View Full Version : Merry Christmas Y'all

John Bailey
12-25-2005, 12:11 AM
From all at the Bailey place, Jake, Jeb, John, Kelsey and Elisabeth wish all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.:D


Ken Fitzgerald
12-25-2005, 12:49 AM
Thank you John! And Merry Christmas to you and yours! Great picture BTW!

John Bailey
12-26-2005, 8:22 AM
Thanks Ken,

The picture, of course, is of my Christmas-decorated shop. Also, I don't see my sons very often, and almost never together. They're both in their wayward-finding themselves-give their dad grey hair stage, so it was good to have them both here. I know what you're thinking, they might take after their ol' man at that age. There might be just a little truth in that.

Hope you had a Merry Christmas and looking forward to the new year.
