View Full Version : So...how about a saw til?

steven c newman
04-20-2020, 12:31 AM
As of right now....this..
Is not getting it. holds about 16 saws....and about the same weight in dust.

Been looking around at enclosed saw tils.....may have found one I can try to make....but, with a few modifications I want.

Instead of the handles resting on a 1" dowel.....may use a 1x4 with one edge rounded over, to match the handles. Have a few Panel Saws...that may get hung on the insides of the solid doors. Instead of one door, there will be two....solid wood ones,

Wondering IF I should include a spot to stash the saw vise in....or just hang it on the side of the case...

Bought a couple 1 x 10 x 6' Pine planks, today....plus have a stack of "leftovers" from the last two builds....

Stay tuned....:D

Scott Winners
04-20-2020, 2:06 AM
My thrown together scrap till holds 26-30 inch blades, about eight of them on the left side, and then I have a space for a drawer, and then can fit another dozen or so saws in the same till above the drawer hole in the middle and on the right. IIRC 26 inch blades are tall enough to reach the horizontal stop on the deep end, and short enough to clear the top panel at the shallow end.

My plan is to put the back saws with the other small fussy tools in a different wall unit.

steven c newman
04-20-2020, 2:37 PM
Today being a Monday, and nothing really pressing going on in the shop...may just enjoy a day off....weather outside is PERFECT!.

Ok. Intend to haul one of the 1 x 10 x 6' planks to the shop...cut it to rough length. Grab the longest hand saw in the til that wasn't made as a backsaw.....and try a few layouts ..out.

Question seems to be...handles up, or handles down. Spaces will be tight inside....if I cut the slots just right....there shouldn't be any rattling around in there. Trying for the thickness of a sheet of paper between the handles. Thinking maybe a single, solid wood door...maybe just a frame and plywood panel door? May not be enough room, to do two doors.

trying to avoid woods with a high Tannic flavour to them......objects made from iron/steel don't play well with Oak, and the like.

May stash the saws with the teeth showing...so I don't have to rattle area in there, looking for the 10ppi crosscut saw.....and bringing out a 6pointer instead...

Idea is to get these saws inside, away from the dust bunnies, so when I wipe them down, they will stay that way.

Will see how today goes....and may try to get a "paper plan" delivered....by Moose & Squirrel Express...
Stay tuned..

Phil Gaudio
04-20-2020, 3:41 PM
An enclosed till for DT saws I built a couple of years ago.

steven c newman
04-20-2020, 7:08 PM
Saws for this til will be 26" long ones....laid two out on a plank, today..
The saws? Atkins Silver Steel Perfection...
And a Disston D-8, 11ppi, post-1928...
was trying to see which way they looked best....handles at the top, or handles at the bottom...

Mike Allen1010
04-20-2020, 7:10 PM
Steven, good project. My vote:

* Handles down - saws less likely to fall out if hurriedly replaced.

* What ever saw capacity you're planning, add 50%. You know you're going to magically acquire more saws. It's OK to admit it -we all have a bad hand saw problem!:)

* leave the till open for easy access. I hang mine on peg board so I can move them around when the tools collection inevitably changes. Shop vac blow out all the dust.

Look forward to seeing the rest of your progress!

Cheers, Mike

steven c newman
04-21-2020, 7:25 PM
Handles up. saw's back will be against the back of the case....unless you want a finger cut, you WILL take the time to safely insert the saw into it's slot

Will make a separate til for the mitre saws in the shop...there are a couple handsaws that have been "Retired", as well....old til held 16 saws...about what I need for now.

Tablesaw in the same neck of the woods in the shop....case will get a door, to keep the dust out of the case...

Whenever Mr. Gumption and Mr Motivation return...I'll be back in the shop, cutting a few Pine boards. Door, BTW, will be a Frame & Panel thing..plywood for the panel. As for what will be hanging on the inside of that door...3 panel saws...looking like two handles up, with the third in the middle, handle at the bottom. Outside of the door...will get a few hooks...
So this saw can hang out there. Will try to see about getting it sharpened later....

