View Full Version : You know you're getting old when:

Jon Grider
03-03-2020, 10:29 AM
* You can write and read cursive.

* You like reading books more than screens.

* That cabbage, celery, carrot and potato soup you hated when you were a kid now tastes pretty good.

* You don't rely on Spell Checker to write a sentence.

* Prunes are a daily part of your diet.

Feel free to add on if you would like.

Andrew Seemann
03-03-2020, 10:41 AM
You hear one of the bands from your teen years on the radio twice in one day, and worry that one of the band members just died. Had that happen yesterday when I heard 'Drop Dead Legs' and 'Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love'.

Mike Null
03-03-2020, 11:07 AM
I've always liked milk but now I buy half gallons instead of the cheaper gallon size. It's too heavy for my wife and I.

Bruce Wrenn
03-03-2020, 11:43 AM
I find that I'm allergic to the "Happy Birthday Song." Every time it's sung to me something new either hurts, or doesn't work. What I really love is when grocery shopping, cashier puts only one two liter bottle per bag. He didn't want them to be too heavy for me to tote.

James Tibbetts
03-03-2020, 12:07 PM
You know how to use a phone that doesn't have buttons.
You know how to drive a stick shift.
You can do basic math with a pencil and paper, or in your head.

John Terefenko
03-03-2020, 12:23 PM
Just the fact you can do MATH (to play off of Mr Tibbetts) Ever go to store and watch the younger generation trying to count change??

It takes a lot longer to get down to pick something up or you just wait till you drop something else to save a trip down there. ( or wait for grand kids to come over) I swear that I must have gotten taller or they keep lowering the floor.

To play off someone else thing about music, have no idea and I mean no idea who is playing what these days and what they are singing if you call it singing. Then there is that RAP stuff. I think if we ever go to war we can use that as a weapon and just have troops carry large speakers and blast that stuff. Enemy would surrender in a hurry.

One I bet many can relate to, bathroom trips. I wear out a pair of slippers alot faster these days from all the trips to the bathroom at night. Forgot what a good night sleep really is.

Not a day goes by any more that something new doesn't ache. It just becomes a way of life. Man the good days are few and far between.

Bill Carey
03-03-2020, 1:18 PM
It takes a lot longer to get down to pick something up or you just wait till you drop something else to save a trip down there. ( or wait for grand kids to come over) I swear that I must have gotten taller or they keep lowering the floor. .......

And you actually run thru a check list and make a plan to get back up.

Bill McNiel
03-03-2020, 3:25 PM
When you can't keep your pants up without suspenders. I complained that Levi had changed the pattern for 501s, Linda pointed out that I no longer had the "great" butt of my youth.

James Pickering
03-03-2020, 3:27 PM
Growing old is not for sissies.

David Dockstader
03-03-2020, 4:03 PM
The floor keeps getting farther and farther away!

Mike Null
03-03-2020, 4:12 PM
And the floor has turned to glue. Ever try getting up.:(

David L Morse
03-03-2020, 4:20 PM
...when you have a really good " you know you're getting old when.." example and by the time you've clicked "reply to thread" you've forgotten what you were going to post.

Jon Grider
03-03-2020, 4:38 PM
Great replies, all so true. To add another: your wife's car sits too low and your truck sits too high to enter/exit comfortably.

Mike Null
03-03-2020, 5:47 PM
your wife's car sits too low and your truck sits too high to enter/exit comfortably

I suffer from that in spades.

John K Jordan
03-03-2020, 6:31 PM
Just the fact you can do MATH (to play off of Mr Tibbetts) Ever go to store and watch the younger generation trying to count change??

When I worked at McDonalds in 1967 I worked the cash register. We had to add up the order totals in our heads and figure the tax rate. Even the register didn't add things up. There was a little tax table tacked on the wall but after a while it was memorized and not needed.

BTW, the building said McDonalds #10 whatever that meant (in Pittsburgh PA) and the sign outside said 2 million sold. We made the french fries were made from fresh potatoes.


Jon Grider
03-03-2020, 6:42 PM
When you can't keep your pants up without suspenders. I complained that Levi had changed the pattern for 501s, Linda pointed out that I no longer had the "great" butt of my youth.
I think the jean manufacturers think everyone is a plumber.

Jim Koepke
03-03-2020, 6:57 PM
When you reminisce while calling a friend about having to use an operator when making a long distance call, either station to station or person to person.

