View Full Version : Anyone know who has N95 resperators in stock?

Clarence Martinn
04-01-2020, 4:59 PM
Check all over, can't find any. Anyone know who has them still in stock ?

Matthew Curtis
04-01-2020, 5:18 PM
hopefully all the hospitals and first responders have them.

Russell Smallwood
04-01-2020, 5:34 PM
hopefully all the hospitals and first responders have them.

This. I sent my last 6 to my niece who is a nurse in Chicago.

David Bassett
04-01-2020, 5:34 PM
hopefully all the hospitals and first responders have them.

Sadly, clearly not. But hopefully that's were 100% of production is going now and they'll catch up with emergency demand soon.

Rob Luter
04-01-2020, 5:37 PM
I have one in my shop. It's a little funky from multiple uses and not suitable for use by others.

Jared Sankovich
04-01-2020, 5:39 PM
April fools?

Jim Andrew
04-01-2020, 6:36 PM
These masks seem pretty durable, so I wash them out in hot water and soap. Otherwise seems they give me a cold after once using them. So if I use one, wash it out that evening, prop it on the towel rod, and it is dry in the morning.

David Bassett
04-01-2020, 7:20 PM
These masks seem pretty durable, ....

Which these? I'd be interested if non-medical use washable masks were available. Thanks.

Brice Rogers
04-01-2020, 8:20 PM
If you are willing to pay about $10 each or more, check out Amazon or Ebay (Buy it now). There are some from US stocks. Some are selling 1, 10 or as many as 500 (for about $4K). Many are touting quick delivery.

So, there is some availability if you really need it.

But...buyer beware.

Matt Day
04-01-2020, 8:26 PM
April fools?

Must be. CDC is likely to recommend surgical masks soon anyway.

Matthew Curtis
04-01-2020, 8:33 PM
At the hospital us first line responders are fitted with the 3m 6000 series mask. Same as I have in the shop.

Bruce Wrenn
04-01-2020, 8:35 PM
Duke Health (Yes Duke does something other than play basketball) developed a way to sterilize used masks. Mist them for four hours with hydrogen peroxide, same as they do infected rooms to cleanse them.

Alan Schwabacher
04-01-2020, 9:16 PM
This post from Stanford Med describes the results of tests

My summary:

There are lots of ways to sterilize masks, but some of them affect the subsequent filtration efficiency of the mask. Simple heating under controlled conditions is very effective and does not hurt filtration efficiency.

If you must make a mask, vacuum cleaner bags are the best thing to use.

Scott Bernstein
04-01-2020, 9:58 PM
I work at a hospital and we are making every effort to conserve PPE, especially N95 masks. So far we are OK. Some facilities are struggling with this; hopefully the supply chain will catch up with demand in the next week or two. I have been bringing my 3M half-face P100 mask to work, soaking it in a bleach solution each night and replacing the filters. At home I also have a a full helmet PAPR system, with HEPA filter - 3M Versaflo TR-600 - great for woodworking. Afraid to bring it to work since I think someone will try to steal it!

Tom M King
04-01-2020, 10:15 PM
A lot of the PPE I see them using, on TV, looks like wishful thinking to me.

Alan Lightstone
04-01-2020, 11:34 PM
We have 1 PAPR for the anesthesia department that we are using to intubate patients, and so far, barely enough N95 to get by - with us re-using them. We do double mask with a normal OR mask outside the N95 mask to prevent them from getting soiled. And it's not the easiest thing in the world to put on two different types of OR masks, on top of glasses, and hearing aids, and finally a face shield, gown, double gloves. But we're not whining. As we've always said, it's better to be vertical than horizontal in the OR.

The OR patients who are Covid-19 positive and don't know it are the ones presently worrying us. Our procedures are evolving on a daily basis as we learn more, and McGyver the best we can. And we are not getting bombarded like the NYC area is. We all know it will get much worse, very soon. Fortunately, I work with a very talented, dedicated staff.

That Stanford article linked above is extremely important regarding how to re-sterilize or more importantly how not to. Alcohol kills these masks. Do not use that. It reduces filtration efficiency very significantly.

We will be switching over to UV light to re-sterilize ours. But the oven at 70C for 30 minutes looks very doable, and appears to not appreciably degrade mask filtration efficiency, as Alan noted above.

John K Jordan
04-01-2020, 11:41 PM
Check all over, can't find any. Anyone know who has them still in stock ?