Stew Denton
04-21-2020, 9:37 PM
Hey Steven,

You deserve a few days off. Nice job on the plane cabinet.

I think you made the right decision on putting a door on the till, to keep saw dust out. Wood dust setting on steel promotes rust. It is hygroscopic, meaning it can draw water out of the air. That is why wood swells and shrinks with changes in humidity, as it either pulls moisture from the air when it is humid, or releases it when the air is very dry.

Of course when the wood dust pulls moisture from the air, the sawdust gains dampness, which of course promotes rust. If I ever get to build a tool chest and a till or two, I will put doors, or lids on them. Hopefully, also some sort of set up that folks on this site talk about to keep the cabinets warm.

At any rate, I am looking forward to seeing the design you come up with.



David Eisenhauer
04-22-2020, 11:55 AM
I need to build one and am leaning towards an enclosed till to help slow any rust issues despite the agra factor for having to open the till every time I want to access a saw. I would like to have a drawer below the saws so I can store the saw files with the saw. We've all seen the type till I want to build, just need to move it higher up the build list. My main problem is where it will have to hang on a wall. A little further away from my bench than I prefer for back saw storage, OK for larger, less-used panel saws. Haven't made up my mind on where to put the back saws. I'm thinking permanently in the saw till, but temporarily while being actively used where I leave them now laying on top of the tool cabinet that is located under the bench top.

steven c newman
04-22-2020, 9:04 PM
Ok...needed a top and bottom for the case...1 x 10 #2 was a bit ....nasty, but I thought I could get 2 pieces..
Maybe....seemed to be right about....here...
So, IF I could cut this mess out, and wind up with two 1 x 10 x 20"...
Leave them clamped flat, for a day or two....might just work. As for the sides...
1 x 10 #1....roughly 33" for both halves of the 72" long plank...one end match up fairly well...which left the other end of the pair to be trimmed to match each other...
I think that will do....was thinking about starting the dovetails, so I laid out a few toys...
Too much like work, for today....there was a scrap I was going to use to hold the saws...decided to crosscut roughly to length...will be using a stopped dado to house it.....Then, decide two holders was better than one way to wide one....and, I needed to rip out the center of the board, anyway..
center had pith, and a knot or three....amazing. Saw Hangers?
Saws will be hanging by their handles. Tablesaw blade was raised as high as it could go...run the hangers through as pairs, so the slots will line up.
Biggest thing, is to leave enough room at the top, to allow the handles to fit in. Haven't decided how far up to bring the lower keeper, yet....Trying to leave a slight gap between the handles.

May add a few LONG screws through the back, and into the hangers... May start on the through dovetails tomorrow.....or, maybe do the rebates for the plywood back to sit in.
Stay tuned....

steven c newman
04-23-2020, 11:57 AM
May get started after Lunch has settled....may just work on the sides of the case, today. will include the rebate along the back edge ( for the plywood back) and two stopped Dados for the saw holders...

Dovetails will be just simple through dovetails, no need to go fancy. Sides will get the pins. Then use the pins to lay out the tails.....things will get spaced using a 6mm or 8mm wide chisel....have to set the bevel gauge again....it is folded up to store in the tool cabinet.

Once I figure out how long the hangers need to be, counting what goes into the dados....I can cut the rest of the slots....thinkin the dados only need to be 3/8" deep.....another job for the Stanley 71-1/2.

Rebates will just be done with the Wards #78....set the depth stop with the thickness of the plywood.

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
04-23-2020, 8:36 PM
Took the day off....on account of I had a TIA roll through my head.....aka, Mini Stroke. Was a good thing I was sitting down....body went on Lock Down for about 5 minutes, I think...world was spinning around, but, I wasn't. Have had a few of these things over the past few years....at least this time, nothing went numb....

Things only last 5 to 15 minutes....but then the rest of the day is basically...shot.. Will take the day off, sit and rest up....and hope the head quit spinning.....