If you ever new what a DA hair cut was or knew someone who had one.

There is a local restaurant with a 1950s theme. The waitresses wear poodle skirts. Remembering a girlfriend who wore one could make one feel young and old at the same time.

When you stop at a different place to have a burger and inquire if by any chance they could make your milkshake a malted.

When people look at you funny when you say something like, "it's the bee's knees."

When you hear a coin drop on the counter and know it is silver.


Bill Bukovec
03-03-2020, 8:10 PM
You realize it didn't take very long to get old.

Bill Carey
03-03-2020, 8:22 PM
When I worked at McDonalds in 1967 I worked the cash register. We had to add up the order totals in our heads and figure the tax rate. Even the register didn't add things up. There was a little tax table tacked on the wall but after a while it was memorized and not needed.

BTW, the building said McDonalds #10 whatever that meant (in Pittsburgh PA) and the sign outside said 2 million sold. We made the french fries were made from fresh potatoes.


I remember those tax tables. I had the best job ever in '65 - a soda jerk at the place across from the high school.

When you have more hair in your ears than on your head.

When the word goat still reminds you of the best car you ever had.

When you grew up with a phone number that was 9

When you remember EXACTLY where you were when JFK was killed.

And Link Wray and Gene Vincent are still a favorites.

John Terefenko
03-03-2020, 10:53 PM
I wish there was a like button here because many of these are so true.

I say this all the time because I remember my Mom telling me don't get old! I always use to tell her I wish she would have told me that sooner.

Hey Vinyl records are making a comeback so that helps. Someone is making a new walkman radio I heard too.

Remember when gas was 19.9cents a gallon and there were gas wars.

Started going to sleep with my socks on so I did not have to bend down to put them on in the morning. :D

Always leave the shoes tied so I can slip into them. My shoelaces outlive the shoes. :D

Dave Lehnert
03-03-2020, 11:55 PM
You interview a guy at work and realize he was not born yet when you started working there.

Bert Kemp
03-04-2020, 12:23 AM
Trips to the bathroom. Can I suggest drinking more during the day and at night. sounds like odd advice, but if I'm dehydrated I get up more at night. I drink 2 or 3 glasses of lemonade or water between 7pm and bed time around 11 pm and only get up once and sometimes not at ll during the night, if I don't drink I'll get up 2 or 3 times. Sounds weird I know but give it a try it can't hurt.

Bert Kemp
03-04-2020, 12:28 AM
When you have more replacement parts your body then OME LOL Hips, knee's, wrists, ect ect :D

Jim Koepke
03-04-2020, 1:25 AM
When you grew up with a phone number that was 9

9R or 9T if you were on a party line.

My first job other than working at the folk's store was with Pacific Telephone & Telegraph. In the first few years of working there two small cities in the area changed over to dial phones.


Keith Outten
03-04-2020, 6:55 AM
My first portable battery powered radio was a very expensive AM all transistor radio. I had the money to buy the radio because I delivered newspapers, remember the big newsboys bicycles with the huge metal baskets :) Although the radio was "all transistor" the signal would often be lost when changing direction.

About the same time I got a present from my parents that was a kit to build a short wave radio. I remember staying up late at night to listen to a radio station in New York City that played rock and roll music which was illegal in most states at the time. I couldn't receive the signal during the day, don't know why but I assumed there was less air wave traffic once all of the Television stations stopped transmitting at midnight.

Lee Schierer
03-04-2020, 7:15 AM
And the floor has turned to glue. Ever try getting up.:(

It isn't glue, gravity has gotten stronger. Just step on a scale.

Rod Sheridan
03-04-2020, 7:45 AM
"You're getting old when"

You belong to a woodworking forum.............Rod.

Jerry Thompson
03-04-2020, 8:20 AM
When you take a shower and your happy nothing fell off.

Bruce Wrenn
03-04-2020, 9:30 AM
About the same time I got a present from my parents that was a kit to build a short wave radio. I remember staying up late at night to listen to a radio station in New York City that played rock and roll music which was illegal in most states at the time. I couldn't receive the signal during the day, don't know why but I assumed there was less air wave traffic once all of the Television stations stopped transmitting at midnight. Heath Kit, of Benton Harbor Michigan? Cousin Brucie from WABC, New York. (WSL- New Oleans,WSM- Memphis,WABC- New York WOWO- Fort Wayne, WHAM- Louisville, WTOP- Washington DC. KDKA) Back then you could send a post card (remember them?) to station, and they would send you a "DX card back. I remember building both a crystal radio, and one using a "blue razor blade" for the crystal, and a straightened safety pin for the "cat whisker." We lived a couple miles from a 50,000 watt AM station. Had a neighbor who built a crystal radio. He wired speakers into each room. To control speaker in any room, he opened , or closed the knife switch located on the wall below speaker. Was "King of the Road" when I got a "Rocket Radio."

