View Full Version : Let me introduce my lathe bench

Bob Noles
12-26-2005, 6:15 AM
After 2 weeks of struggling with building this brute and putting up with Andy and 'em's constant ragging :D It is finished and ready for the world to see.

The original design idea comes from Rowley's Foundation Course with a heap of modifications to meet my specific needs. I built this rascal pretty much from the scrap pile with the exception of hardware.

I still need to bolt it down and finish a quick grinder/Wolverine platform which I will complete this morning and then some sharpening practice on the chisels before some maiden spinning this afternoon.

Here ya go and I hope Mr. Andy takes it easy on me :D

Chris Barton
12-26-2005, 6:31 AM
Wow Bob, that looks great. You may want to cinch down those lag bolts a little before you start turning though...:p

John Hart
12-26-2005, 7:30 AM
Wow Bob....That's almost too pretty to get dirty. Maybe I should come over and mess it up a little! :) :)

Blake McCully
12-26-2005, 8:42 AM
Oh no, no, no!! Much too clean. Git the durn thing dirty:D

Ken Fitzgerald
12-26-2005, 9:29 AM
Nice Bench Bob. I can tell you're a newbie turner though or at least you're not turning exotics yet. Your shop's too clean and you're not talking/writing like the Mad Hatter..........we know who the Mad Hatter is.......

Andy Hoyt
12-26-2005, 9:42 AM
I aint sayin' nuthin.

Carole Valentine
12-26-2005, 9:50 AM
Great job on the bench Bob, but we're still waiting for some shavings, dust and mess. From those pics I am a little afraid that you might be one of those folks who spends more time cleaning than turning!:D

Ken Fitzgerald
12-26-2005, 9:50 AM
ACTIONS vs Words Andy!:D

Andy Hoyt
12-26-2005, 9:54 AM
I aint sayin' nuthin.

About Bob that is.

As for you...... OOops! Damn Christams cheer. When IS that honeymoon gonna be over?:D

Ken Fitzgerald
12-26-2005, 10:00 AM
Andy.....You were right......win-win! Someday in the future...I'll step up to the edge of the vortex.....stare into it.........succomb........And scream at the top of my lungs as I dive head first into it....."Dudes.....where's the exotics...Quick!":eek: :D

Corey Hallagan
12-26-2005, 10:08 AM
Nice job Bob, the stand looks great, very sturdy to! Wish I had that in my shop. OK, get to it now!


Michael Stafford
12-26-2005, 10:18 AM
Beautifully done bench Bob. You will not regret having that massive support system beneath your lathe to dampen vibration. The additional storage will be well used. Great job!!!;)

Keith Burns
12-26-2005, 10:55 AM
Great setup Bob. Looking forward to this evening when you post your first turning!!

Jim Ketron
12-26-2005, 11:05 AM
Fine looking Job Bob!
looks like your all set up, now get that thing dirty:D

Dick Parr
12-26-2005, 7:57 PM
Great looking bench Bob.

Bob Noles
12-26-2005, 8:19 PM
Thanks for all the nice comments y'all.

Today I learned how to sharpen (and dull chisels :eek:) on the wolverine. That is a nice system for sure.

Today I learned something else..... and that is, I still have much to learn :D

Sorry.... I'm not about to take pictures of that mess out in my shop at this time:eek: :eek:

I think I need to run purchase some more 2X4' s :p

Andy Hoyt
12-26-2005, 8:23 PM
Bob - That mess is what it's all about.

Please post a pic.

My head can't take this beating for much longer!

Of course, if I stopped smashing it against the wall while chanting, "Oh Bob, Oh Bob, wherefore art thy turnings?"; it might actually hurt a wee bit less.

Seriously - This is all about the journey. Not the destination. Take the photo, even if it's just for yourself. Save it for a rainy day a couple of years from now and compare it to the work you'll be doing then. If you can discern the difference, you'll be waaaaay ahead of me!

John Miliunas
12-26-2005, 9:13 PM
Job well done, Bob! Looks like everything you need is easily accessible and handy. Nice lookin', too! :) :cool:

Gary DeWitt
12-26-2005, 9:16 PM
While you're at it, pick up a 4x4 as well, so when you graduate to bigger stuff, you'll have it around.

