View Full Version : COVID protector, wood meets polycarbonate.

William Fretwell
04-06-2020, 8:38 AM
Usually post on the Neanderthals but as no hand tools were used, posting here!
Baltic birch plywood, polycarbonate, some forms and a couple of routers. Considerable accuracy required to make the form to route the hole for the tube.
Sideways as usual! A new technique, flame polishing routed edges with a MAP torch! Piece of cake!
Polycarbonate is weird stuff but wood power tools do a good job.
These are for Pharmacies.

Bill Dufour
04-06-2020, 10:59 AM
surprised to see the hole at the worst possible location and not a speaker box.
Bil lD.

Jim Becker
04-06-2020, 11:12 AM
Nice fabrication work!

William Fretwell
04-06-2020, 7:02 PM
Bill, sorry I did not elaborate on the tube, it has a membrane over the inside end so you can talk and listen. It is sealed. The tube is epoxied into the front surface.

David Buchhauser
04-07-2020, 1:55 AM
Nice work!

Lee Schierer
04-07-2020, 8:45 AM
Sort of a false sense of security since air borne particles could easily go over, around or through the opening for exchanging cash or credit cards....

Edwin Santos
04-07-2020, 8:59 AM
Sort of a false sense of security since air borne particles could easily go over, around or through the opening for exchanging cash or credit cards....

I have no better than most everyone's recent baptism by fire expertise in this stuff... what you say is possible, but probably not likely. I think the shroud is going to eliminate some high % of the risk.
Some risk is going to have to be taken otherwise the alternative is we'll all be in hermetically sealed bubbles.

Is a bullet proof vest a false sense of security since you can still get shot in the head?
Sorry if it sounds like I'm jumping on your comment, but I just trying like heck to fathom how we're going to find a balance between health safety and a functioning society in our brave new world.

William Fretwell
04-07-2020, 5:58 PM
Lee the aim is to seal off the dispensary as much as possible, polythene from ceiling to top of counter/protector. It is not perfect but if the HVAC system can be adjusted to keep the pressure behind the screen a little higher then air flows forwards to keep staff safe.
The latest guess is that 70% of the spread is via contact and 30% airborne. The situation for the front line workers in hospitals generates no false sense of security. They know their gear is inadequate, no real ventilation barrier at all, no negative pressure rooms.
Generally when you catch a virus close up, it is full strength, the longer between hosts the more attenuated the potency. This may explain why Italy has had 43 doctors die and counting.
All we can do is try to minimise risks for front line workers. Even those hiding at home go shopping occasionally, some ride in elevators ( a nightmare!).
Pharmacy deliveries in Ontario are insane, drivers with health conditions have stepped down, new hires can’t hack it and last a day. Even with a drop, step back and smile delivery they are ‘out there’.
Crazy times.