View Full Version : Chores between Projects?

steven c newman
03-11-2020, 12:11 PM
Projects done, until more lumber should show up....Time to catch up on chores in the shop....

Stanley No. 71-1/2, Type 4 needed a cutter made, and the other 2 needed sharpened....

Some of the hand drills needed cleaned up, de-rusted, and oiled up....

Chisels.....some needed the back flattened out better, some needed the 3-4 bevels in their edges reduced down to..one.
First 6..took about ..40 minutes ( NOT 40 Hours..:rolleyes:) Both the bevels and the backs...some backs needed a bit more that others..
2 of which had never been flattened....others didn't need more than the burr removed....then along came #7....hard to use a wide chisel..
When the handle won't stay IN the socket, the steel ring won't stay in place on the end of the handle....
Back needed a bit of work....first the bevel needed looked after...
Camber for a plane's iron is ok...but not for a chisel....Worked on the handle a bit....top of handle had been too well beat up...get rid of the worst, reset the hoop down a bit. "Cone" that fits into the socket...removed a bit ( little off the top?) and shaped the wood where it met the socket a little better....Squared the end of the bevel..
And the flat is as flat as needed...
maybe the first inch or so? Had a scrap with very rough saw marks for a test drive..
So I "peeled" away a layer....with ease. Sharpened to 2500 grit ( all chisels were) and then just a plain, well-used strop.

Next time into the shop? a rack of 1/8" to 1/2" wide chisels need worked over. Maybe a plane iron or 4? Might get that Millers Falls No. 2-01 down, and clean and oil it up?

Floor has been cleaned up, had a large pile of sawdust and scraps behind the tablesaw....cleaned that mess up, moved the tablesaw around, so Ican access a couple mitre boxes....getting everything either put away, or ready to be sold/tossed.....after all, who NEEDS 20 twist drill bits in the 9/16" size? usually 2 will do, right?

I did find the little wrench for my Dremel's chuck.....Now to place it where I can find it...again.:rolleyes:

Was not meant to be a "Sharpening Thread"....more about what to do in the shop, when no projects are being worked on....
Let's see what others do...during shop "downtime"?

steven c newman
03-11-2020, 6:43 PM
What used to be behind the tablesaw...
30 gallon trash can?
Almost filled it up...
Which was hauled upstairs to the Firepit in the backyard....Marshmallows, anyone?
Turned the tablesaw 90 degrees..
Which allowed access to my other 2 mitersaws...

IF the tablesaw does need to be used, again....simple matter to turn it around, and plug it in. Or, just use the mitresaws for all the crosscuts.
IF you look between the two drills, you can just barely make out a small beer mug...Root Beer, that is....that Dad used to store most of his most used drill bits in.....Sorted through this mass, picked out the best of the lot...tossed the rest.....have plans for that mug, once it has been washed. maybe a Short Beer?
Stuff that used to be a pile on the Sideboard's top...was sorted through, the "good stuff" was stashed in the chest...rest was tossed...chest is getting full...

steven c newman
03-11-2020, 6:58 PM
Hmmm...was done with the Stanley 45....time to tear it done, clean it up, and pack it up in it's case...
Looks like I am missing one SMALL bolt...should have been 2 on that diagonal strip....
Well, before the fence gets put away...I opened up the adjustable part...be surprised how much junk gets stuck in there...
I removed that circled bolt, was having too many issues with it....replaced with a proper, tapered bolt...
One spur was installed, in the stowed position was missing the bolt to the spur on the Main stock.....that's ok, I have plenty of ways to make cross grain cuts...
Fence and sliding stock went in the box....after rods, cutters, screwdrivers (2)....which left just enough room for...
The main stock...then just close the lid..
And both of these are ready to be stashed over on the shelves
The other box?
Has it's own "Residents"....good thing these are labeled...

Stew Denton
03-11-2020, 10:06 PM

I am flattening the backs of my chisels, but am not in between projects. For me retirement is only a bit over a year away, then we will move. So for me, it is to the point that I need to get my woodworking stuff in better shape. I will have carpentry to do after we move.

The wife and our younger daughter are in cahoots thinking about remodeling plans, but those will only be finished a while after we move in. My part is it to be ready to build cabinets, something I always wanted to do, thus the rehabbing on tools. I will also do some of the carpentry.

That said, I am just the carpenter, thus, my remodeling input will be limited, but at least I will get some input in the plans. However, my input will likely be minor, if I know what's good for me that is,....and believe me, I do know whats good for me. (Daughter is a mechanical engineer and also a certified/licensed building inspector. She will be using a CAD program for the design work so that the wife can see what the end results will look like as they work on the plans.)

But back the subject. Currently restoring tools.

For me what I do between projects, which are mostly carpentry projects, is carefully clean tools and oil them to be put away. May sharpen tools if need be. Lastly organize the tools and put them away. (The organize part I am extremely weak on, sometimes they just get put back in a carpenters tool box....sometimes pretty haphazardly, and my tool boxes look like it.)


Scott Winners
03-12-2020, 12:47 AM
I have a few leather work projects going, two happen to be purses for my wife. One is hairless cowhide that needs some stitches replaced. The other is not cowhide with hair on it I am subbing out except for the burch burl handles. The paper prototype has been approved. There is a new semi-dress sporran in the works for me but no pics yet.

I guess I can't post pics from my phone just yet, brb.


steven c newman
03-12-2020, 12:34 PM
Been looking at the mess the brace til has become.....thinking I could make a "Hutch" like cabinet.....Maybe pick up some 1 x 12 x 4' planks at Menard's next payday.....maybe a drawer or two at the bottom.....hooks on the inside of two doors to hang things on....yet still clear the inside shelves....Hmmmmm, looks like the Olde Dungeon Wood Shop will be getting a "face-lift" this spring? May need a better spot to stash those tools I have in wooden cases.....where I don't have to move 2 or 3 to get out the one box I need?
Rat nest?
A bit cluttered?
Getting tired of Hunt, Peck & Stow......