Masks or respirators? Our local farm store just got in a shipment of cartridge type respirators, the type I use in the shop and around the farm although they are not the 3M brand, my preferred. They have N95 and better, P100. Maybe check a farm store near you? BTW, where is near you?


Andrew Hughes
04-02-2020, 12:46 AM
I use the P100 filters with organic vapor cartridges for finishing. If I need to wear one at the grocery store I will.
Seems kinda over kill. Their not cheap 27 dollars for two cartridges.
No sign of the virus are here yet.
Good Luck everyone

Matthew Hills
04-02-2020, 12:54 AM
At the hospital us first line responders are fitted with the 3m 6000 series mask. Same as I have in the shop.

Do they do any maintenance on the masks/filters?

I'd think the p100 dust masks would be a good choice to help filter inhalations, but thought the exhalation valves would be a problem at hospitals.
The pink 3M filters sure look good at a grocery store, though.


David Buchhauser
04-02-2020, 6:42 AM
Check all over, can't find any. Anyone know who has them still in stock ?

No more N95 respirators to be had. You can get some N95 face masks (while they last) on Ebay here.
I've seen better pricing at some of the other Ebay listings.

https://www.ebay.com/itm/3M-Respirators-Mask-Masks-US-Stock-Lot-Of-3/164146927713?hash=item2637eb5861:m:mPFdBBue2GEzjRW GBKZ-sGA

(https://www.ebay.com/itm/3M-Respirators-Mask-Masks-US-Stock-Lot-Of-3/164146927713?hash=item2637eb5861:m:mPFdBBue2GEzjRW GBKZ-sGA)

Brian Tymchak
04-02-2020, 6:52 AM
Just read that Home Depot is donating all its stock to the medical community. Kind of surprised they had anything to donate. Our local HD has been out of masks of any kind for over a month.

Matt Day
04-02-2020, 7:04 AM
I use the P100 filters with organic vapor cartridges for finishing. If I need to wear one at the grocery store I will.
Seems kinda over kill. Their not cheap 27 dollars for two cartridges.
No sign of the virus are here yet.
Good Luck everyone

Where exactly do you live in SoCal? Cali has almost 10,000 cases.

Matthew Curtis
04-02-2020, 7:47 AM
I use the P100 filters with organic vapor cartridges for finishing. If I need to wear one at the grocery store I will.
Seems kinda over kill. Their not cheap 27 dollars for two cartridges.
No sign of the virus are here yet.
Good Luck everyone

Wearing tese in public is not necessary. Your eyes need protecion as well. Just wash you hands all the time and STAY HOME!!!!
You should not be in public anyways. It is kind of frustrating to hear about people going to the store multiple times a day. It is like they can't make a grocery list.

Brian Holcombe
04-02-2020, 8:21 AM
Donate to law enforcement also, they have a lot of potential exposure scenarios and cannot avoid dealing with the public.

David Utterback
04-02-2020, 9:37 AM
Most of my new box of 20 were donated to my pulmonologist last week. I kept 4 just in case. The staff were very thankful. I was surprised to see that the front desk staff wearing them. Made me think that I should have taken them to the hospital instead.

Brian's statement is spot on. Infections in the New York PD are quite high.

Wade Lippman
04-02-2020, 10:58 AM
If you are willing to pay about $10 each or more, check out Amazon or Ebay (Buy it now). There are some from US stocks. Some are selling 1, 10 or as many as 500 (for about $4K). Many are touting quick delivery.

So, there is some availability if you really need it.

But...buyer beware.

On Amazon they are for 5/30 delivery; if they are on time. Ebay, who knows...

Wade Lippman
04-02-2020, 11:03 AM
I use the P100 filters with organic vapor cartridges for finishing. If I need to wear one at the grocery store I will.
Seems kinda over kill. Their not cheap 27 dollars for two cartridges.
No sign of the virus are here yet.
Good Luck everyone

I am going to the supermarket for the first time in a week. Thought I would have to wear my Cartridge Respirator, but I found some surgical masks I bought 10 years ago at a garage sale. The batteries on my Trend Airshield is about worn out.:(

David Bassett
04-02-2020, 1:47 PM
Where exactly do you live in SoCal? Cali has almost 10,000 cases.

Given the lack of tests, we probably have a lot more than that. Wasn't too long ago, last week?, two?, you could only get tested if it would change the care you'd get. It's gotten better, but they are still relying on symptoms and "problematic" contacts to authorize tests up here. Hopefully, as they get more tests & testing capacity, we'll get to a point we can start catching asymptomatic cases.