Bill Dufour
03-04-2020, 9:30 AM
You remember when portable radios told you, on the front, how many transistors they had. The count kept going up from 5 to 7 then 9 is as high as I remember.
Bil lD

Bill Dufour
03-04-2020, 9:46 AM
My first portable battery powered radio was a very expensive AM all transistor radio. I had the money to buy the radio because I delivered newspapers, remember the big newsboys bicycles with the huge metal baskets :) Although the radio was "all transistor" the signal would often be lost when changing direction.

About the same time I got a present from my parents that was a kit to build a short wave radio. I remember staying up late at night to listen to a radio station in New York City that played rock and roll music which was illegal in most states at the time. I couldn't receive the signal during the day, don't know why but I assumed there was less air wave traffic once all of the Television stations stopped transmitting at midnight.

The distance has to do with thermal effects bouncing the radio signal off the top of the atmosphere. These effects are much reduced in the daytime. Ionosphere I think.
Some of the big AM stations are allowed to crank up the wattage at night. The west coast has three? radio stations that cover the coast. One in LA, San Francisco and Seattle? KCBS in San Francisco is the oldest commercial radio station. 1909. 50,000 watts. they have to switch to a more directional antenna at night so as not to interfere with the radio station in Toronto!.
Their meteorologist I grew up with is the only radio meteorologist who was banned from the airwaves during WW2 because he was so good it was helping the axis navy and airforce.
Bill D

Tom Stenzel
03-04-2020, 10:37 AM
If you count up to make change.

You can whip out your slide rule and use it. And remember when the first calculators came out.

Someone points to a radio and calls it an antique. You look at it and say no way, it's got miniature tubes in it.

Tapping on the tubes with a wooden spoon until the TV set came back on.

9R or 9T if you were on a party line.

My first job other than working at the folk's store was with Pacific Telephone & Telegraph. In the first few years of working there two small cities in the area changed over to dial phones.


Tip and ring party lines were only true for TWO party party lines.

I had a tip party line until 1994. But then I lived in that rural outpost known as Detroit then.


Jon Grider
03-04-2020, 10:48 AM
You remember when election year debates had a modicum of civility between candidates.

Rick Potter
03-04-2020, 12:37 PM
When you have some great examples, but are not sure you have enough time left to post them.

Oops, gotta go. 'Petticoat Junction' is on.

James Pickering
03-04-2020, 1:10 PM
You know you are getting REAL old when:

Your children are receiving Social Security checks

You have great-grandchildren

You remember the announcement of the start of WWII on the radio

You remember Salvation Army bands and soup kitchens during the Great Depression

You wonder if you will survive the expiration date on the milk you bought

You need slip-jaw pliers to remove the lids on food jars and milk bottles

You need scissors to open plastic wrapped food

Your prescription pills outnumber the food items on your plate

michael langman
03-04-2020, 2:59 PM
You know you are getting old when, every other word out of your mouth is, "what".

Jim Koepke
03-04-2020, 5:51 PM
You know you are getting old when, every other word out of your mouth is, "what".

Or when people ask, "why do you have the TV so loud?"


lowell holmes
03-04-2020, 6:53 PM
It sure beats the alternative. :)

Bert Kemp
03-05-2020, 1:00 AM
You know you are getting old when, every other word out of your mouth is, "what".

Every other word out of my mouth is HUH! what d you say HUH

Barry McFadden
03-05-2020, 8:23 AM
Kind of looking at the opposite..... You know you're young when you don't know how to do anything without asking Google or Alexa!!

John K Jordan
03-05-2020, 10:13 AM
Kind of looking at the opposite..... You know you're young when you don't know how to do anything without asking Google or Alexa!!

"Young...": Or magically knowing everything without instruction, research, or experience. I've met a few teens with this super power.

Oops, I'd better check Google to see if that's common...

Dick Adair
03-06-2020, 7:45 PM
Or when you see a mature tree and realize you planted it........