Will see how tomorrow goes....if nobody minds...

steven c newman
04-24-2020, 8:15 PM
Ok, morning after feels like I did a Pub Crawl last night...issues with the van vs mechanic....then down to Lowes for a plywood handy panel, and a new bandsaw blade.....finally decided to try my luck in the shop...about 1400 hrs......quitting time was 1630.....got a little bit done...was just getting too tired...
Rebates on the two sides were done...not without issues ( seemed to be a trend, today)
Yes, the rebate needed to go there....right through the knot. Good thing I sharpened the iron up last time it was out...
laid out and saw the pins first...
Then remove the waste..
Will need a special cut, to hide the ends of the rebates...
Tails were laid out, using the pins...and marked for that corner cut..
Special cut in the red circle.....dry fit?
One corner done....3 more to go, and one more rebate to plow.
This is that knot, before the Wards (Stanley) No. 78 hit it.
So, tomorrow, I might get at least one more corner done....all 3 would be pushing things, a bit.
Stay tuned....

steven c newman
04-25-2020, 5:46 PM
Have about 20 pictures to post....might be a little rough to do, with an 8 photo limit...so, I hit the highlights..
Rebates are matching up...had one a little too tight..
trim it to remove the split. Corner #2 is done. Both it and #1 are the bottom of the case.
Corner #4 is also done, panel for the top even has it rebate done...usual luck, was made against the grain...:mad:
had to, to make the tails and the corner come out right. Leaves corner #3 for tomorrow...

Laid out for the dados for the saw holders to sit in. Decided to angle the top one, so the saws will not slide back out on their own....but..:eek:
Should be a lot of "fun" to do.....by hand. :eek: Stanley #71-1/2 will be earning it's keep....the lower holder can sit in a straight dado...
And, of course, not a knot in sight..:rolleyes:.

Need to get the last corner done, and 4 dados made....then see about trimming a plywood panel to size. maybe Monday I can start on the door? And figure out the hinge(s) and a Latch....Witch's Brew for a finish?
Stay tuned...:D

David Eisenhauer
04-25-2020, 10:22 PM
You are very good at finding knots in your project wood Stephen C. I always figure if the knot doesn't chip the blade, it is a plus. And please take care of yourself as best you can.

steven c newman
04-26-2020, 10:04 AM
5 hours of shop time on a Saturday afternoon....followed by a cold Guinness Draught Stout...:cool:..because I earned one, my friend. :D Will see what happens today...may get a late start. At least the 1/4" plywood doesn't have any knots...I hope.

1 more corner to dovetail
4 Dados to chop, saw, chisel and router plane..
1 plywood back to cut to size
2 saw holders need the rest of the kerfs made, top holder needs a bevel along the back..
Fine tune a few fits, here and there....;)

I think that should do it....will need a LARGE area to do the glue up, a LOT of cauls, and a forest of clamps.

Once this case is done and out of the clamps...I can load it up, and start on building the door, and installing that onto the case...Might have this thing done...by next weekend..maybe?:rolleyes:
Stay tuned...the "FUN" is about to begin..:D

steven c newman
04-26-2020, 2:48 PM
Ok, Lunch has settled, trip to the ER has been done...waiting of a pill delivery. May head to the shop about..1500 hrs? Wish me luck...

( Monday's project is to "Bug Bomb" the basement..and get the tan-coloured Hobo Spiders out of my shop.....elbow was treated for a couple BITES....today.)

steven c newman
04-26-2020, 9:19 PM
Last corner is done....
Happens when one cuts on the wrong sides of the lines...one whack too many, and the corner snapped off....glue and clamp to fix....was too long, I pared to width..I thought. I also filled the crack in that big old knot.
Also, cut the rest of the slots in the holders..
Ganged both holders together, and ran them through..
Blade as high as it can go....looks like I can put 14 full length handsaws in the holder. might be enough :rolleyes:

Then tried a dry fit of all four corners...
Was checking the fits....looking for gaps to fix...tried a couple clamps...
This is going to be such FUN to glue and clamp...as the holders need to be included....too many parts, too many clamps..too few hands..:mad:

Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
04-27-2020, 1:46 AM
For some strange reason...I went back down to the shop.....Bug Bomb was done, anyway. Fixed all the gappy dovetails....then clamped a side to the bench..
Lay out marks were made...
Cut a pair of knife walls, 18mm chisel and the mallet, to dig a square hole...
backsaw to cut along the knife walls, using the square hole for the toe of the saw...
mallet and chisel to pop most of the waste out....
used a 1/2 straight cutter in the Stanley 71-1/2 to level the floor of the dado..
Wash, rinse, repeat until you get all four dados done....set things aside, and close the shop, again...:D
Time for a Cold One?:confused:
Stay tuned.:D..need to cut a plywood panel to size, and try a glue up......not sure which will be worse...:rolleyes:

David Eisenhauer
04-27-2020, 11:34 AM
Nice work on the dado. You know that they are saving the knotty pieces especially for you - "Put that one in the Steven C pile. He'll be along in a another day or so."

steven c newman
04-27-2020, 4:24 PM
Yep...Welcome to the Land of the Knotty Pines...

Today being a Monday, and all....shop will be closed today..Would be too late in the day to start a glue up like this would be. May try to get the plywood back panel cut to size, later....maybe after Supper?
I used the Millers Falls No. 11 last night..to bevel the back edge of the upper saw holder.

Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
04-28-2020, 4:07 AM
Film at 2300hrs, Tuesday...
See ya then...

steven c newman
04-28-2020, 7:03 PM
More clamps were needed..
then...around 1500hrs, today, the clamps came off...
Then laid down, and the back panel installed....with a bead of glue and
hammer also helped set the panel in place...
Such an Angry face? cleaned the corners up..
Close enough...Test load?
So far, so good?
14 saws. Old saw til was moved out, a new plywood deck was added to the OSB one...added a 1 x 1 bar to the bottom of the til...then carried the FULL til over to it's new home..
A bunch of 2" screws to lock it down...just waiting on me to build a door, and install it. Will start on THAT tomorrow, I think..:rolleyes:

may re-use the old til..maybe a place for all the extra mitre back saws to hang out in?

Stay tuned..

David Eisenhauer
04-28-2020, 10:00 PM
Finished! I know it was the plan all along, but please remind me again why you place the saws with the teeth pointing out?

steven c newman
04-28-2020, 10:37 PM
easiest way for me to hang them by their handles....I can also see which is a Rip saw and which is a crosscut....and choose a saw by looking at it's teeth....as looking at a saw' back doesn't really tell me what type of job that saw would be used for....

Not quite finished......there is a door to be made, to keep the dust out of the til....and store the short Panel saws in....

May re-use the old til...just for the miter and backsaws in the shop....those can be stowed handle down, teeth in....as I would be more interested in the saw's length. may hang that where the red plastic screwdriver holder used to be,...on the wall..

David Eisenhauer
04-29-2020, 1:14 AM
Thanks Steven. I think you said that up above somewhere, but the hard drive is over full theses days. Makes sense. If/when I build my till, I will have a door on it as well just to slow down any dust/moisture from settling on the plates.

Mike Allen1010
04-29-2020, 12:10 PM
Since I'm commenting on this thread I thought I should we share a pic of my own Saw tills.


steven c newman
04-29-2020, 12:22 PM
Be nice just to have that much room....
Tried the old saw til in a new spot....not enough room for it....

!x 4s are IN the shop...waiting on Mr. Gumption and Mr. Motivation...

Going through the stack of saws....have a few that will be going out to the curb...Now have two 24" long Panel saws to store....and a short backsaw. I think all the other backsaw/mitre saws have gone into hiding...

steven c newman
04-30-2020, 11:54 AM
These 2 were a part of the stash of extra saws...
Both were filed crosscut..the 12" is about worn out...the 14" still has good teeth.
Cleaned the work area...
Will move the tablesaw back into it's spot, but where I can work around it...