Just read that Home Depot is donating all its stock to the medical community. Kind of surprised they had anything to donate. Our local HD has been out of masks of any kind for over a month.

HD probably has contracts with standing orders to cover turnover. "Donating" may have been no more than saying send our allocation to hospitals until you catch up with their backlog. (Still generous! Just doesn't require them finding boxes of masks on the shelves at their box stores.)

Josko Catipovic
04-02-2020, 3:06 PM
There's plenty in China.

Mark Daily
04-02-2020, 6:43 PM
Law enforcement in New Jersey just confiscated about 200,000 from a guy who was hoarding them to resell at a profit. What an !

They were donated to local hospitals, etc. along with rubber gloves, sanitizer, surgical gowns, etc. the guy had.

David Utterback
04-02-2020, 6:54 PM
Law enforcement in New Jersey just confiscated about 200,000 from a guy who was hoarding them to resell at a profit. What an !

I am surprised they had authority for confiscation. I fully understand their motivation.

Mark Blatter
04-02-2020, 7:19 PM
I had some in my shop, the N95 masks, so called my brother. He is a Radiologist and he told me that at the hospitals in Utah, they have almost zero n95 masks. What few they have are given to the ER staff. Apparently in the past, they never used the masks, so didn't really have any in inventory. I gave him mine so he had some and could give one to each of his techs.

He told me his son-in-law who is a doctor in Brooklyn does not have any to wear either. Also that the hospital where he works is filled to overflowing. I do not remember which hospital he is at. This was last Thursday, so likely much worse today. My brother did say that the hospital is washing all of their masks so they can reuse them.

David Buchhauser
04-02-2020, 7:23 PM
Law enforcement in New Jersey just confiscated about 200,000 from a guy who was hoarding them to resell at a profit. What an !

They were donated to local hospitals, etc. along with rubber gloves, sanitizer, surgical gowns, etc. the guy had.



Andrew More
04-02-2020, 8:43 PM
I am surprised they had authority for confiscation. I fully understand their motivation.

It's been my experience that the police get a lot of latitude in their job. Assuming what they did is illegal, do you think anybody is going to prosecute that case? Anyway most places are under a state of emergency which gives them a lot of ability to get things done.

Ben Grefe
04-03-2020, 2:49 AM
I believe Amazon has started only selling N95 masks to hospitals and first responders (through verified Amazon for Business accounts) - which is how it should be for the moment.

Hospitals really need single use N95 masks, which I think makes the typical woodworker cartridge style respirator useless. They (hospitals) want something they can, in normal circumstances, throw away after each patient.

Anyways, I suspect 3M will catch up with manufacturing capacity in May. Just my gut feeling; between factories in China really getting back to full output and supply chains backfilling stock. Hopefully this means by end of May / early June us ‘non-essential’ hobbyist can stock back up.

Aside from my cartridge filters (which I thankfully bought a few replacements in Jan), I have 3 N95’s disposable masks that are used, but in good shape. My wife verified her hospital does not want them (again - used), so they’re for us. I’ll be using mine for grocery shopping tomorrow.

Ole Anderson
04-03-2020, 8:49 AM
I would think that most woodworkers already have n95 masks. n95 masks are the new toilet paper.

Wayne Cannon
04-03-2020, 9:03 AM
Here is a detailed CDC article on decontaminating "disposable" N95 "respirators for re-use. Toward the end they get into a few techniques that are more appropriate for non-professionals. Nothing for cleaning "dirty" ones from woodworking, though.

Summary: Don't wet them. Try UV-C lamps, vaporize hydrogen peroxide, steam -- with cautions and suggestions for all.


Andrew Pitonyak
04-03-2020, 3:06 PM
Here is a detailed CDC article on decontaminating "disposable" N95 "respirators for re-use. Toward the end they get into a few techniques that are more appropriate for non-professionals. Nothing for cleaning "dirty" ones from woodworking, though.

Summary: Don't wet them. Try UV-C lamps, vaporize hydrogen peroxide, steam -- with cautions and suggestions for all.


My employer developed a method to clean them. I forget how many a day they can do at a time, it is some crazy number. They are operating around the clock. I was asked if I wanted to travel to a high risk area to run some machines while wearing "protective gear" for long hours to unload, categorize, sterilize, and then repackage masks.

