View Full Version : Nice Day!

Bob Yarbrough
12-23-2005, 7:41 PM
Had the day off, spent 6-7 hours in the shop. Turned 10 pens and 4 kaldiscopes for X-Mas presents. Cleaned up the shop. Off to the in-laws tomorrow.

I need more "quality" time like today, but don't we all?:D

Mark Cothren
12-23-2005, 7:51 PM
I had a "shop day" today as well... just about wore me out. I got a few bowls done and a few others goodies. Most of them will be Christmas presents, as my wife decided last minute she wanted to give several wooden gifts....:eek:

Would love to see your kaliedoscopes!

Andy Hoyt
12-23-2005, 8:53 PM
Yeah, in the shop all day too. But it turned into a mostly maintenance day. Tweak the bandsaw guides, tracking, etc. Empty the over filled DC. Fix a few compressor line leaks. Swept, blew, swept, coughed, blew, wheezed... and spent way too much time on SMC reading old posts.

Bob Yarbrough
12-24-2005, 12:04 AM
Hoping for a digital camera for X-Mas. If I get one, you guys will proably wish I didn't. Been equiping the shop for a year now, and have several "learning" projects complete.


John Hart
12-24-2005, 6:08 AM
Sounds like a fun and productive day Bob. I spent it shopping...grrrrr