View Full Version : in over my head?

fred woltersdorf
12-22-2005, 6:00 PM
i do home repair stuff part time.one of my long time customers just moved into a high end condo $1,000,000+.i added some shelves,was asked if i could make some slide out drawers for kitchen base cabinets,sure no problem.started doing research and have the hardware figured out,drawer slides and such but am having a problem on drawer construction.i want to use 1/2" baltic birch for the sides and 1/4" birch ply for the bottoms using pocket screws for the drawer.the screws will be on the inside so that they will not show when pulled out and i figure the contents will hide them on the inside.i have already gotten a call from another condo owner for the same thing and i think this could be pretty lucrative since there are about 72 units.i want these drawers to look professional not only to attract potential customers,but because that's the way i do things.i'm not a professional cabinet maker so should i beg off and leave it to the pro's or let my german heritage take over and tackle this?i love a challenge.i need some help on the design.thanks fred.

Don Baer
12-22-2005, 6:03 PM
I would look into purchasing the drawers already made. Look at Mark Singers post on the Cabinats he is building for the Balboa House.

Here a link to the thread


Dennis McDonaugh
12-22-2005, 7:23 PM
Fred, Have you asked the owners what they want? I'd think the owners of a $1M condo would not want baltic birch quality drawers in their cabinets. I don't even want those in my much (much, much less) less expensive house. If you are not up to making solid wood dovetailed drawers yourself I take Don's advice and look at ready made drawers.