View Full Version : Recent video hollowing system setup

joe zarnitz
03-26-2020, 5:45 PM
Care to share—looking to make one—‘tis,joe

Dwight Rutherford
03-26-2020, 7:09 PM
I don’t have a video but can walk you through what you Ned to get and how to set it up. PM me.

Karl Loeblein
03-26-2020, 10:25 PM
I don’t have a video but can walk you through what you Ned to get and how to set it up. PM me.


What camera are you using?


Dwight Rutherford
03-27-2020, 12:36 AM
This is the camera I use.
Ansice- 3.6mm Lens Wide Angle Mini Case Security Camera 540TVL CMOS with Filter CCTV Hidden https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00T00X1FC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_IgyFEbF7GZJ13

Peter Blair
03-27-2020, 10:14 AM
I use the same or a similar camera to the one Dwight lists. Mine is just a little tricky because between it and my tv I wind up enlarging the item by about 1/2 so when the wall looks to be 1/4" thick it's actually 3/16 or a little less. Hasn't caused me any problems though. I do use a tv that is magnetic, this allows me to use magnets to position mylar on the screen and move it as I change cutters etc. A huge time saving. I did do a short blog about my system if you car to go over here https://woodbowlsandthings.wordpress.com/2017/11/11/video-hollowing/
and see it. Actually I think there may be two short blogs about it there.
Best of luck and in my opinion you will never look back. I hardly even remember where my laser is anymore.

John K Jordan
03-28-2020, 8:11 AM
...I do use a tv that is magnetic, this allows me to use magnets to position mylar on the screen and move it as I change cutters etc....

I've never heard of or even imagined sticking magnets to a monitor screen! Is yours an LED monitor?

Magnets were a real problem with CRT screens but those are becoming a part of history now. I guess I'll never again need to use my degaussing coil!

I tried a google search and didn't find anything definitive about someone sticking a magnet to an LED screen but a lot of opinions that "normal" magnets wouldn't hurt anything which makes sense. One person pointed out that many laptops and cases for tablets use strong magnets somewhere near the edge to trigger the screen on and off.

Peter Blair
03-28-2020, 10:12 AM
I am unsure about the type of TV I'm using for my hollowing system. bought it at our Thrift shop. Every time I went looking I took a magnet with me and when it stuck to the screen that's what i bought. Yes john I too had heard of bad experiences with CRTs and magnets but someone, not sure who, on one of these turning threads suggested it. It is huge time saver. I now don't have to line up my camera and cutter and can swing the mylar this way and that every time I change the cutter or bar. I've had them on this tv now for about 3 years with no noticeable problems. I know that not all monitors/tv are magnetic and I never did the research to find out why some are and some aren't. Just works for me so that's what I do.

Mike Goetzke
03-28-2020, 7:26 PM
This sparked my interest. I have an old iPad being unused. I see they sell Wi-Fi cameras - wonder if would update quick enough?

Peter Blair
03-29-2020, 10:15 AM
I tried an iPad before I bought the parts. It worked but the lag drove me nuts!