Brain had an IDEA last night...just had to go and test it out....before I could forget it in the morning..

Although the til is leaned back a bit...I still wanted the front of the door to be plumb....and vertical....as I have a few saw to hang on the inside of the door...maybe add a wedge shaped side to the door, maybe?

Cut one of the 1 x 4 x 6' planks roughly in half on the #358 Mitre saw....Stood one half vertically against the side of the til...and mark a line....and marked it for length..mitre saw to cut for length, bandsaw for the angled cut..
When the tablesaw gets out of my way, today...a #6 will joint that sawn edge straight....Wide end is the "top" of the door..
So...this will be the inside corner of the door. Also allows clearance for the saws' handles, as they hang on the inside of the door.

Might be a FUN afternoon....corner joints of the door is to be a mitered half lap....miters will show on the outside of the door....

Stay tuned:D

steven c newman
04-30-2020, 7:34 PM
3 hours in the shop...front of the door is in the clamps..
I'll ad the collar tomorrow...
Corner joint test fit...first set of lines were a bit off..
Joint is known as a Mitered Half Lap...

Got all the parts milled..
Then cut the plywood panel to fit....then the glue and clamps...
Checked the corner for square. Used a couple of these saws, today...
For when the stiles were to long for the other 2...
Some from cutting the 45 degree miters. One for the 90 degree crosscuts...
Grooves for the plywood panel were done with the Stanley 45...with a #14 cutter..
Seems to have a knack, for finding a knot IN the groove, too...

Let this sit overnight....and add the collar to it....Having a Cold One...been a LONG day.
Stay tuned :D

steven c newman
05-01-2020, 9:00 PM
Well...clamps came off today....for a while, anyway....no strange creaks, cracking noises....Might be getting the hang of doing a glue up..:rolleyes:

Needed to crosscut a board for the top and bottom of the collar...
Doesn't take very long to cut through a 3/4" board...when the saw is 28" long...Top one then needed a bevel, to match the angle of the sides...
We have ways....Then some glue and clamps...hinge side?
Bottom used spring clamps..
With the other clamps pulling the sides in tight. Beveled top used the smaller F style HF clamps..C clamps worked well, to glue the wedge-shape sides to the door...
Need to figure out how to hang 4 saws..
2 panel saws, 2 backsaws...we are looking towards the top of the door.
Latch side. panel saws?
24" Atkins skew back 8ppi.....and
Sheffield Works (Atkins) rip saw, straight back 6ppi. The 2 backsaws are both WS....one is a 12", the other is a 14" filed crosscut.
May reinforce the corners with a screw or two...counter bored and plugged, of course. Need to go to Blue BORG and get a piano hinge, a handle, and a latch....tomorrow.
Stay tuned...

Scott Winners
05-02-2020, 12:28 AM
You are busting this thing out Mr. Newman. I haven't even had time to get popcorn.

steven c newman
05-02-2020, 5:54 PM
No shop time, today....hardware was bought, and the clamps removed...and that was it, for today. had to go out, buy a new mower, and a new grill, and assemble both. Bought sparkplug wires for the van.

backyard hay field has been mowed. WITH the brand new mower. I am whooped....need a couple ice cold Guinness Blondes....and my easy chair...

Maybe tomorrow, eh...

Tony Zaffuto
05-02-2020, 5:57 PM
No shop time, today....hardware was bought, and the clamps removed...and that was it, for today. had to go out, buy a new mower, and a new grill, and assemble both. Bought sparkplug wires for the van.

backyard hay field has been mowed. WITH the brand new mower. I am whooped....need a couple ice cold Guinness Blondes....and my easy chair...

Maybe tomorrow, eh...

What is the taste of the Guinness Blondes? I drink Guinness draft (can with widgets).

steven c newman
05-02-2020, 6:10 PM
Not much different. Colour is lighter. Right now, #2 is already 1/2 gone...

Tony Zaffuto
05-02-2020, 6:59 PM
Not much different. Colour is lighter. Right now, #2 is already 1/2 gone...

