View Full Version : Saw Stop problem or Me problem

Rick Potter
03-15-2020, 3:00 AM
My fairly new Infinity General (purpose) blade was not cutting as well as it did when new a few months ago. I decided I would remove it from my Saw Stop PCS and clean the teeth.

Being careful is my new mantra in my dotage, so I unplugged the saw, removed the blade, and cleaned it. Outside in the rain, too. When done, I was careful to dry it thoroughly, including using a hair dryer to make sure no water was in the nooks and crannies. Then, I reinstalled the blade, and plugged in and fired up the saw. It didn't run.

The red and green light flashed alternately. Never had a problem before, so I dug out the manual to see what the code might be that they are flashing. A quick scan of the flashing light codes said to turn the switch off. OK, went back to the saw, turned the switch off then on again...same thing. Unplugged, waited a few, plugged in, turned on switch and same lights. Tried the overload button also with no luck. Getting late, so I went to bed.

Next morning, I tried it a couple more times with the same result, and finally went back to the manual and read it carefully this time. It said turn off the PADDLE SWITCH, and I had been turning on and off the small power switch. Well that made no sense, since I had never turned the paddle switch on. Why would I turn the paddle switch on when the power switch was yelling danger!

Anyhoo, I goes back to the saw, check the paddle switch, and I'll be doggoned (hint) if it wasn't on after all. Now, I absolutely know I never turned on the paddle switch. After a lot of looking at it, my hound dog comes up wanting to be petted.

That's when it hit me. When I was removing the blade to clean it, Pepper had squeezed between me and the front of the saw, looking for attention. She just happens to be the right height to flip the paddle from the back if she does that.

Problem solved. Pepper cleans the next blade.


Moral of the story: Read the instructions, don't just scan them. Can't blame the mutt for that.

Peter Kuhlman
03-15-2020, 8:16 AM
Awesome story!! :)
Yea just blame the dog. I do it all the time.
Needed a smile this morning.

Jim Dwight
03-15-2020, 8:36 AM
I've had the power turn off a couple times to my PCS and had the same issue when I reset the breaker. But my hound dog has not flipped the paddle switch, yet. She is only about 12 inches tall but can certainly get to that height trying to get attention.

michael dilday
03-15-2020, 8:58 AM
Great story Rick. We need something light once in a while. I don't have a shop dog to blame it on both of my Labs won't go in the shop. One is deathly afraid of any power tools especially anything Dewalt yellow.

Jim Becker
03-15-2020, 9:47 AM
Frustrating with a problem dogs you like that.... :D :D :D

Stan Calow
03-15-2020, 9:50 AM
I had noticed that there is an "almost off" position with the paddle switch.

glenn bradley
03-15-2020, 11:21 AM
Love that story.

Bryan Lisowski
03-15-2020, 1:42 PM
This is the equivalent of the dog ate my homework excuse, but this time it was actually true!

Rick Potter
03-15-2020, 2:51 PM
Funny thing Michael,

I also have a yellow lab mix who doesn't like to be in the shop when the machines are running. The Fox Hound doesn't mind even when the router or DeWalt planer are running. She has a rug out of the way, and spends a lot of time there.

glenn bradley
03-15-2020, 3:05 PM
Funny thing Michael,

I also have a yellow lab mix who doesn't like to be in the shop when the machines are running. The Fox Hound doesn't mind even when the router or DeWalt planer are running. She has a rug out of the way, and spends a lot of time there.

This pretty much describes my beast. She will put up with the darndest things just to be near me. Funny thing is she’s the wife’s dog.

Jay Aubuchon
03-15-2020, 10:20 PM
Pepper is one fine-looking dog!

Justin Rapp
03-17-2020, 9:13 PM
That is a great story, and what a nice looking dog. I keep my dogs out of my shop :)

Rick Potter
03-18-2020, 4:10 AM
As an addendummy to the story, after cleaning the blade, I was still getting burning on oak, and broke out the dial indicator. My SawStop is 7 thou off square with the blade. I have been fiddling around with the fence, and the problem is actually table adjustment.

Thank goodness we oldsters are sequestered and have more time to adjust things. I even put a new sanding disk on the 12" sander today, as well as checking the table on my old Unisaw (almost perfect).

Tom Bender
03-26-2020, 8:04 AM
Um,,,,so if you had not unplugged the saw Pepper would have started it with your hands on the blade?

Pete Staehling
03-26-2020, 11:19 AM
Pepper is a great looking dog.

Other than for a while in the morning when I have my coffee at the computer desk in the shop, my pooch mostly plants herself just outside the shop door and waits for me. She will come in and get me if it gets to be past walk time and I don't come out if the door is open. She definitely knows the schedule.

She has never flipped any switches on machinery yet, but I wouldn't put it past her.

Dave Mills
03-26-2020, 11:47 AM
Um,,,,so if you had not unplugged the saw Pepper would have started it with your hands on the blade?

Nope, because the master on/off switch (the one he was trying to turn back on but kept blinking at him) was off. Of the three fail safes (master switch, paddle, unplugged power) only one had a failure.

Rick Potter
03-26-2020, 12:49 PM
Dave nailed it. I do not leave the master power switch on unless I am using the saw.

I suppose if I were between cuts and the switch was on, she could rub against it and turn it on, but she only squeezed between me and the switch because I was fooling with the saw, and it was treat time.

My fault, because I have made treat time a big deal, and the dogs get excited. Yes, they can tell time.