Bruce Wrenn
03-06-2020, 8:27 PM
When you have a large bruise, or scrape, and don't remember getting it.

Miles Evans
03-07-2020, 5:11 AM
When you realize that the first Evanescence`s album, Fallen, which I listened to when I was a kid, was released 17 years ago...:eek:

John K Jordan
03-07-2020, 8:20 AM
When you realize that the first Evanescence`s album, Fallen, which I listened to when I was a kid, was released 17 years ago...:eek:

I never thought of it until now but the first Beatles album I bought in 1968 was released in '67, over a 1/2 century ago. I still have a bunch of vinyl and a turntable.

A related note, I bought my very 1st CD player and first CD in Atlanta in 1967, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. The first song on the album begins with "It was 20 years ago today,...." and the CD was released 20 years after the vinyl album. Beatlemania was everywhere. :)

When I was a kid (in the 50's) we often listened to 45 rpm records. You have to be getting along in age to remember buying new 7" 45s!


Jim Koepke
03-07-2020, 2:53 PM
You have to be getting along in age to remember buying new 7" 45s!

Most of mine are collecting dust on a shelf:


My 78s are in an old record storage book.


John K Jordan
03-07-2020, 4:35 PM

The ellipsograph box caught my attention.

My 78s are in an old record storage book.

When I was maybe 10 or 12 and out walking on our rural road a small truck went speeding by, hit some bumps, and a bunch of old 78s came flying out of the bed. They were made of some kind of brittle material and most broke when they hit the pavement but some survived enough to play. There were some incredible old scratchy songs on them! I wished I could have gone through that truckload before it went to the dump.

Jim Koepke
03-07-2020, 8:13 PM
The ellipsograph box caught my attention.

That comes in handy at times.

It is from my days as a drafter before CAD. That is back when it was spelled draughtsman.


Rick Potter
03-08-2020, 4:00 AM
The first (and only) 45 I bought was in 1955 or 56. Jr. High School student , and bought 'Blue Suede Shoes'. I wanted Elvis, and it turned out to be a cover by some other singer.

I was so disappointed, I never bought another 45. The next record I bought was after High School, when I bought the Silvery Moon album by Billy Vaughn (I was a sax player...met the wife on a college dance band gig).

Barry McFadden
03-08-2020, 10:47 AM
When I was a kid (in the 50's) we often listened to 45 rpm records. You have to be getting along in age to remember buying new 7" 45s!


Makes me feel real old when I still use this....

427585 427586

Bruce Wrenn
03-08-2020, 8:45 PM
The first (and only) 45 I bought was in 1955 or 56. Jr. High School student , and bought 'Blue Suede Shoes'. I wanted Elvis, and it turned out to be a cover by some other singer Carl Perkins, the original Blue Suede Shoes artist. In that era, it wasn't unusual for the same song to be released by several artists.

Rick Potter
03-08-2020, 11:55 PM
Correcto Bruce.

I prefer the Carl Perkins version now, but the one I got wasn't either him or Elvis. Just a rip off of the dumb kid.

Bruce Wrenn
03-09-2020, 9:20 PM
You know you are old when you tune to an "Oldies Station" to find they are playing stuff from the late ninties, rather than the fifties / sixties.

Doug Garson
03-09-2020, 9:43 PM
You know you are old when all your favorite musicians are either dead or bald with grey beards.

John K Jordan
03-09-2020, 10:18 PM
You know you are old when all your favorite musicians are either dead or bald with grey beards.

A clear sign of getting old is when kids you had in your kindergarten SS class when you were 45 are now raising their own kids.

Kev Williams
03-10-2020, 1:52 AM
You know you're pretty old when...

The TV announcer followed the name of the show you're about to watch with: "in COLOR!", and you remember the exact day and which relative got a color TV before YOU did...

You know what a wire recorder is -

You were on a "party line" -

-- it's too loud...

You know who Dobie Gillis is-

You remember when smoking was considered healthy -

You started your pickup truck with your foot

You're putting your kids in rest homes--

Jim Koepke
03-10-2020, 2:08 AM
You started your pickup truck with your foot

And next to the starter plunger was the high/low switch for the headlights.


lowell holmes
03-11-2020, 7:51 PM
You know you're picking up a penny on the ground and then put it in cup you keep on the dresser.
When enough coins are in the jar, you take it to a coin star machine.