Next time I'm in a more populated area, I will need to try a six pack! Around here, Guinness is not a big mover in beer distributors.

steven c newman
05-02-2020, 11:40 PM
Well, lean back was too much...added a shim in back of the case...then tried again with the door...
Hardware arrived in the shop, this morning...
30" Piano hinge, latches ( only need one)and a black metal handle ( trying to hide in a plastic wrapper)
Goal was to have the front of the door plumb
Came close...can always add another shim round back....
Dry fit only...have a LOT more work needs to be done....before the Witch's Brew can go on..
Stay tuned..:D

William Fretwell
05-03-2020, 8:13 AM
If I had that many saws I would want a saw till as well. My saws are basic, one of each type. Never had any luck buying old saws.
Take the day off, check your medications with your doctor to reduce your risk of those TIA’s. How about a pair of glass panel doors to keep the dust off?

steven c newman
05-03-2020, 5:56 PM
Too many other things, going on....both yesterday and today.....Buy a new mower, and assemble it, then mow the yard......bought a new grill, assemble and then season it...
Laid what was left of these squares...had to go and buy 40 more, today..
Too tired to lay any more.
Due to complaints about the tilted case...
Bought two 8' sticks of chair rail molding, going to trim around the front of the til's door.

"No more tilts"...to paraphrase Ozzy....and there will be a sign for the shop..
Works for me....

steven c newman
05-04-2020, 9:26 AM
Late last night...went to the shop for a few pictures that needed taken...wound up making a big mess...at 0300hrs..(gotta stop that..)
Door's glue joints were all planed smooth, corners that will be seen...also got a round-over from the planes...couple end grains were trimmed down with a #3 Stanley. Even brought one of the 2 sticks of molding to the shop....since the Mitersaw doesn't use a noisy motor...I worked on what I could get out of the one stick..
2 longs, and a short...corners?
Making a "Picture frame" around the door's plywood panel.
Counter-bored a few screws, to reinforce the corners and the sides...
Blow-out from a knot halfway in a groove...
By this time, I was getting a bit tired...and missed a couple nail heads...will sand that out..when I get back to the shop...but NOT at 0300hrs in the morning
Stay tuned...

David Eisenhauer
05-04-2020, 5:05 PM
Heck of a day Steven C. Looks like you brought a "brisket king" home and need to try that beast out ASAP. I'll leave you to the mowing and square laying but glad to help with the smoking duties.

steven c newman
05-04-2020, 10:27 PM
Busy morning....then a Migraine hit about noonish....all afternoon for a nap to get rid of it....after Supper, woke up, and got a bit of work done in the shop...
Two 2 tries to get that last 20" long piece of molding cut to fit...good thing I had 8' to work with. i used a bit of scrap to sit the molding flat....
Glue and nails, then sanded smooth. Made a bunch of plugs to install in the counter-bores....cutter was having ..."Issues"..and lopped of the heads of a few of the plugs...
Screwdriver to pop a plug out, bead of glue on the narrow end, hammer to set them in the holes, chisel to trim flush...sand smooth.

The real challenge was the piano hinge....trying to hang the door....R Lee Ermy would have been impressed at the level of cussing going on..
A handle was the easy part...but the latch....meh..
Glutton for punishment...I also hung 3 more saws...
There is a metal "keeper" holding the saws in place...swung down..
To engage. To release..
Rotate them up to release. Then I swept the floor, and closed the shop....had more than enough "fun" for one day...
Stay tuned...

steven c newman
05-05-2020, 2:11 PM
Had to make a couple wooden "hooks" to hang the last saw with...
They can be rotated to release the saw...there is a metal keeper down at the bottom...Witch's Brew has been brushed on, and wiped down..
Letting it dry for today....no, I did not apply that smelly stuff to the inside of the case.....year from now, you can still smell it..
Counting the frame saw...til hold 18 saws, no duplicates.

