View Full Version : Granddaughter has the right stuff

bill epstein
02-22-2020, 3:06 PM
My 11 year old granddaughter said "cool" to a picture of my newly built bench so I invited her to come and learn some hand tool skills and again, she said "cool". She just left, looking as happy as she did the time I showed her how to get down and in front of a ground ball.

I had her mark out for, then hand cut, a Tenon. Halfway down the second cheek, thinking she was tiring, I made a move to take over the saw and got a hip check with the remark, "no, this is fun". After we traced the Mortise and I drilled out the waste, I asked her what she thought would happen if she smacked the chisel with it's edge right on the line? "The wedge will drive it back and away", she replied. Did someone here coach her?

She's beginning to giggle over boys, devours graphic novels, and is surgically attached to her Ear Buds but it seems she's on her way to becoming that independent thinking, strong woman one hopes for from the moment you first see her in the exhausted arms of your daughter.

I'd go on but there's something in my eyes.

Jim Koepke
02-22-2020, 3:14 PM


John K Jordan
02-22-2020, 3:17 PM
My 11 year old granddaughter ....I had her mark out for, then hand cut, a Tenon. Halfway down the second cheek, thinking she was tiring, I made a move to take over the saw and got a hip check with the remark, "no, this is fun". After we traced the Mortise and I drilled out the waste, I asked her what she thought would happen if she smacked the chisel with it's edge right on the line? "The wedge will drive it back and away", she replied. Did someone here coach her?

She's beginning to giggle over boys, devours graphic novels, an...

Thanks for sharing!

I have a group of cub scouts coming here next weekend for an intro to woodworking (with hand tools).

Frank Pratt
02-22-2020, 3:25 PM
I have a 15 YO granddaughter that has a similar aptitude for working with tools & wood. Whenever I launch into an explanation of the how & why of a task, she will interrupt & finish for me, having figured it out herself. She's been doing stuff in the shop with me for years. It's the best.

Thomas Wilson
02-22-2020, 5:23 PM
Yay Granddaughter!

Mel Fulks
02-22-2020, 5:59 PM
Good stuff, Bill. Become a "contributor" for $6 yearly and you can post pics of the two of you. Much cheaper than the
Goodyear blimp.

Mike Manning
02-22-2020, 7:19 PM
It does not get better than that! No granddaughters yet but I'm hoping for similar joy with the grandsons. Congrats!!!

Wayne Cannon
02-23-2020, 2:55 AM
Thanks for your post. My granddaughter is 7, and one of her favorite activities when she's over (almost weekly!) is helping me cut our her favorite animals on the scroll saw. She has started telling me how to do it. I can't wait for her to take over the reins -- soon, I expect.