My relatives have purchased some of their own protective gear, such as powered filtered suits. I think that my Sister said that hers cost about $600 for the setup but they cannot buy extra batteries for it (3M BP-17-IS batteries). I was looking for specs to see if I could build extra batteries, but I have stopped with that one for now; would need to know connectors, voltage, etc. And no idea if it is a "smart" battery in some other way.

Mark Daily
04-03-2020, 3:12 PM
Looks like they’re all in China!


Doug Dawson
04-03-2020, 4:53 PM
Here is a detailed CDC article on decontaminating "disposable" N95 "respirators for re-use. Toward the end they get into a few techniques that are more appropriate for non-professionals. Nothing for cleaning "dirty" ones from woodworking, though.

Summary: Don't wet them. Try UV-C lamps, vaporize hydrogen peroxide, steam -- with cautions and suggestions for all.


Mmmm. perhaps some people know of those UV shoe sterilizers that you put in sneakers etc to kill the nasties, aimed at joggers, the "ladies who lunch", and all that. I never thought of stuffing a dust mask into a shoe, but that might work. You might have to invert the mask to do the outside too, but whatever.

Andrew Pitonyak
04-03-2020, 5:06 PM
Looks like they’re all in China!


TO summarize what it says:

China says "they are made here and we need them so they stay here".
USA says "You are an American company, so you must send them to us".

No idea how that shakes out.

David Bassett
04-03-2020, 5:12 PM
... No idea how that shakes out.

Since 3M claims Trump is forcing them to not honor commitments to Canada and Latin America, because the masks were made in the US, and Germany is claiming US intercepted and rerouted shipments on the way to them.

Any bets it gets ugly? :(

Doug Dawson
04-03-2020, 5:19 PM
Looks like they’re all in China!


Not a reliable news source.

Myles Moran
04-03-2020, 6:03 PM
Hospitals really need single use N95 masks, which I think makes the typical woodworker cartridge style respirator useless. They (hospitals) want something they can, in normal circumstances, throw away after each patient.

While mostly true, there are a few other factors. A respirator will not filter you breathing out. Important in case the worker got covid-19 and they don't know or have symptoms yet.

But respirators are used in some situations. Workers at drive through testing locations are wearing them. Their use will get more widespread as it becomes the only option.

All that said, if you have unused cartridges or respirators, donate them. They don't want the nasty gross used mask you bought 5 years ago and have used monthly since then, so if you're like me, that sanding mask is still yours to use.

Andrew Pitonyak
04-03-2020, 6:10 PM
Since 3M claims Trump is forcing them to not honor commitments to Canada and Latin America, because the masks were made in the US, and Germany is claiming US intercepted and rerouted shipments on the way to them.

Any bets it gets ugly? :(

I think that it is already ugly. Will see how much worse it gets and what the fall-out is from it. I am mostly staying away from it, I have some stones to clean that arrived in the mail from eBay. Of course, the pictures on eBay showed white stones, and what showed up are NOT white stones. The seller is new, probably snapped some pictures and then clicked on auto-correct in his favorite photo editing software, and it corrected the grey background to white, which then made the stones look like a Washita stone rather than a Carborundum, which would normally not be mistaken as white by any sane person.

For $5 I will find something to do with the stone, and clearly I am rambling. I suggested to the seller that color really matters when he posts the pictures.

Matt Day
04-03-2020, 7:53 PM
Not a reliable news source.

100% agree. He started another thread with the same link. Geraldo Rivera, really?!

Mel Fulks
04-03-2020, 8:09 PM
100% agree. He started another thread with the same link. Geraldo Rivera, really?!

Jim Acosta . Really , isn't he the one who likes to wrest microphones from women who need them to do their job?

Alan Lightstone
04-03-2020, 8:55 PM
Hospitals really need single use N95 masks, ... They (hospitals) want something they can, in normal circumstances, throw away after each patient.

Not true. Most every hospital I know is working on ways to re-sterilize them for reuse, for the same practitioner. There simply aren't enough to go around to be throwing them out unless they get soiled. Which is why we cover over them with a second mask or a face shield to protect the mask (as well as us).

Joe Beaulieu
04-03-2020, 9:08 PM
I am not political and don't want to raise any ire. I just wanted to point out the Robert Kraft, the CEO and owner of the New England Patriots, just sent his team airplane to China to bring back 1.2 million masks for the state of Massachusetts' use. I know he gets knocked around in the media, but the guy is truly a philanthropist, and makes a big impact on a lot of peoples' lives in New England. He does all kinds of community support stuff regularly.