David Eisenhauer
05-05-2020, 8:42 PM
Its a wrap Steven C. Thanks for the build photos and description. Time to chase down on of your "Blondes".

Jerry Olexa
05-05-2020, 10:01 PM
An enclosed till for DT saws I built a couple of years ago.
Very nice Phil AND a nice collection of saws!!!!

Gerald Schram
05-06-2020, 7:05 PM
steven hope you feel better!!

steven c newman
05-06-2020, 10:26 PM
Was taking an antibiotic that didn't play nice with the other meds I'm taking.....blood pressure was elevated...migraine followed...day after sucks worse than a Pub Crawl Day after.....

Thanks for looking in!. Shop is due for a through clean-up...and putting all the toys away....

Jerry Olexa
05-07-2020, 11:15 AM
Steve, take care of yourself...We need you healthy so you can be in the shop...Love your pictures of your builds...Stay well,

Dan McGonigle
05-07-2020, 6:43 PM
Saw this and thought I'd share my saw till. I had started this about a year ago and just got around to finishing it a few weeks ago. White pine (mostly quartersawn) and walnut. The drawer stores saw related tools and has a mitered liner which allows a small tray, for files, to slide back and forth. Being a shop project, I experimented with through dovetails for the drawer front - thinking I'd really like it. Truth be told, I'm not crazy about it. My saws aren't very nice and I expect to slowly replace them with nicer ones, but I'm glad I have somewhere organized to store them!


Jerry Olexa
05-07-2020, 9:12 PM
Saw this and thought I'd share my saw till. I had started this about a year ago and just got around to finishing it a few weeks ago. White pine (mostly quartersawn) and walnut. The drawer stores saw related tools and has a mitered liner which allows a small tray, for files, to slide back and forth. Being a shop project, I experimented with through dovetails for the drawer front - thinking I'd really like it. Truth be told, I'm not crazy about it. My saws aren't very nice and I expect to slowly replace them with nicer ones, but I'm glad I have somewhere organized to store them!

432463 Dan, very nice results.....Good job..Like those drawers

Stew Denton
05-07-2020, 10:29 PM

+1 on what Jerry said. Take care of yourself first.


steven c newman
05-08-2020, 8:17 PM
Took a walk downtown today....we went to a local hamburger joint, to pick up Supper.....was going along ok...legs were getting a bit tight. Made the turn off the city sidewalk and up a step onto my own, concrete sidewalk.....I don't bounce, anymore. A twig got between my feet, and tripped me up.....and then down we went.....elbow, hands, and a knee hit the sidewalk.....gonna leave a mark, or three....I had my hoodie on, otherwise things would have been a bit....messy. Will take this weekend off, from the shop.....kind of sore, right now....:o

Jerry Olexa
05-08-2020, 10:50 PM
Took a walk downtown today....we went to a local hamburger joint, to pick up Supper.....was going along ok...legs were getting a bit tight. Made the turn off the city sidewalk and up a step onto my own, concrete sidewalk.....I don't bounce, anymore. A twig got between my feet, and tripped me up.....and then down we went.....elbow, hands, and a knee hit the sidewalk.....gonna leave a mark, or three....I had my hoodie on, otherwise things would have been a bit....messy. Will take this weekend off, from the shop.....kind of sore, right now....:o

Please Be Careful, get some REST and Heal......Later, back to shop.

David Eisenhauer
05-08-2020, 11:18 PM
Nice saw till Dan. The one I need to build is getting closer to the top of the list. I like your style with the angled sides, but I keep thinking that I need to put a door on it to help keep moisture and/or dust off the saws. The only wall space I have to put it in would be a PIA to have a door opening at that spot. I will have the drawer though. Thanks for sharing.

David Eisenhauer
05-08-2020, 11:20 PM
Ibuprofen can be your best friend Steven C. Take some time off to heal up and rejuvenate the juices.

Stew Denton
05-09-2020, 10:53 AM
Hi Steven,

Sorry to hear about the fall, but glad you are taking a bit of time off from the shop, probably a very good idea, given the situation.
