1:07 PM
My wife and I have two anniversaries, we moved in together on Grey Cup Day (Canadian version of Superbowl) and got married someday in May (or was it April?), the moving in anniversary is much easier to remember. Neither one of us makes a big deal about either anniversary. This year will be 34 (or is it 36?) years.

lowell holmes
04-22-2020, 1:08 PM
I met my wife at a yacht club and six months later we got married. We will celebrate 40 years soon. I think it will last.

Jim Koepke
04-22-2020, 2:11 PM
Knowing how women get when their man forgets such things is why my choice was to get married on New Years day. Neither of us has forgotten our anniversary after 38 years.

Her birthday is also easy. My mom's birthday was one day before Candy's.


George Bokros
04-22-2020, 2:57 PM
Happy anniversary Rick.

It will be 52 yrs for us on Monday. Interesting in our anniversary history. We were coming up on our sixth anniversary and my wife says, "This will be our fifth anniversary." To which I replied, "No this will be our sixth anniversary." She thought for a moment then said "You're right, I missed our fifth", then she frowned.

Tom Stenzel
04-22-2020, 3:09 PM
Congratulations on the 56th anniversary Rick.

Thanks to you now I won't forget our anniversary. It's in 4 days. I'm not sure what we're going to do.

Just after the quarantine started my wife injured her left hand. Her ring finger was really swollen and her wedding ring had to come off. I cut it off.
The ring, not the finger. Just wanted to clarify that.

Are we still married? :rolleyes:


Adam Grund
04-22-2020, 3:25 PM
Haven’t forgotten it yet (only year 4 for us) but I get the days mixed up every year and have to go back in my phone to pictures I took on the wedding day to remember the exact date.
For 1.5 years I had may 21 drilled in my head, as that was the date that this big party that consumed 1.5 years of her time to plan was scheduled to be.
Then her dad got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and we got married in her parents living room March 25. He passed April 10 and after a lot of debate we still had the big ceremony in May. And one of her good friends was married June 23. So every year I can never remember if it was 23 or 25.
I hope to make it to at least 50 years, but I was 31 when we married, and I have my doubts whether I’ll see 81. Ha!

Bryan Lisowski
04-22-2020, 6:30 PM
Only reason I remember is our anniversary, her birthday and Christmas all fall within 10 days. She forgets, but we don't make a big deal out of it. When we exchanged gifts, went out to celebrate, was just 1 reason I started to dread December.

Mike Chance in Iowa
04-22-2020, 8:06 PM
Great story Rick. Congratulations on 56 years. I love seeing anniversary numbers reaching so high.

Bruce Wrenn
04-22-2020, 9:17 PM
My brother has been married FIVE times. Number four and five are the same gal.They have no trouble remembering their anniversary, as they both have the same birthday, so they got married on their birthday. Neighbor stopped for flowers and chocolate for their anniversary. Wife calls him at work, tells him to hurry home as he had a surprise for him. I'm sure there were some exciting thought running thru his mind. He walks in door with flowers and box of chocolate in hand, only to find his MIL sitting on the couch. Wife walks into the room ,and says "What's with the flowers and chocolates?" Oh by the way, my mother will be spending two weeks with us. That was his surprise. Never did he buy anything for their anniversary again.

James Runchey
04-23-2020, 9:37 AM
Wife and I are lucky, we will celebrate 67 in a few days.

Rick Potter
04-23-2020, 1:48 PM
Congrats James. I remember my folks 65th. Hope to have one too.