Just recognizing somebody with something positive. Thanks Robert Kraft. (From an ex-Bostonian...)\


Andrew Pitonyak
04-03-2020, 10:15 PM
Which these? I'd be interested if non-medical use washable masks were available. Thanks.

Search for Dust Bee Gone. I really like mine and have had it for a long time. Bought it at Woodcraft. Woodcraft also sells something they list as Anti Microbial Dust Mask Adult, but I have not tried or used one of those.

Brian Runau
04-04-2020, 10:32 AM
I have a North P100. I have a set of extra filters. Any idea how often I need to change them if I go out among them? thanks. brian

John K Jordan
04-04-2020, 12:59 PM
I have a North P100. I have a set of extra filters. Any idea how often I need to change them if I go out among them? thanks. brian

My experience with P100 filters is with fine dust and when working with hay which really aggravates my allergies and asthma. They last a LONG time with those applications. For protection from airborne virus contamination I suspect the danger is not with clogged or decreased filtering efficiency but touching the outside of the respirator or mask. I haven't read of any good way to decontaminate filters at home since contamination may be deeper than the surface, the reason they are normally discarded after a single use in the medical field. I don't have an unlimited supply so I rotate what I have so one can sit untouched for some days.

Before removing masks I use hand sanitizer on my protective gloves, remove the mask and put it where it can't be touched accidentally, sanitized the gloves again after touching the mask, then remove the gloves by turning inside-out and discard, then sanitize my hands. Where does the paranoia end?

Brian Runau
04-04-2020, 2:50 PM
My experience with P100 filters is with fine dust and when working with hay which really aggravates my allergies and asthma. They last a LONG time with those applications. For protection from airborne virus contamination I suspect the danger is not with clogged or decreased filtering efficiency but touching the outside of the respirator or mask. I haven't read of any good way to decontaminate filters at home since contamination may be deeper than the surface, the reason they are normally discarded after a single use in the medical field. I don't have an unlimited supply so I rotate what I have so one can sit untouched for some days.

Before removing masks I use hand sanitizer on my protective gloves, remove the mask and put it where it can't be touched accidentally, sanitized the gloves again after touching the mask, then remove the gloves by turning inside-out and discard, then sanitize my hands. Where does the paranoia end?

thanks for the info it would only be used once per week. so I will let it sit for 48 hrs after taking it off in the garage then wipe it down. brian

Eric Anderson
04-04-2020, 8:54 PM
A scientific study looked at the best way of decontaminating a N95 mask. The best solution of all, including the H2O2 approach, UV light, alcohol, washing, microwaving was heating in the over at 158F for 30 minutes. No damage to the mask and no change to the filtration aspects of the material. So "germ" free, and no degradation. https://www.livescience.com/sanitizing-medical-masks-for-reuse-coronavirus.html

John K Jordan
04-07-2020, 10:51 AM
A scientific study looked at the best way of decontaminating a N95 mask. The best solution of all, including the H2O2 approach, UV light, alcohol, washing, microwaving was heating in the over at 158F for 30 minutes. No damage to the mask and no change to the filtration aspects of the material. So "germ" free, and no degradation. https://www.livescience.com/sanitizing-medical-masks-for-reuse-coronavirus.html


Sorry, I forgot to record the source where I copied this.

Frank Pratt
04-07-2020, 11:43 AM
I have a North P100. I have a set of extra filters. Any idea how often I need to change them if I go out among them? thanks. brian

I've used the North P100 cartridges for several years & they do have a very long live. The one's I use in the shop are probably a year old now. I've got a few pairs, so I'll alternate them to give the virus (if any) a chance to die off in between uses. The 7700 & 7500 half masks they go with are made to be easily washable.

It should be noted that organic vapor cartridges will not necessarily filter out particles. Check the product specs before using.

andrew whicker
04-07-2020, 1:28 PM
I am surprised they had authority for confiscation. I fully understand their motivation.

It's generally illegal to "price gouge". Sometimes, for the better (in this case) and sometimes for the worse (hurricanes, etc). Hoarding isn't adding value to a product, it's just decreasing supply (and you're just being an A hole). On the other hand, if it costs me a lot more to get a generator into Louisiana today than it did yesterday, I should be able to re-coup my costs, but that's not how the general public views it.