View Full Version : Bosch laser guide?

Richard Dooling
03-04-2020, 4:39 PM
Anybody have thoughts on Trent Bosch's laser guide setup?

Like it? Recommend it?


Dwight Rutherford
03-04-2020, 4:53 PM
I would recommend a camera set up opposed to a laser guide for hollowing. I used a laser for 7 years, then switched to a camera 5 years ago. Wouldn’t consider going back. You can put one together for about $70.

ChrisA Edwards
03-04-2020, 11:00 PM
I started a thread asking about Hollowing Systems, a week or so ago. I watched lots of YouTube and then started doing more research on the available laser systems which then morph'd me into looking at camera systems.

Even though I have yet to decide on an actual Hollowing system, I already have the camera and monitor rig setup.

I ended but buying a 10" CCTV monitor ($66, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07WKG9J35/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and a tiny camera, ($14, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00T00X1FC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and a power supply for the camera ($9.99, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0742B56B6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Hooked it all up in about 30 seconds and it works nicely.




Jeffrey J Smith
03-05-2020, 1:12 AM
The system I put together using the same camera and a very similar small monitor works great on my homebrew Jamieson system. Been using it for a couple of years and its far superior to the laser it replaced. I put together the components for about $60...great investment.

Richard Dooling
03-05-2020, 9:01 AM
Thanks Dwight, thanks Chris, thanks Jeffery,

I had thought of the laser first because I figured a camera would be to expensive.

I guess I need to reconfigure my figures!

Richard Coers
03-06-2020, 12:51 AM
I spent less than $15 for my camera system. I got a free ancient laptop from a friend. Battery is shot so keep it plugged in. Bought an inspection camera on eBay that fit right into my Jamieson laser pointer holder for the $15. They are even cheaper now. Of course the laser holder wasn't free, but haven't seen what others paid for a holder either. With the laser system you have to adjust the pointer based on where you are making the cut with the tool. With a camera system you have full view of the entire cutter. One thing I have wondered about, is using the camera system as a layout tool. My system is very close to 1=1. If I put a drawing on the acetate overlay, would it work for turning to a pattern? Don't see why not.

Dwight Rutherford
03-06-2020, 2:46 PM
“Layout tool”, I think it would work! I’ll give it a try with my camera.

Richard Dooling
03-06-2020, 4:43 PM
Of course the laser holder wasn't free, but haven't seen what others paid for a holder either.

One thing I have wondered about, is using the camera system as a layout tool. My system is very close to 1=1. If I put a drawing on the acetate overlay, would it work for turning to a pattern? Don't see why not.

I've been having only so so luck finding parts myself. Bar stock is easy but connectors and some of the adapters to fit my hollowing set up is not so easy. Still looking though.

Using this as a layout tool - really interesting!

Peter Blair
03-12-2020, 9:44 AM
Sure it would or at least get you very close. I like to use my laser to help set up my Oneway Easy Core but for hollowing its a camera all the way. My monitor will hold a magnet so that makes it easy to draw one tool cutter on mylar, stick it to the screen with magnets and then move it any way I want to fit different cutters I often use three different shapes per hollow form and this setup takes seconds to re-adjust!