View Full Version : I'm not slacking.....

Bob Noles
12-22-2005, 2:32 PM
These will prove to Andy and John that I'm not slacking :eek: :eek:

Took these last night, but things have sure changed today :D :D

Flat work for a spinny machine is slow work, but I'm getting there y'all :p :)

More to come...... stay tuned.....

Andy Hoyt
12-22-2005, 3:02 PM
Geez, Bob. I coulda turned that for ya in about ten minutes.

But then it might not be as robust and stout looking.

Your probationary period has been extended since you do appear to be working on a latherizing related project.:D

Looks nice.

Dennis Peacock
12-22-2005, 3:08 PM
Hum-m-m-m-m-m......I wonder what it could be? :confused: :rolleyes:

Must be sumpin that Santa can't take care of. :)

John Hart
12-22-2005, 4:43 PM
Hum-m-m-m-m-m......I wonder what it could be? :confused: :rolleyes:

Must be sumpin that Santa can't take care of. :)

Yeah...Only the elves can fill that bill!;)

I'm kinda impressed that Bob just keeps pressin' on. The lathe just sits there on the bench while he builds the lathe stand....watching....patiently waiting.....wanting to go round and round..... :D

Andy Hoyt
12-22-2005, 4:47 PM
Yeah...Only the elves can fill that bill!;)

I'm kinda impressed that Bob just keeps pressin' on. The lathe just sits there on the bench while he builds the lathe stand....watching....patiently waiting.....wanting to go round and round..... :D

Yeah, and this rate even Ken Fitzgerald might beat him to the punch

Bob Noles
12-22-2005, 5:25 PM
That's okay guys..... just keep it up :p

You just wait until I do turn that rascal on :eek: I'm gonna cover Atlanta in chips and dust :D

Dennis Peacock
12-22-2005, 7:08 PM
That's okay guys..... just keep it up :p

You just wait until I do turn that rascal on :eek: I'm gonna cover Atlanta in chips and dust :D

OH!!!!!! I'd like to see that!!! ;) :D

Dennis Peacock
12-22-2005, 7:10 PM
Yeah...Only the elves can fill that bill!;)

I'm kinda impressed that Bob just keeps pressin' on. The lathe just sits there on the bench while he builds the lathe stand....watching....patiently waiting.....wanting to go round and round..... :D

The problem is that his lathe is sitting over there whinning and whimpering about not being used and really wanting to sit on it's new stand. I guess Bob's just not listening. :p :p :D

Bob Noles
12-22-2005, 8:37 PM
Just for you Dennis....... Is this any better? :D :D

Getting closer, hopefully tomorrow I can get it sanded down and install the doors. Then just a matter of staining and applying top coats :p :cool:

Oh Oh.... I just realized I don't have any turning blanks :eek: :eek:

Ken Fitzgerald
12-22-2005, 8:46 PM
How did I get pulled into this?:confused: Someday I might own a lathe:confused: .....after a few other major purchases:o ......providing I get my shop completed before I die!:o :eek: :D

Gary DeWitt
12-22-2005, 9:11 PM
That's a nice sturdy stand, Bob. Lathe and grinder look good on it already. Wouldn't take much to get that thing running...

just plug it in and turn it on...

c'mon, wouldn't hurt to just turn one LITTLE thing, would it? Huh?

You could justify it as something you need for the stand. How about door handles, eh? You're going to need a couple or four of those, so you might as well turn them...

Andy Hoyt
12-22-2005, 9:21 PM
...... sanded down and install the doors..... staining and applying top coats :p :cool:

Oh Oh.... I just realized I don't have any turning blanks :eek: :eek:
Bob - This is the Turning Forum. We don't need no stinkin' sanding, staining, much less top coats. And you wasted all that primo spruce practice turning stock on the table! Sheesh!

Or are you like my older brother. Eats all the broccolli and spinach before he gets to the meat and taters?

Ken - I'm beginning to wonder myself. This Noles guy must have baited us all!

Carole Valentine
12-22-2005, 9:46 PM
Getting closer, hopefully tomorrow I can get it sanded down and install the doors. Then just a matter of staining and applying top coats :p :cool:

What???? What on earth is wrong with you Boy???? Sanding, doors, staining, top coats??? It's not a piece of fine furniture...it's a lathe stand that's gonna SOMEDAY (hopefully before the hot place freezes over) be covered in shavings! For heaven's sake, Plug that baby in and TURN something before you drive us all to drink waiting!:D:D:D:D Me thinks you are stalling. :p

Andy Hoyt
12-22-2005, 9:57 PM
....For heaven's sake, Plug that baby in and TURN something before you drive us all to drink waiting!:D:D:D:D Me thinks you are stalling. :p
Actually, I'm waaaaaay past driving towards the drink. I'm now driving towards Atlanta with my persuader.

Watch out Atlanta! Here comes William Tecumseh Sherman's great great grandson!

Gary DeWitt
12-22-2005, 9:57 PM
Next he'll just "have to" paint the ceiling, tile the floor, get some new drapes for that window that looks kinda bare.
I think I'll check back after new years...

Grumble Grumble Grumble Grumble Grumble

Ernie Nyvall
12-22-2005, 10:02 PM
......providing I get my shop completed before I die!:o :eek: :D

I didn't think this was possible:rolleyes:

Bob, that's a great looking bench. Good-n-beefy.


Bob Noles
12-22-2005, 10:10 PM
Okay y'all.... Here's the truth of the matter.

SWMBO (the decorator) says it must "match" the rest of my shop "furniture" and I'm the one who has to live with her.... RIGHT??? :eek:

We don't want to miff her or I may be glad I finished it nicely as I may have to live out there :eek: :eek: :rolleyes:

Ya just got to think ahead in these matters boys and girls :D :D

Carole Valentine
12-22-2005, 10:20 PM
Uh oh...I think
(Carole claps her hand over her mouth in a desperate attempt to stay out of trouble!):D

John Hart
12-22-2005, 11:33 PM
Oh Oh.... I just realized I don't have any turning blanks :eek: :eek:

Bob whacks the ball in my court! Time to whack back!!!!;) :D :p

Bob Noles
12-23-2005, 7:41 AM
Okay.... Okay......

It's just a lathe bench after all:cool:

The turning bug struck during the night and I'm ready to get this bench finished and need some suggestions.

I'm fixing to head outside as soon as the sun warms things a little this morning and start sanding the rough spots on the bench. There are a few areas that need it..... REALLY:eek: With a little luck I should be able to get some stain on it shortly after lunch and hopefully before I turn in this evening, I can get some sort of top coat on it. I plan on applying only one coat of somethng for a "little" protection anyhow. What would be a good fast, easy choice of finish for this thing? If all goes well, I can get this baby up and running by tomorrow and take on some scrap 2X4's for practice while waiting on my supplier of blanks to fill my order :p

John Hart
12-23-2005, 7:53 AM
Now this is just me Bob so take it for what it's worth.... I like the gloss poly floor finish I put on mine because it cleans easy. Chips and finish will find their way into every crevase imaginable. I like the fact that I can wipe it off and it's a good hard surface.

Carole Valentine
12-23-2005, 8:46 AM
I use Waterlox on my benches. In fact I use Waterlox on everything.

Bob Noles
12-23-2005, 8:51 AM
Ah.... Great suggestions and easy clean up!

Clean up is top priority from the sounds of the mess I am about to embark on :eek:

Look out borg..... here I come.