John K Jordan
03-11-2020, 8:26 PM
You know you're picking up a penny on the ground and then put it in cup you keep on the dresser.
When enough coins are in the jar, you take it to a coin star machine.

Yikes, what's this coin star machine? I didn't get the memo - I thought we were supposed to keep them in gallon jugs. Then put them in the paper sleeves. Then hoard them in the gun safe.

Andrew Seemann
03-11-2020, 11:17 PM
Yikes, what's this coin star machine? I didn't get the memo - I thought we were supposed to keep them in gallon jugs. Then put them in the paper sleeves. Then hoard them in the gun safe.

Only the real copper pre-1982 pennies though. The new ones are just copper plated zinc:)

Doug Garson
03-11-2020, 11:41 PM
If you happen to come across any 2020 Canadian pennies hang on to them, they are collectors items.

Myk Rian
03-12-2020, 9:37 AM
Your kids start getting AARP cards.

Bert Kemp
03-12-2020, 11:35 AM
You know you're picking up a penny on the ground and then put it in cup you keep on the dresser.
When enough coins are in the jar, you take it to a coin star machine.

Why would anyone take their change to a Star machine? Unless their super lazy. 30% to give me paper money , not in this lifetime:eek::confused:
I'm old when I can't roll my own change LOL

John K Jordan
03-12-2020, 5:32 PM
Why would anyone take their change to a Star machine? Unless their super lazy. 30% to give me paper money , not in this lifetime:eek::confused:
I'm old when I can't roll my own change LOL

Yikes, you have to pay to roll the coins with those machines? Our credit union does it for free.

michael langman
03-13-2020, 5:15 PM
You know you are old when, You have to leave work early, to go home and have a randevu with your wife. And you can't remember the last one you had!

John Makar
03-15-2020, 12:02 PM
Nope, I will always be able to get into my pickup. Beyond that, what do you even need.

Bruce Wrenn
03-15-2020, 4:02 PM
You remember these two great LIES: With nuclear energy, electricity will be too cheap to meter. With computers, we wouldn't be needing paper.

John K Jordan
03-15-2020, 5:27 PM
You remember these two great LIES: With nuclear energy, electricity will be too cheap to meter. With computers, we would be needing paper.

Did you mean "not" be needing paper?

Bruce Wrenn
03-15-2020, 8:44 PM
Did you mean "not" be needing paper?

Good catch!

Ole Anderson
03-15-2020, 9:53 PM
You know you need suspenders and hearing aides, but are too stubborn. So you can't hear your wife telling you to pull up your pants.

Bruce Wrenn
03-16-2020, 9:10 PM
You know you need suspenders and hearing aides, but are too stubborn. So you can't hear your wife telling you to pull up your pants.Simple case of too much belly, or no assatol. It's the latter for me

Bill Dufour
03-17-2020, 12:02 AM
Well sonny I remember the corona virus scare of 2020. We all learned to bow and curtsy to keep our social distance. I bought that big bandsaw for four cases of toilet paper and a half bottle of clorox. We had to use wheelbarrows to bring rolls of toilet paper as payment when we went shopping.
Bill D

Doug Dawson
03-17-2020, 12:20 AM
You remember these two great LIES: With nuclear energy, electricity will be too cheap to meter. With computers, we wouldn't be needing paper.

One of them has already happened. The other is up to the utilities to consent to (that's the real issue, and something's gotta be in it for them. What do you suggest?)

Dave Anderson NH
03-17-2020, 9:57 AM
As someone once said to me, "The paperless office is about as likely to occur as the paperless bathroom."

Jim Koepke
03-17-2020, 11:30 AM
As someone once said to me, "The paperless office is about as likely to occur as the paperless bathroom."

An attempt of mine to reduce the amount of paper used in my previous situation was taken on by management and due to their inability at understanding the purpose resulted in using three times more paper to do the record keeping. (now that is a run on sentence) :D

There is always someone to take on a simple task and make it in to a colossal display or ineptitude.

If you can understand that or have seen it happen, you know you are getting old.


Doug Dawson
03-17-2020, 12:48 PM
An attempt of mine to reduce the amount of paper used in my previous situation was taken on by management and due to their inability at understanding the purpose resulted in using three times more paper to do the record keeping. (now that is a run on sentence) :D

There is always someone to take on a simple task and make it in to a colossal display or ineptitude.

If you can understand that or have seen it happen, you know you are getting old.

You know you're getting old when you forget what paper is.

