View Full Version : SawStop owners - mind the gap!

Bryan Hunt
02-08-2020, 8:29 PM
Always check the gap between the blade and brake cartridge after you change the blade. If you switch to your plywood blade and it happens to be just a bit larger than your crosscut blade, and you happen to get distracted and forget to check the gap between the blade and brake cartridge, and then you turn the saw on, the brake cartridge will pop, and then you drive down to Woodcraft to buy a new one. Care to guess how I know this? :(

Fortunately, the brake cartridge pops before the blade spins up, so the only thing hurt was a little pride and my wallet. I hate to admit this, but this is the second time I've done that.

Always mind the gap!

johnny means
02-08-2020, 9:12 PM
Supposedly, the saw shouldn't even start under those conditions.

Bryan Hunt
02-08-2020, 9:21 PM

michael dilday
02-08-2020, 10:23 PM
Yes I didn't think it would start if not adjusted correctly. I have blown 3 brakes on my SS. Two buy hitting the blade with a Kreg miter and once cutting a tree limb. Been lucky lately knock on wood.

glenn bradley
02-08-2020, 10:56 PM
You absolutely want to contact Saw Stop about this. I can only speak to the PCS 3HP but if the saw passes self test then the system is ready operate normally. If the gap varies when you rotate your blade . . . that is a different conversation ;-)

Myles Moran
02-08-2020, 11:19 PM
I have my gap gauge hanging on my blade wrenches. When I grab the blade wrenches, the gap gauge comes with them. Makes sure I check it every time I change the blade.

That said, the injury to your pride from that mistake sure hurts less than a missing finger.