View Full Version : 20X40 v-SLOT EXTRUSIONS SOURCE

Chuck Kahler
04-21-2020, 12:22 PM
I'm planning to build a rastering laser machine and was wondering where is the best place to get the extrusions and all of the fittings/hardware associated with them.


Jacob Meged
04-22-2020, 1:52 PM
The only place I know of is 8020.net I don't have experience with them, but I've heard good things about them and they have a large catalog of sizes.

Kev Williams
04-23-2020, 12:24 PM
There's a company called Item North America, all they make is extrusions- whether they offer something that would work for you I'm not sure, but worth a look maybe...

Gary Hair
04-23-2020, 2:43 PM
I bought a bunch on aliexpress for a 3D printer enclosure. The price ended up to be about 1/3rd of what I could find anywhere else and they included some trim pieces and fasteners that I missed in my list to them. Their cuts were all virtually perfect, all I had to do was assemble it. The vendor was hit pretty hard with Covid and are still not up and running yet, but if you search aliexpress you'll find quite a few. It will take a bit to ship but if you are not in a hurry then the price can make it very worthwhile!

John Lifer
04-24-2020, 12:37 PM
US stock Zyltech.com Has both t and v slot extrusions. I've bought from them in the past (extrusions and PLA) and they are good and usually fast (no telling about that right now)

Chuck Kahler
04-27-2020, 11:29 AM
thanks for all the inputs, will definitely be checking these out.