Here's a tip on wood procurement:

For some reason, when a coffee, end or dining table has a broken leg, worn out finish, etc, people tend to throw it away, usually by leaving it on the curb. The top is usually worthless, being veneer over "termite puke", but the legs are great wood for turning prototypes, even finished work if the wood is real good. You'll get very good at telling from your car while speeding by if there is anything there you want .:D

Carole Valentine
12-26-2005, 9:36 PM
Sorry.... I'm not about to take pictures of that mess out in my shop at this time:eek: :eek:

Now you listen to Mamma, you young whippersnapper! :D After all the time we spent coaching you through the "What-Do-I-Need" and "Which-One-Should-I-Buy" phases of this adventure, the least you can do is post pics of your very first experiments (including the resultant mess!) It's a rite of passage. We all did it, so you should too. And if you don't, you're going to give Andy and me a stroke. THEN how would you feel????:p:p:p

Bob Noles
12-26-2005, 10:25 PM
Heeding direct orders from mama and not wanting to cause Andy undo harm, I am going to give in against my better wishes and post the picture :eek: :eek: :eek:

I think y'all need a good laugh anyhow :D

Andy Hoyt
12-26-2005, 10:37 PM
Way to go Bob!

Nice Form and Finish. I especially like the artful curve at the pummel. Next time try holding the wooden end of the gouge and putting the metal end against the wood.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Seriously, looks like you might want to speed up the lathe a bunch and hold the gouge more firmly down against the rest.

Now that you're a bonafide woodturner, click here (http://www.noahvansanten.com/images/noah_rory2.jpg) for the secret handshake.

And no matter what - do this again tomorrow, and the day after, etc, etc etc

John Bailey
12-26-2005, 10:54 PM

I love the bench. Yours' is the best looking small shop around. I'm always amazed at your ideas to conserve space. However, I must agree with the rest, you have to post pictures. Whatever the turning was, is OK, but we still haven't seen your shop with a "mess."


Kent Cori
12-26-2005, 11:09 PM
Great set up Bob! What brand of casters did you use?

Bob Noles
12-26-2005, 11:09 PM
Andy.... I think you are making fun of my first bowl. Mama isn't going to take to kind to that.


Bob Noles
12-26-2005, 11:11 PM
Great set up Bob! What brand of casters did you use?


They are the 3" casters I got from Hartville tool. They are the smoothest rolling caster I have ever found anywhere.

Bob Noles
12-26-2005, 11:13 PM

I love the bench. Yours' is the best looking small shop around. I'm always amazed at your ideas to conserve space. However, I must agree with the rest, you have to post pictures. Whatever the turning was, is OK, but we still haven't seen your shop with a "mess."


Okay.... Okay.... I'll shoot you some mess tomorrow evening :eek:

You have been warned John :D

Bob Noles
12-26-2005, 11:16 PM
While you're at it, pick up a 4x4 as well, so when you graduate to bigger stuff, you'll have it around.

Here's a tip on wood procurement:

For some reason, when a coffee, end or dining table has a broken leg, worn out finish, etc, people tend to throw it away, usually by leaving it on the curb. The top is usually worthless, being veneer over "termite puke", but the legs are great wood for turning prototypes, even finished work if the wood is real good. You'll get very good at telling from your car while speeding by if there is anything there you want .:D


Do you have any idea how long it took me to round that 1X2? And now you want me to stock some 4X4 "S :eek:

Tomorrow I am supposed to practice with the other end of the chisel.... what next? :D :p

Ernie Nyvall
12-26-2005, 11:17 PM
Nice stand Bob and good job getting started. sheeeez I thought Andy was going to burst into flames any moment:D


Gary DeWitt
12-26-2005, 11:47 PM
Bob, I think you have a beaver infestation. That chunk of wood you showed us has definitely been knawed on!
Heh, heh, heh.

Actually, you will find that harder wood cuts cleaner, pine and other soft woods tend to tear out, especially with tools even the slightest bit dull. It's still good to practice on, though.

Keep at it, and keep taking pics!

Carole Valentine
12-27-2005, 12:52 AM
Heeding direct orders from mama and not wanting to cause Andy undo harm, I am going to give in against my better wishes and post the picture :eek: :eek: :eek:

I think y'all need a good laugh anyhow :D
Oh my! Ummm...which gouge were you using? And which end of the gouge?:D:D:D;) You might want to rip that piece of pine, or whatever it is, so you are starting with a reasonably square piece of stock (1 " x 1 ") Then you can speed up your lathe. It will make it much easier to concentrate on tool presentation. Even better, go out into the yard and cut a reasonably straight section of a small green branch maybe 2" in diameter and try turning it to a cylinder with a roughing gouge. Once you get it round, then start fooling with your spindle gouge. Green wood is MUCH easier to turn than dry 2x4s. I think you will find it much more enjoyable to learn on!:)

Carole Valentine
12-27-2005, 12:58 AM
Andy.... I think you are making fun of my first bowl. Mama isn't going to take to kind to that.