Stan Calow
03-17-2020, 1:45 PM
If I see a coin on the ground, I have to decide whether its worth the effort to pick it up while risking another back injury, knee injury or dizzy spell. Generally a quarter is worth it, a penny, not.

Jim Koepke
03-17-2020, 2:07 PM
If I see a coin on the ground, I have to decide whether its worth the effort to pick it up while risking another back injury, knee injury or dizzy spell. Generally a quarter is worth it, a penny, not.

Many years ago there was a blurb in the paper about people who pick up pennies tend to be over 65. To the best of my memory this was back in the 1970s or '80s.

BTW, a technicality, the USA has never had a coin officially recognized as a penny. We have always had a One Cent coin. At one time we had a Half Cent coin. The British actually had a Farthing or a quarter penny. The smallest coin in their system was the Quarter Farthing (one sixteenth of a penny) for use in Ceylon.


Myk Rian
03-17-2020, 2:30 PM
"Young...": Or magically knowing everything without instruction, research, or experience. I've met a few teens with this super power.

Oops, I'd better check Google to see if that's common...

No need to search. It's common. Too common.
Many of these kids need an apartment or condo. They have no clue how to take care of a house.
Fault of the parents that have everything done for them? It's a shame.
They don't even know enough to clean the gutter because trees are growing in them.

Rick Potter
03-18-2020, 4:13 AM
Even in my best days, I would never pick up a Quarter Farthing. There, that proves I am not cheap, just thrifty.

Frederick Skelly
03-18-2020, 6:58 AM
You know you're getting old when:
* You remember waiting in long lines to buy gas (twice)
* You remember a time when "foreign" cars were pretty uncommon

John K Jordan
03-18-2020, 8:46 AM
You know you're getting old when:
* You remember waiting in long lines to buy gas (twice)
* You remember a time when "foreign" cars were pretty uncommon

You might be old if you remember when gas was 25 cents.

Granted, the time I remember was during a local gas "war" in the early 70's and gasoline quickly went back up to about 40 cents where we lived.


Jon Grider
03-18-2020, 9:28 AM
You might be old if you remember when gas was 25 cents.

Granted, the time I remember was during a local gas "war" in the early 70's and gasoline quickly went back up to about 40 cents where we lived.

I remember those gas wars. In Flint, Mi. where I grew up one station would price it at 20.9, across the street it would be 19.9. The station at 19.9 would have lines, the 20.9 would be empty.

michael langman
03-18-2020, 10:36 AM
I remember .15 cent cheeseburgers and cigarettes .35 cents a pack.

You are getting old when a beef steak sounds better in the crockpot then on the grill. If you even want a beef steak at all that is.

And taking a shower becomes a chore rather then a pleasure.

Jim Koepke
03-18-2020, 10:56 AM
Even in my best days, I would never pick up a Quarter Farthing. There, that proves I am not cheap, just thrifty.

Since noticing the low end price on a Quarter Farthing is currently ~$20 with shipping, that is something that wouldn't cause me concerns about a little back ache.

If my memory is working, there is a Half Farthing in my collection. It is a much less expensive coin.


Jim Koepke
03-18-2020, 11:09 AM
You might be old if you remember when gas was 25 cents.

Granted, the time I remember was during a local gas "war" in the early 70's and gasoline quickly went back up to about 40 cents where we lived.


Back in the day my VW was filled up at a Chevron station at 24.9¢ a gallon. At the time there weren't many independent stations. Along the highway there were some gas stations with big signs advertising gas at 19.9¢ a gallon. Back then you could go in and tell the attendant you wanted a dollars worth and they would be happy to have your business.

When real young, some of the cigarette machines had a price of 23¢ listed with a note to use a quarter and there would be 2¢ inserted in the cellophane around the pack. This was back in the 1950s.

That is something to think about. It was actually a business decision to pay a person to sit all day putting two coins into a pack of smokes and the buyer expected it.


Bill Carey
03-18-2020, 11:57 AM
....when you mix up the Timbermate for grain filler, carefully brush it on, and forget to squeegee off the excess. Back to the 80 grit............

Jim Koepke
03-18-2020, 1:45 PM


Rick Potter
03-18-2020, 2:34 PM
Or that moment when you tell your wife "We are going to grow old together"....and she laughs at you.

Or how about when you can remember when pulling into a gas station and getting a dollars worth was a regular thing.

