View Full Version : looking for a rossette cutter

Dave Susco
03-30-2020, 9:18 AM
I've been looking around for a cutter that matches some rosettes that I'd like to replicate. I've renovation a room in my house and these are above my windows and doors.


Has anyone seen anything close in their travels?

Jim Becker
03-30-2020, 9:30 AM
A quick Google search for rosette cutter shows quite a few sources for them including "names we know" including Infinity (https://www.infinitytools.com/boring-bits-accessories/forstner-bits-rosette-cutters/rosette-cutters). I'd bet that profile is available or something close to it could be had...as long as two of them were not next to each other, it would not likely be noticable. I'm sure there are places that could custom grind for you, too, if you have a ton of them and want exact matches.

Joe Calhoon
03-30-2020, 10:23 AM
I have a Amana roset cutter set. You need a heavy duty drill press or lathe to run these. I use the lathe. Most of the stock cutters will not match the old patterns and custom made cutters for these are expensive.

They are pretty easy to hand turn on a lathe. Especially the pattern you show. That’s what I do when matching historic.

Jim Becker
03-30-2020, 11:26 AM
Yea, lathe or CNC is also an option for these things, especially with a nice circular pattern like that.

joseph f merz
03-30-2020, 7:21 PM
To the best of my knowledge ones this big are done on a lath . I have several of different sizes and different brands .the more expensive are sharper and cut smoother .I make them up in a heavy drill press and clamp blocks solidly .Not that easy to get clean cuts . i toss a few .
i have experimented with different jigs and routers to do every cut individually so i could copy a design .ended up finding a few that looked close . http://www.sfvictoriana.com/index.htm and I have seen such supplies at https://www.beronio.com/product-category/moulding/ . hope that helps

Ed Edwards
03-30-2020, 8:07 PM
I saw these MLCS


joseph f merz
03-30-2020, 11:28 PM
If you take that block and take it around the room you will find they most likely all vary .When layed out you might find more variation then you realize . they were handmade .

joseph f merz
04-03-2020, 11:42 AM
Dave -what did you end up doing .Did you make them up and how .

Richard Coers
04-03-2020, 1:56 PM
No experience with one of those cutters on a drill press, but you better have a tight high end drill press to try it on. Cheap ones have too much play in the spindle and at the low rpm needed, you will likely get end grain tear out with that scrape cut. Lathe is the obvious choice.