Now don't you pay the least bit of attention to them...they just wish the first thing they ever turned looked that good!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Looks to me like you got the makin's of a right fair paddle...sort of like the one my 4th grade teacher used to use on us, 'cept it had holes drilled all over the business end.:D:D:D

Dennis Peacock
12-27-2005, 1:02 AM
Woo-Hoo Bob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice lathe bench and NOW the lathe doesn't have to be lonely any more since it has a new home that it is most happy on. ;) :D

Very nice work and I'm very proud for you!!!!!!!!:D

John Hart
12-27-2005, 8:15 AM
Just for the record Bob...My first piece of wood was oak and it looked just like that. You brought back a fond memory...Thanks!!;)

Andy Hoyt
12-27-2005, 8:54 PM
Hey Bob!

It's terribly important that you keep getting back up on that horse.

Don't get discouraged.

Don't let anyone (especially me) rile you.

Don't forget that this is supposed to be fun and a hobby.

Don't forget that we're pulling for you.

Don't forget that vision you had a month or two back when all this started to get serious.

Don't forget to keep your crosshairs centered on that vision.

Don't forget that turning is much like golf - Ya gotta keep at it.

Don't forget that SMC is your personal support group.

Don't forget that Nick Cook is really really close.

Bob Noles
12-27-2005, 9:29 PM
Hey Andy.....

It would take more than a lathe and piece of pine to discourage me :p Actually that piece I posted was just for laughs and I knew exactly what I was doing wrong, but was just having some fun with my new toys and experimenting around and got a kick out of posting the disaster :D .

I will get back out there in a day or 2 and post a better example of a true first turn :eek: Right now my condition is acting up a bit and when that happens I stay away from power tools of any kind.

One thing you say is absolutely correct..... SMC is the best support group and circle of friends anyone could ask for :) We have a heck of a lot of fun and learning among each other.

From your words you appear worried that I got offended..... Never gonna happen :cool: I got tougher skin than this whole crowd combined :D

I'll bring a little something better to the table as soon as this levels out. Just over did a little,

Andy Hoyt
12-27-2005, 11:18 PM
You racka frackin grapolgokkin ... Did you snooker me? Yup.

Only condition I'm aware that you have is being on the downhill leg of that slippery slope. And the only cure is more turning. While I suffer from that too I also have wicked bad arthritis in my hands and ankles. Stiff boots down below fix the bottom half and the vibrations from pushing shavings with a gouge actually help the hands. Go figure.

Didn't worry about offending you, but was worried that you might get disgruntled over the first days results and was just giving my sincere side a chance to help out. Jeez, I hate when I get outed for no reason.

okay. Enough of this drippy drivel.

Go make a mess, go make something round, and go make nice with your skew.

Carole Valentine
12-28-2005, 12:07 AM
[quote=Bob Noles]:p Actually that piece I posted was just for laughs and I knew exactly what I was doing wrong, but was just having some fun with my new toys and experimenting around and got a kick out of posting the disaster :D[quote]

He's fair game now, guys! Show no mercy!:D:D:D

Ken Fitzgerald
02-12-2006, 1:38 AM
Andy.....You were right......win-win! Someday in the future...I'll step up to the edge of the vortex.....stare into it.........succomb........And scream at the top of my lungs as I dive head first into it....."Dudes.....where's the exotics...Quick!":eek: :D

Andy I said I'd stare into the vortex and succomb....................I was shoved!:eek: :D

Andy...................Where's the exotics?:eek: :D

Andy Hoyt
02-12-2006, 9:49 AM
Andy...................Where's the exotics?:eek: :D
Well, let's see.

We have John in Clevetown; Travis in Brookhaven; Jim in Pacific; and Glenn in Portsmouth. And those are the AA guys.

Lemme know if you want the AAA list:cool:

maico tercero
02-12-2006, 1:30 PM
nice cart
the grinder looks nice what is the brand and model and where you can get one