Or when you can remember the cost of your first NEW car, in my case a '65 GTO that cost $3300 and change out the door. VW bugs were $1800 at the time.

Keith Outten
03-18-2020, 3:04 PM

Somewhere in our family home videos there is a 8mm video (no audio) of my sister and I going into the first MacDonald's that opened in Newport News Virginia.
I remember buying gas for 21 cents per gallon for my lawn mower when I was cutting lawns in my neighborhood. During gas wars it was common for gas prices to drop to 17 cents per gallon.
I remember riding the city bus to go to the movie theater when I was young. The bus fare was 25 cents round trip, the movie was 25 cents, coke was a dime and popcorn was 15 cents. Total 75 cents to go to the movie on Saturday. I collected soda bottles in my neighborhood and returned them to the local grocery store, regular bottle returns were 2 cents per bottle and quart bottles were 5 cents each, it didn't take long on Saturday morning to acquire the 75 cents I needed to go to the movie :)

My first new car was a 1972 MG Midget, it was $2,700.00


John K Jordan
03-18-2020, 3:31 PM
... VW bugs were $1800 at the time.

I think I'm old now. My first new car was a Fiat 128, $1800 plus tax. I read about it in Popular Mechanics and bought the first one imported into our area in 70 or 71 I think. That was a great car.


Myk Rian
03-18-2020, 3:36 PM
We used to get Sunoco 260 for 28c, on Telegraph Rd. (M-24) on our way to the Detroit Dragway, to run my '641/2 Mustang GT. That was back in '68.

I remember McDonalds signs saying; More than 3 million sold.

lowell holmes
03-18-2020, 4:19 PM
I bought my first car in 1954. It was a yellow Plymouth convertible.

Rick Potter
03-18-2020, 4:51 PM
We must be close Lowell. My first car was a '55 Dodge in 1958. I was 15 1/2 which was when I got my license.

Mike Null
03-18-2020, 4:54 PM
My first car had a push-button starter on the dashboard and a choke. If there was a gas war it would sometimes cost 12 or 13 cents a gallon. For that they would fill it up, wash the windshield and check the oil. I don't ever remember getting a fill up; usually it was a dollars worth or 50 cents worth. A dollar's worth usually meant that my buddies had antied up.

Jon Grider
03-18-2020, 4:55 PM
My first was a 63 Impala SS 327CI, 300 hp 3 on the tree. Wish I had it now.

Bill Carey
03-18-2020, 5:08 PM
Mine was a 1958 Rocket 88 - all black

Doug Garson
03-18-2020, 5:19 PM
My first car was a 1960 BMW 700 Coupe. Rear engine 2 cylinder air cooled, just Googled it and Wikipedia has a picture of my car (at least it looks the same fire engine red).

But what makes me feel old is remembering when a glass of draft beer was 20 cents. Typically my buddy and I would order 2 each and 1 for the waiter so the whole round was $1.00. Waiters lost a lot of tips when the price went up to 25 cents each.

Frederick Skelly
03-18-2020, 5:25 PM
My first was a 63 Impala SS 327CI, 300 hp 3 on the tree. Wish I had it now.

Three on the tree? Did that slow down your performance? Seems like it would - werent those pretty long throws between certain gears?

I always wanted a 63.....

Jon Grider
03-18-2020, 5:45 PM
Three on the tree? Did that slow down your performance? Seems like it would - werent those pretty long throws between certain gears?

I always wanted a 63.....
Absolutely, it had huge lags between gears. Would have preferred a 4 speed on the floor but that's way GM made this one. It was used when I bought it of course. Cherry bomb mufflers drove the neighbor crazy.

Derek Meyer
03-18-2020, 6:01 PM
I was visiting my parents a couple of years ago. At that time my dad was 78 and my mom 77. My dad was reading the paper, and he came across an article about the senior citizen's center having a pancake breakfast. He read it aloud to my mom and she said, "I don't want to be around all those old people!" Then she looked at me and started laughing, and said, "I guess we are those old people now, huh?"

I've found that as I get older, getting out of bed in the morning becomes a process rather than just something you do. Gotta get the body moving a bit.

Jim Koepke
03-18-2020, 8:20 PM
I've found that as I get older, getting out of bed in the morning becomes a process rather than just something you do. Gotta get the body moving a bit.

A tip for older people on this, wiggle all your toes before you stand up. It is indicated as being helpful at preventing falls or light headedness.

