View Full Version : Wood Choice for End Cap of Roubo Workbench?

Bobby Newsom
04-09-2020, 1:49 PM
The end cap will serve as the rear jaw for a Yost F9WW 9" Front Vise. Will likely join the end cap via lag screw (and maybe a simple mortise/tenon - no dovetail though). The front jaw will be the same wood type. Right now I have cherry, walnut, and hard maple on hand.


Jamie Buxton
04-09-2020, 1:51 PM
Hard maple. Harder than the other two, and less expensive.

Bobby Newsom
04-09-2020, 2:32 PM
Thanks. I forgot I also have some ash as well. But I was hoping for something with a color that would contrast color with the workbench, which is SYP.

Andrew Hughes
04-09-2020, 2:44 PM
I also choose Hardmaple. But only if the piece you have can be handplaned flat with the rest of the bench. Something a new hand tool bench will need the first couple years.
My bench is hardmaple.

Good Luck

Patrick Kane
04-09-2020, 11:05 PM
Personally, I really like a contrasting end cap and leg vise chop. Also, I don’t know if hardness is an advantage on a vise chop. You want the vise to grip and not dent. My end cap is cherry, but so are my bench’s legs and the handtool drawers under the bench. I would do walnut or cherry.

Bobby Newsom
04-10-2020, 8:47 AM
That's my thinking too. I don't want to get too outlandish because of $$ issues, but I think a little contrast adds a lot. The leg vise chop and end cap being a darker species (walnut, cherry, etc), with the main workbench a lighter color.