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View Full Version : Can not figure out why this cabinet door does not open

Paul F Mills
03-30-2020, 9:32 PM
So things were going so well with my wife's jewelry cabinet build, and then I screwed up the hinges on one door. Really bad. Bad like you just stop for the day and go drink a beer. Yes, that is one door with two sets of hinges. I do not even have an excuse.

Paul F Mills
03-30-2020, 9:39 PM
Need to finish installing the pegs for the rings, bracelets and necklaces to hang on, attach one more earring row, and hang it on the wall with a French cleat.

Not sure how I will fill the hinge holes on the inside of the left door.

Keith Westfall
03-31-2020, 12:05 AM
Drill and put a plug of the same wood in it. Align the grain!

Phil Mueller
03-31-2020, 7:24 AM
To the average person, a plug will be fine. To the discerning eye, it’s a mistake filled with a plug. The good news is that the doors aren’t grain matched. I’d likely make a new door.

John TenEyck
03-31-2020, 1:10 PM
You could remove the veneer in the area where the hinge holes are with a dado blade or on the router table. Then fill the holes you drilled wrong with Bondo and glue a new piece of veneer in place. Careful work and not even you will know when it's done. Don't ask how I know how to do this.


Mark Bolton
03-31-2020, 1:42 PM
To the average person, a plug will be fine. To the discerning eye, it’s a mistake filled with a plug. The good news is that the doors aren’t grain matched. I’d likely make a new door.

Remove the hinge, router or chisel mortise a pocket to accept a contrasting wood on all four hinges (maybe maple or holly) and then re-bore them. It will be an obvious recovery to you and likely any other anal cabinet maker but will look fine.

Those zero protrusion hinges can be very persinickety.

lowell holmes
03-31-2020, 1:50 PM
I would drill a hole and put a dowel in it. Stain the end of the dowel after it is cut flush.

Paul F Mills
04-01-2020, 8:05 AM
I think I will try making a plug to fill the holes. My wife says she does not care, but I do. I am new to this and consider it a learning experience.

The doors and sides are solid walnut, so not veneer to try to cut off and replace. I will just use some scrap pieces of walnut.

Thanks for the repair/correction advice.

Eugene Dixon
04-01-2020, 9:03 AM
Looks like an opportunity to make two doors from one door with pre-fitted hinges.

Robert Engel
04-01-2020, 9:36 AM
You could also do an perimeter inlay wide enough to cover the holes. Extra work, but really not that hard to do & it would really add something to the piece.

Here is one I like to do:

John C Bush
04-01-2020, 3:46 PM
Looks like the hole size is perfect to plug with 4 Princess cut diamonds. Will blend in with the rest of her bounty!!

Paul F Mills
04-01-2020, 10:14 PM
Good idea, Eugene. But then I would have to add another support in the cabinet.

That is a nice inlay Robert. But since it is inside the cabinet, not sure it would make sense with the time. I would be more likely to plug it as a number of people suggested or make a new door like Phil suggested.

John, that is similar to my wife’s idea.