View Full Version : Don't You Just Hate It When?

Bruce Wrenn
03-02-2020, 9:15 PM
I've been working on an idea to make one of my 5000 watt generators electric start, plus add wheels to it. Got the electric start almost finished, only need my neighbor to turn an insulated bushing for battery cable (positive.) Wheels are installed, but am working on how to install pull around handle. Spent Sunday afternoon working on one idea, which involved cutting and drilling eight identical pieces. Got them cut, but not welded. During the night last night woke up suffering from a brain phart of a simpler way to make handle assembly. Don't you just love it when as you are doing, or have done something, you think of, or see a better way?

Jim Becker
03-03-2020, 10:26 AM
All. The. Time.

Jon Grider
03-03-2020, 4:42 PM
Yes, but at least you thought of a better way, albeit too late. Shows there's still lots of brain cells firing, just a little less enthusiastically.

Kev Williams
03-04-2020, 11:50 AM
Don't you just hate it when:

You go to your local grocery store and start shopping, totally oblivious to the 40+ shopping carts waiting for the 4 self-scanners and the TWO checkers who didnt' call in sick, until AFTER you've stuffed your cart with $170 worth of stuff--?

Miles Evans
03-07-2020, 4:03 AM
Don't you just hate it when:
in the morning you are REALLY in a hurry and can’t find the car key. Happens to me all the time...

Doug Garson
03-08-2020, 3:59 PM
Your making two mating parts that need to be mirror images of each other and you make them identical or you need to get 4 identical pieces out of one piece of rare exotic hardwood and you make the first 3 pieces 1/16" too long so the last one is 3/16" too short.