View Full Version : Woodworking With Kids

freiler thompson
03-03-2020, 11:36 AM
Inspired by the thread on plane selection for a child, I wanted to share a story. This December we were hosting some family and watching the kid's movie Klaus. Imagine my delight when we got to a scene in which a character teaches another one how to use a hand plane. What was even better was my 6 year old niece going and getting my 1 year old son's toy plane from his bench and playing with it for the rest of the movie. I grabbed an extra wooden coffin plane, removed the irons, and presented it to her as a gift. Apparently she cannot stop talking about it and has made her father do projects with her. I am just glad we were not watching a movie about video games!



Jim Koepke
03-03-2020, 2:34 PM
It is always an amazing pleasure to have our heirs take an interest in our hobbies.

One of my grandsons has taken an interest in woodworking. He just turned 18. Last summer he took a kit of tools and the makings of a toolbox home with him:


To fit in his luggage the toolbox was just parts that he had to assemble.

This is the same grandson who helped to build two new decks last summer.


freiler thompson
03-03-2020, 2:40 PM
That is so great Jim! It is amazing how far a little encouragement goes. It is also interesting to think that in a different time they would jump in to learn making shoes by hand, or painting cave walls, or knapping flint.