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View Full Version : Ultra light overcoat

tom lucas
02-12-2020, 1:23 PM
Looking for something very light (cool, not hot) cover up for turning. These look interesting. But I have to buy 30 of them to find out. If they are comfortable and I can get a month or two of use from each one, it would be good. Anyone ever use similar, woven polyprolene cover ups that could give me their opinion on comfort/durability?

https://www.amazon.com/Disposable-Coats-Elastic-Wrists-Medium/dp/B07NZ2CZ3T/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=Disposable%2BLab%2BCoats%2Bwit h%2BElastic%2BWrists&qid=1581531206&s=hi&sr=1-5&th=1

the ideal cover up I'm looking for:

light weight, very cool, breathable
fits over tee shirt
high collar
elastic wrists
to the knee or below

I use a lightweight welding jacket in the winter, but I need something for warmer conditions that doesn't break the bank.

John K Jordan
02-12-2020, 1:55 PM
In 2013 I bought medical staff jackets for less than $3 for 5, I bought med and large. I don't see them now. this is the closest I see on Amazon today:https://www.amazon.com/ValuMax-3630CBL-Extra-Safe-Wrinkle-Free-Disposable/dp/B00GV894UW
Maybe check a medical supply house.

Some girls wear them backwards to protect better from shavings. I usually cut the cuffs and part of the sleeves off. Very light weight. The staff at my dentist’s office wears them. Ask your dentist - she gave me one to try before I bought some.


Looking for something very light (cool, not hot) cover up for turning. These look interesting. But I have to buy 30 of them to find out. If they are comfortable and I can get a month or two of use from each one, it would be good. Anyone ever use similar, woven polyprolene cover ups that could give me their opinion on comfort/durability?

https://www.amazon.com/Disposable-Coats-Elastic-Wrists-Medium/dp/B07NZ2CZ3T/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=Disposable%2BLab%2BCoats%2Bwit h%2BElastic%2BWrists&qid=1581531206&s=hi&sr=1-5&th=1

the ideal cover up I'm looking for:

light weight, very cool, breathable
fits over tee shirt
high collar
elastic wrists
to the knee or below

I use a lightweight welding jacket in the winter, but I need something for warmer conditions that doesn't break the bank.

David M Peters
02-12-2020, 3:03 PM
I was about to recommend the Easy Wood Tools Cool Smock, but man, they're asking $70+ for them. Pretty sure mine was $50 a few years back. It's definitely not worth that kind of money.

Perry Hilbert Jr
02-12-2020, 4:05 PM
Several years ago, I purchased a "Walls authentic Ranch Wear" brand 100% cotton western style snap front work shirt on sale for $8. I am not sure what is so different about it, but the weave is very tight with a high thread per inch count. My wife cares where I may wear it but the critters in the barn don't. Long sleeve and Khaki color. I took notice when I wore it to bale hay, that the hay chaff and dust did not cling to it. So I tried it for wood turning. Chips and dust simply do not cling to it. So now it is my turning smock with the long sleeves cut back almost to the elbow. The lathe and wood do not care that the collar is worn and frayed. It just works. Take it off when I am done and shake it out side.

tom lucas
02-12-2020, 5:15 PM
In 2013 I bought medical staff jackets for less than $3 for 5, I bought med and large. I don't see them now. this is the closest I see on Amazon today:https://www.amazon.com/ValuMax-3630CBL-Extra-Safe-Wrinkle-Free-Disposable/dp/B00GV894UW
Maybe check a medical supply house.

Some girls wear them backwards to protect better from shavings. I usually cut the cuffs and part of the sleeves off. Very light weight. The staff at my dentist’s office wears them. Ask your dentist - she gave me one to try before I bought some.


I think those are also polypropylene too. I'm OK with a "lifetime supply" of 30 for less than $40, if they are indeed cool and effective. I just don't want to lay out that much for something I won't use if it's not right.

John K Jordan
02-12-2020, 7:04 PM
I think those are also polypropylene too. I'm OK with a "lifetime supply" of 30 for less than $40, if they are indeed cool and effective. I just don't want to lay out that much for something I won't use if it's not right.

They are SMS: tri laminate non woven fabric. It is made up of a top layer of spunbond polypropylene, a middle layer of meltblown polypropylene and a bottom layer of spunbond polypropylene.

Advertised as disposable, but with wood dust instead of bloodborne pathogens we haven't thrown one away yet. Come in jacket and knee length.


Kyle Iwamoto
02-14-2020, 11:28 AM
I like the AAW smock. NOT cheap. It's cool. I really liked the Craft Supplies smock, but it was thick and hot. Thick is good for those chips that hit you.
Personally I don't like long sleeves for turning. I think they get in the way. Lots of times I choke up on the tool (scrapers) and use my forearm to help steady the tool. Just my $0.02. On sleeves......

ChrisA Edwards
02-14-2020, 2:29 PM
I got the Craft Supplies USA smock ($45)a couple of months ago. I like out so far


Brian Deakin
02-14-2020, 3:15 PM
I have purchased used cycling tops off e bay which are practical (frequently have pockets at the rear), designed to keep you cool and are a fraction of their original price