Mine was a 1958 Rocket 88 - all black

My neighbor had one of those he sold a couple years ago. It was a double dip, black and white, same year. My folks had a furniture and appliance store with one line being Frigidaire appliances. My folks were able to purchase vehicles at model changes for a great discount. We had a '56 Chevy V8 Bel Air. It was a great car. My oldest brother traded it for a pick up truck.


Bruce Wrenn
03-18-2020, 9:14 PM
In college, worked at service station (remember them?) Salesmen from Pontiac dealer next door would take customer out for a "test drive." Pull up to the pump (full service) and ask for a quarter's worth of premium, which over a half gallon. Key to bathroom door was attached to a full sized hub cap. K Marts, buzzed you into bathroom, you had to ask. In "gas wars" the reason price never fell below 11 cents was that was the tax which had to be paid. Oil companies actually gave away the gas to get rid of it. Seems that their product was blocking the transmission pipeline.

Jerry Olexa
03-18-2020, 10:42 PM
When your children start to look middle aged.....

John K Jordan
03-19-2020, 9:04 PM
When the doctors start to look like teenagers.

Michael Weber
03-20-2020, 2:48 PM
When you wake up like me this morning with the theme song from the Wyatt Earp tv show stuck in your head.

Jon Grider
03-20-2020, 3:53 PM
When you wake up like me this morning with the theme song from the Wyatt Earp tv show stuck in your head.

Oh man, Wyatt Earp Wyatt Earp
Brave and courageous and bold

At least it has words.

Bonanza theme is stuck in my head.

Michael Weber
03-20-2020, 4:31 PM
Oh man, Wyatt Earp Wyatt Earp
Brave and courageous and bold

At least it has words.

Bonanza theme is stuck in my head. lol. "Long live his fame and long live his glory and long may his story be told".
Marty Robbins had a LP with the Bonanza theme on it but he added words. "Hello Friends, come on in, the gates are open wide.........." :rolleyes:
Then also "Cheyenne". "Like the restless winds of the plain......"
And "Never underestimate a 'Sugarfoot'". I can sing these to anyone that wants to hear them:D

Jim Koepke
03-20-2020, 4:43 PM
And don't forget Johny Yuma was a rebel, he roamed through the west.

Or Back when the west was very young, There was a man named Masterson, he wore a cane and derby hat…

Or Whistle me up a memory, whistle me back where I want to be…

Rollin' rollin' rollin', Though the streams are swollen, keep them doggies rollin'…

There sure were a lot of western themed programs back then.

Even more modern ones like Seventy Seven Sunset Strip > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnIjm4RHQw4


Jim Koepke
03-31-2020, 4:40 PM
How about remembering when you used one of these:


Anyone still use them?


Bill Dufour
03-31-2020, 4:47 PM
I am so old I remember when Michael Jackson was black. Kids don't get that one anymore. They ask was he really black at one time?
I am so old I remember the corona scare of 2020. You asked a girl out to see your tp collection back then. Movie theaters were closed so that was all there was to do. We looked at tp and my water bottle collection. The smart kids also had bleach and hand sanitizer to impress their girls with.
Bil lD

Bruce Wrenn
03-31-2020, 5:21 PM
When you need to walk to two different places, and you try to figure what's the shortest way to do this. DAMHIK Did it today!

Jerry Olexa
03-31-2020, 7:52 PM
How about remembering when you used one of these:


Anyone still use them?

Jim, used to have one like that and used it at my first cabin in wilds.... Much simpler now.

Doug Garson
03-31-2020, 9:19 PM
How about remembering when you used one of these:


Anyone still use them?

I have one just like that, it's aluminum that was originally yellow on the outside, it's our camping coffee pot although we haven't used it for a few years. Must be 40 to 50 years old.

John K Jordan
03-31-2020, 11:05 PM
I have one just like that, it's aluminum that was originally yellow on the outside, it's our camping coffee pot although we haven't used it for a few years. Must be 40 to 50 years old.

We have one of those. Plus an Italian version to make expresso, similar in principle but a different design with a pressure chamber at the bottom which forces the boiling water up through the grounds from below. Ours is small enough to make one double.


jay gill
04-02-2020, 8:05 AM
I have one just like that, it's aluminum that was originally yellow on the outside, it's our camping coffee pot although we haven't used it for a few years. Must be 40 to 50 years old.

When you wake up and realize 40 years ago was 1980 and need to add another 20 years to “old” things and times.